MovieChat Forums > Shakespeare in Love (1999) Discussion > Worst picture to have ever won the best ...

Worst picture to have ever won the best picture oscar

Harvey Weinstein must have slipped some serious wads of cash to win over Saving Private Ryan


by friendsforever2000 » Sun Jun 2 2013 06:02:37 Flag ▼ | Reply
IMDb member since November 2006
Harvey Weinstein must have slipped some serious wads of cash to win over Saving Private Ryan

Yeah, it is a POS film on a number of levels. William Shakespeare seeing a therapist? The Renaissance interiors and people being clean, the actors placating to the youth audience. It's Yuppies and Gen-X in 1500s England.



Gee, it sucked because of that.



actually i think it's better than argo so , argo , hurt locker and this will be the 3 of the worst


One things for sure you hear people to this day mention SPR in tonnes of top movies lists, but not SIL, this movie has been almost totally forgetten about, I don't think I've seen SIL mentioned in any top 100 list, ever.

SPR is without doubt superior.


i've never seen or heard anyone mention SPR in a top ten list, not that makes either of our points. I did see a best war film list the other day with no SPR. Thin Red Line was number three.


Dances with wolves beat out Goodfellas in 1990.



I'm glad it did. I will never understand the love for Goodfellas. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but it isn't even close to being Martin's best. The real best picture wasn't even nominated that year: Miller's Crossing. Though, Tremors and Gremlins 2 come in a close second.


It was a really tough year which pitted Saving Private Ryan against four good films.

I was rooting for Shakespeare in Love.

As much as I rag on Private Ryan, it's actually not bad, just WAY out of its league in 1998.

IMHO, the worst movie to win Best Picture is probably Out of Africa. Or maybe Crash. (And, unlike a lot of people who pontificate on "worst Best Picture," I've seen them all.)

Janet! Donkeys!


IMHO, the worst movie to win Best Picture is probably Out of Africa

Does this make only two of us? Robert Redford is titanically miscast and Streep's accent is like fingernails screeching down a blackboard. What's to like?


I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it wasn't as bad as I feared but I rather like Klaus Maria Brandauer which kept me interested (he played Georg Elser).

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Mrs. Miniver, Crash, Tom Jones and Midnight Cowboy (which people really seem to like; I hated it) were the worst winners.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Crash and Traffic were pretty bad


It's just possible of course, that the Academy members have a better sense of humour than anyone credits them with, and decided that it would be a huge laugh to award Best Picture to a film that was essentially an extended leg-pull on Gwyneth Paltrow, and honour her performance in it as Best Actress. If so, when she broke down and blubbered in her acceptance speech they must have felt that all their Christmases had come at once.


"Harvey Weinstein must have slipped some serious wads of cash to win over Saving Private Ryan"

I 1000000% agree with you. This film is an incredibly overrated POS. I am sick of these Gwyneth Paltrow fanboys defending this crappy film and calling it far superior than "Saving Private Ryan", "Life is Beautiful" and "The Thin Red Line". Well, to all "Shakespeare in Blah Blah Blah" fanboys, here's my message: "SIBBB" is nothing but a sappy, meandering chick flick masquerading as a fictional biography of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history. Also, "Ordinary People", "Chariots of Fire", "Slumdog Millionare" and "Out of Africa" are one of the worst Best Picture winners in Oscar history.


Before ya go, pick a joke you didn't understand from SiL. I'm sure we'll be able to explain it to you.


"SIBBB" is nothing but a sappy, meandering chick flick masquerading as a fictional biography of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest playwrights in history.

It was nothing of the kind. It was a satire about Shakespearean scholarship, the theatrical profession and the impossibility of getting a play put on; also a massive leg-pull perpetrated on Gwyneth Paltrow. If you literally didn't get any of this, no wonder you didn't enjoy it. Those of us who did, still roll around laughing whenever we watch it.
