MovieChat Forums > End of Days (1999) Discussion > Best Portrayal of Satan in a film

Best Portrayal of Satan in a film

Real quick though- Not in a leading role. So, Al Pacino doesn't count. I mean the ones similar to Gabriel Byrne... although he is not my pick. MY pick is Viggo Mortenson in The Prophecy, he was too good for that part. Whilst I did enjoy some aspects of Gabe's performance, escpecially the look on his face when blew up Kevin Pollack the first time (BOOM!) Viggo was just that much better.
Jack Nicholson in The Witches of Eastwick comes into play, too. But he was too... I dunno, sleazy is a good word. There are many aspects of Satan in film yet to be explored, I always thought that Robert Redford would've been great as Satan, even if he was the Angel of Death in that one episode of the Twilight Zone. Anyway, let me know your favorites.

"I'm a Republican that listens to public opinion."


For me, the best portrayal of the Devil wasn't in a movie. In my opinion, Jared Padalecki in the fifth season finale of Supernatural was the best Satan.

It's not the devil. It was those goddamned Baptists!



Al Pacino


I can think of two original Twilight Zone episodes that were memorable: Robin Hughes Satan in "The Howling Man" and Sebastian Cabot's portrayal in "A Nice Place to Visit".


Stomare and Byrne tie for me.

Honorable mention goes to John Candy in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I know it's totally different then what the original poster intended, but his evil laugh is epic; it's also my favorite part of the movie.

The clips only 1:04. Fast forward about 30 seconds to see John Candy as Satan.


How is it that no one has mentioned Sam Neill in Omen III?


I always like Peter fonda in Ghostrider.


You say that like any of that stuff is real. It's all make believe including your god and your devil. Figments of someone's imagination.


How about the huge *beep* monster at the end of this film?
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
-Dr. Peter Venkman


Big effing monster is a bit of a let-down.

Apart from that, Gabriel Byrne is a handsome Beelzebub.
Low-key but effective.

Al Pacino really puts the wind up me in Devil's Advocate
And the sex is borderline exploitative in that film too.

Jack Nicholson - putrid.
Witches of Eastwick disturbs me more and more, the older I get.


Peter Cook in Bedazzled would be my choice because I think the devil unlike god would have a great sense of humor.


Pacino in Devil's advocate seemed the most fascinating. The performance was spot on, good fairy tale.

The increase in human knowledge is the cause of the decline of religions.


Definately the androgynous figure in Passion of the Christ. Best Jesus portrayal also has to come from that movie, or the guy from Jesus of Nazareth.


This isn't in film, but The Man in Black was pretty awesome in Lost.
