MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (1998) Discussion > Chris Noth's "Sex and the City" Costars ...

Chris Noth's "Sex and the City" Costars Immediately Throw Him Under the Bus


Nothing has been proven before these women rush to judgement. Cynthia Nixon is the greatest disappointment to me since she worked with Robert Altman. DEATH TO THE #METOO WITCHHUNT.


Did you even read their statement?? Did the OP? They didn't throw him under the bus. They say they are saddened. What's wrong with that? No where did they say he's guilty. They said "We support the women who have come forward and shared their painful experiences. We know it must be a very difficult thing to do and we commend them for it." That does not say he's guilty either.

It is a difficult thing to come forward. They are allowed to support other women. They have not said to burn him at the stake.


How about death to those who abuse others?


That statement you yourself quoted is the final nail in the coffin in turning the public against Chris Noth---it is a statement that the allegations are true and that their stories are believed by his co-workers. It makes the mob on Twitter go into hysteria that insures Noth is destroyed before he has any chance to mount a defense. You seem to think my position of denouncing the #MeToo "movement" is somehow synonymous with an applause of rape or sexual harassment. My objection to the #MeToo "movement" is that it is being used as an instrument of revenge and to settle scores while pretending to have a high-minded moral purpose of protecting women from sexual harassment. Allegations don't have to be proven before careers are destroyed instantly. It is fostering an atmosphere of paranoia in artistic communities similar to McCarthyism in the 50s which it closely resembles.


So what is your solution?

Here's the thing. Rape is almost impossible to prove. Even when it is proven, historically, and not just in the USA, if it's a white male or someone with money, there will be no consequences. So while I understand that there is innocent until proven guilty, reality is that they are rarely proven guilty, and they will continue that behaviour.

That may seem harsh. I want to know how many people (yes men and women) have been fired because they didn't put up with abuse, or harassment? Or put up with it because they really needed the job? It goes both ways.


Can you give an example of rape being 'proven' and the person getting away?

That usually specifically means that it was NOT proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

I would agree that it is very likely that people often get away with rape, but it is almost impossible to know just how often that happens.

The issue is that while it is very hard to prove rape it is also very hard to prove that an accusation is false.

I don't know what the solution is. But the solution is not blindly assuming that if someone is being accused of something they probably did it. Especially with a crime like rape, which is so difficult to either prove or disprove.


Did you even read their statement?? Did the OP? They didn't throw him under the bus.

They sorta did out of their own fear. Their statements don't defend Noth whatsoever. Even if they think the charges are a crock of crap, they *can't* say that they believe Noth instead of the accusers because it will end their careers immediately.

This isn't really all that different from the real witch hunts where someone offering defense of the accused would get the cross hairs pointed directly at them.

Now, maybe Noth is guilty of some sort of assault, but it's just as likely he's guilty of revisionist memories, and there is no way anyone can defend themselves from an accusation where no evidence is required.


Thank you for this well-written response.


It's actually not just as likely that it's a revisionist memory. That's the thing. The number of false accusations out there are minimal. I'm not saying that they don't exist, because they do, but they aren't all that common.


How on earth do you know that the number of false accusations are minimal?

My guess is that you are referencing the reported statistic that "2% of all sexual assault accusations are proven false" or something similar.

If so, that does not mean that false accusations are rare. It means that it is very rare for an accusation to be PROVEN false. That does not prove the accusation true.

I often hear people make the statement that false accusations are rare. I have never seen anything to truly back the statement up. Most people who make the statement quote a study they don't understand.

It is very hard to prosecute a rape. It is also very hard to prosecute a false accusation. In the end the statement that false accusations are rare is really not backed up by any solid facts. Saying that is like saying that because rape accusations are rarely successfully prosecuted that means such accusations are usually false.

Many of the people who say false rape accusations are rare are the same types of people who say women make 78 cents on the dollar for doing the same job. The issue comes from the 'for doing the same job' part of the statement. The difference in wages is primarily due to the fact that men and women do different jobs and that men are promoted more than women. It is not that a 30 year old attorneys large, corporate law firms in Los Angeles make 22 cents difference per dollar comparing men and women. It is that men are more likely to be managing partners when they are 50. Most of the evidence I have seen have shown that this is certainly unfair to women, but the statement people quote is false, and most people lack the statistical literacy to understand what a confounding variable is.

I would love to see some specific evidence that false accusations are truly rare. That does not mean showing how many accusations are proven false, as it is very rare for an accusation to be proven false.


I will add that many of the people who use figures to claim false accusations of sexual assault are rare are often from sociology backgrounds. I have an MS in statistics and I'm always amazed at just how little sociologists tend to understand about statistical analysis. I remember a grad school professor I had who demonstrated an abhorrent analysis and described it as 'statistical analysis by social scientists' or something like that. It was always something of a joke among people in statistics about how often people in sociology made spurious conclusions based on faulty methodology.


The word is “specious,” which means “at best, possibly or probably invalid.” “Spurious” means “too soon,” as in “rush to judgment.”

I see your degree was not in English; nor your teacher’s.


"How about Death to those who abuse others"

So you are for the death penalty in that situation? What classifies a specific type of abuse as worthy of the death penalty? Please explain.

The poster seemed to indicate the desire for the ending of a witch hunt. He did not indicate that women who falsely accuse men should be put to death.

Commending the women for coming forward might not explicitly say that he is guilty, but it certainly comes close to that. If you are commending someone for coming forward that seems to assume that the accusations are likely true.

If I was falsely accused of something like this and women that I knew made a statement like that I would be pretty angry.

If the women had said something like 'we hope women who have bad experiences are able to come forward' in a more general way that would be different.

They commended THESE women for coming forward. That is pretty close to an explicit assumption that they are telling the truth.


The true meaning of cunts! He hasn't been convicted of anything and already they're condemning him. Great "friends" he has there.


The two women, who used pseudonyms to maintain privacy, did not know each other and contacted THR separately. According to the women, they each felt triggered by Noth reprising Big for And Just Like That.


They've known him for years. Maybe they know he's a jerk and are happy to be rid of him.

Everyone has co-workers they'd be happy to kick under the bus!


So, if he is a jerk then it is okay that he is falsely accused?

You do realize that comments like this are EXACTLY why many people regard those who come forward with accusations like this are regarded with skepticism. You seem to be implying that if someone is a jerk it's not a big deal if they get accused of something they did not do.

If you had said something like 'maybe they knew he was abusing women' and they are happy it is finally coming out that would be different.

It is entirely possible that is what you meant. You might want to clarify it.

Let me also be clear that I have no idea as to whether the accusations against Noth are true or not. That is one of the sad things about all of these situations: It is very hard to prove whether they are true of false. If you have been abused it is quite likely that your abuser will never be brought to justice. If you are a man (or woman) who is falsely accused it is very unlikely that your accuser will ever be brought to justice. It's a shame, but that is just reality.


I bet I know who your co-workers are planning to kick under the bus...


I bet I know who your co-workers are planning to kick under the bus...

Bitches be lying. Whether they're on the payroll at Goldman Sachs or HBO


Thank you for proving me right!


How does his (or her) response prove you right?


My coworkers?

Please explain.

I am actually remote. My coworkers and I work on consulting projects and we rarely see each other face to face, other than through zoom. For the record I genuinely enjoy their company, albeit in a remote setting. I like being remote and having a flexible schedule, I don't see myself commuting regularly again and I like being able to spend more time with my wife, my dog and my cats. But sometimes I do miss seeing the people I work with in person. We do live in some strange times. The last office I went into regularly, and it has been about 6 years, was full of people who I enjoyed being around. We rarely have serious disagreements, unless it is about methodology, which I would call more of a debate, and everyone is pretty friendly. In the end we have the same goal, and achieving that benefits everyone who is on the project.

Perhaps you can elaborate on just what about my post you find so upsetting?

All I said was that being a jerk does not justify a false accusation.

Do you disagree with that? Do you believe being a jerk DOES justify a false accusation?

Once again, I don't know if the accusations are false or not, but that is not really the case. The issue is more to do with the sentiment that if someone is unpleasant they deserve to be punished whether they are guilty or not.

And the individual you responded to is actually not me.
