Best Episode?

I have to say the one about the "Ugly Club"

"Just Like in Gummo!"



Damn, such a great question..A tough one though.
In no particular order:

Bucket of Truth
Time Machine
Saigon Suicide Squad(which I am doing for a school play)
Spaghetti Jesus
Small Town
Poo Stick

There are some more..but for some reason(F UCK YOU COMMIE CENTRAL) I haven't seen the shows of season 2 and 3 in a long time.


Uh I don't know the names of the exact episodes, but I know the main sketches that were in them.
I loved the one with the little donnie sketch, the one with the whole in the sheet, and the time travel. And also the one with mail bomber, where they talk about ass pennys, and the hot girls room. It's all good.


saigon suicide is definately my favorite, although i also love cyborgs, poo stick, and small town -- but you really caught my attention, how are you doing saigon suicide for a school play?

sounds totally sweet.



Every year my school's drama department puts on a show called Mixed Media. Student written and/or directed movies and plays are showcased during the night.
I submitted the script(with minor changes)and I was chosen to do it.
I have a cast of twelve people so there aren't 4 players taking on all of the roles. I'm still planting actors in the audience, I'm having the alien pop out of Mike's chest and of course, the crazy antics of the Hong Kong Danger Duo. It's going to be awesome. I live in a rich, conservative area, so it's going to offend everyone!!! Which is cool by me.
Oh yeah, I emailed Matt Besser(ADAIR) for permission before I submitted the script. He told me I had to do this in the name of chaos.


dude that's awesome


I love the song from "Little Donnie" about enormous penis disease.

"My life's as good as an ABBA song."
-Muriel's Wedding



Wait, was that the one about the sperm ring and at the end everyone was on the steps of the courthouse with the sperm cam showing who was covered with sperm? I saw that yesterday and it was hilarious.

The Saigon Suicide Show that I put on at school went really well. People responded to it, participated in the apology, and everything. It was cool.



Defineatly the little Donnie episode.


whoa thats amazing! i would love to see it! thats one of my favorite sketches.


You should video tape that and post it on youtube or, sounds like it'll be a good time.

Way too many good episodes to just pick a few. I love asspennies, the colorblind girl in the realworld episode, so many other great ones. I hope they put the 2nd and 3rd season on DVD.


Dude, I know you posted this like a month ago but I just wanted to write and say THAT IS AWESOME! I tried pulling a similar deal at my own rich conservative high school back in 1999 and was shot down. Glad to hear UCB lives on and in the name of chaos no less! Well done.


Matt Besser responding to do it in the name of Chaos just made me laugh...Matt Besser is a badass


Excellent choices silentbobtwin, those are some of my favorite too. I just don't understand why comedy central can't run the show late at night?! I mean what do they have to loose? Instead they run *beep* movies, like The Sweetest Thing, and a bunch of movies that I don't think anyone watches. What happened to the funny comedy central? Instead they take all the remotely funny shows out and replace them with dumb humor like the Blue Comedy Tour. I hate you Comedy Central you corporate pigs!!!!!!


The episode that got me hooked on the show, where they slapped rich people across the face with a piece of meat, then the guy working out at the gym for freedom (which went into a hilarious spoof of deer hunter), and the coworker with unfocused anger focusing it on a norwegian reindeer herding tribe.

Without a doubt, the funniest episode of ANYTHING I've seen in a long time



5 Days bitch..hahaha. The college episode is the one I believe you are refering to. It's on the first season dvd and if you don't have that, please go get it and encourage everyone you know to get it. The more copies it sells, the sooner we get season 2 and 3 on dvd.


I don't know the name of the episode but I would have to say the one with the robot UCB soldiers. The one in the flight simulator that worships satan was probably the funniest thing i've ever seen on TV.

The donny foundation was very good too.


My favorites have to be the one with the Supercool Ring and when Death comes for Grandpa (i believe that episode also had the themepark mascots that castrated themselves). Ah f*ck it...Every single episode is absolutely brilliant. My absolute favorite television series ever followed closely by Mr. Show.

numb is my religion and it never killed anyone


im with ya! UCB and Mr. Show are the best things to grace the television screen. Notice i said "television" not "T.V.". "T.V." is a nickname, nicknames are for friends, and television is no friend of mine. my favorite skit and episode of mr. show



fuckln hysterical.


"Santa Liquor" and the one with the dolphins and the town that turns into a Boston album


The best episode that I remember was the one with the guy who kept swearing he had bit parts in all of these famous movies, like Star Wars and Out of Africa.

Castlevania: Circle of the Emoticon



The best part of that episode is that he invented the word, 'titular line' for the point in the movie in which a character says the title. Of course, he was making up 'titular lines' for Out of Africa and Star Wars. But it's a funny concept.

To this day, whenever I am watching a movie and they actually say the title of the movie in the dialogue, I yell out "titular line."


This post is from 4 1/2 years ago, but I just wanted to say that I do that too :)


I like the one where the chick was in the coffee house keeping a "secret journal of her inermost thoughts" and kept accusing everyone of being gay. Including the 1998 Chicago Bulls.

"Jud Bucheler is not gay!!"


i loved the ass pennies skit.


Most of the skits in this show made me laugh till my insides hurt, but this one episode made me laugh so hard I wet myself. It was a while back, so I don't remember much but there was these people trapped in a cabin because of a blizzard... and they were playing some game to pass time by (forgot what the game was). And one of the guys tells the other guy that he's actually in a VR machine in his basement and he's been raping him for the last ten years... the next shot shows the two guys in a basement with VR goggles on and the other guy is pumping away haha.. made me laugh my ass off.


i totally agree. this was THE funniest episode, hands down. wasn't there a bit in the beginning of this same episode where they discussed edible panties in space? i know it's got something to do with astronauts. so effing funny.


I actually got hooked on this show this past summer. Every few weeks Comedy Central airs old episodes at 2pm (you guess should check that out) and I thought it was the funniest show I have ever seen. I bought the DVD right away and have seen most of seasons 2 and 3 but not all. One of the best sketches is in the "Cyborgs" episode with the Chrisian camp. I LOVE when Ian Robert's characters yells "EVERYBODY FORM A GUANTLET! FORM IT!!!" That line kills me. The one with the guy who needs anger management. "I'LL KICK A PLANT'S ASS RIGHT NOW!!" But my favorite is Besser's food nazi when he finds his father who gave him up for a single grain of white rice slathered in a dallop of mooshoo sauce. I could go on forever with the brillance of it...


i'd say "power marketing" is season 1. the ass-pennies and hyperminimalism skits are genious.


"Human's rule!!! Dolphins can suck it!!!!"

"When I meet someone who intimdates me, who puts me on edge, a real "hard ass", I just think to myself: 'They've probably handled one of my ass pennies.' In fact they've probably got one in their pocket right then. That just seems to give me the upper hand. I mean, hey, I haven't touched anything that's been in their ass."



The Bucket of Truth, without a doubt, was the best episode of UCB. Some sketches from other episodes were better then in this one, but Bucket of truth was best as a whole.


I like "Lady of the Lake" a lot.

I get knocked down!


not sure what the episode was called, but I couldn't stop laughing about the ass-pennies



This may not be that useful depending on where you live, but the UCB have a theater in NYC aptly titled the UCB Theater. It's a great place to check out improv comedy as well as some sketch shows. If you're hoping to check out the UCB 4 (Matt Besser, Amy Poehler, Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh) perform, you can catch some of them at their long form improv show Sunday nights, called ASSSSCAT 3000. Just about any show is worth seeing, especially when you consider the price. There's no show over $8, and where I come from that's cheaper than seeing a movie.
