MovieChat Forums > The Sixth Sense (1999) Discussion > How did The doctor not realize?

How did The doctor not realize?

*****SPOILER ALERT*** please do not read if you haven't watched the movie.

Ok according to this, because the doctor was dead, no one except the boy (because he could speak to dead people) could communicate with him right?

Does that mean that the doctor didn't communicate even one single word to anyone else all those months? I mean even if his marriage deteriorate, there would be times where it would be unavoidable to talk for some stuff when you're living under the same roof. People don't go MONTHS without speaking even some mundane thing. And what about the other people? Like maybe if he went to buy something from a shop? Didn't he realise that the shopkeeper neither saw nor heard him?Or let's say he tried to take a cab? I mean, people HAVE to do day-today stuff like that all the time. For all those months when he seemed completely invisible to every single person, wouldn't he have started wondering what was up?


The movie implied that the dead only saw what they wanted to see. Although the child says they don't know their dead I would say the line was actually a mistake. The dead know their dead yet for some reason or another stayed around and couldn't accept the fact. Bruce Willis character couldn't open a door and you see he remembers he died when he talks to his wife. Then the ring falls off his finger and the table blocking the door shows up.

I would say that some of the dead in the film are ignoring the fact to keep on living. I would compare it to a dream where unrealistic things will seem normal at the time of the dream.
