MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > Definatly NOT the worst Best Picture

Definatly NOT the worst Best Picture

I've been trying to watch all of the Best Pictures and I've constantly heard that this is one of the worst and that it shouldnt have beat Saving Private Ryan. So I saw this yesterday.

I do agree that Private Ryan is the more "important" movie, and I think it should have won, but this is far from the worst Best Picture.

I found this to be a pretty good movie, with the right balance of comedy, drama, and romance. It was well written and well acted (especially from Judi Dench as the Queen), and it kept my full attention. Just because it beat the more popular (and to most better) movie doesnt mean it deserves to be labeled the "worst" best picture. I found the film to be much better than Chicago, Crash, The Hurt Locker, and the King's Speech.


Yeah, it's ridiculous that people hate this movie so much. It's better than a lot of recent winners such as Argo, The Artist, The King's Speech, Slumdog Millionaire, Crash, and Chicago.


I personally think it is one of the worst Best Picture winners, but not THE worst. It's not a film I would always revisit, but at least had some good things and at least Steven Spielberg won Best Director for SPR. Honestly, and many people probably won't agree with me, the fact that SPR did win Best Director doesn't make SiL's BP win look as bad as when The King's Speech won BP and BD, which is a double whammy.


SiL is brilliant, but only if you clocked what was going on. It's totally understandable that anyone who didn't get it, and took it for a rom-com, would be utterly baffled by its getting Best Picture.


I watched the movie last night and loved it. I'm a Shakespeare fan and once played Juliet's mother in a college play. The cast was great, and whether it was historical or not didn't detract from it at all. The interaction between Fiennes and Paltrow was excellent. Everybody was believable, sometimes comical, and I'm glad it got an award.


Deserved every Oscar!

Shooting down the walls of heartache, Bang Bang!
