Best Episode?

I have to say the one about the "Ugly Club"

"Just Like in Gummo!"


Don't forget the "Scared Straight" episode. The magic show was hilarious, so were the elves doing the play for the convicts. I also especially liked the one where the one kid asks his friends to kick his ass and take a crap on him so he can tell his parents he was kidnapped. Also, the Bradwick's Happy Anniversary Monkey Dance is pretty funny too. "It's my birthday too!" "Oh yeah, what's your name?" "Captain Ass-Holay"



Hard to pick my favourite but the "Little Donny Foundation" always kills me (the hot chicks room was a funny episode too)

"I hear their periods attract bears"- Steve Carell (Anchorman)


The best: When the redneck goes to the New York City bar.

"Put that beer back in the can where it was born!"

"Well, give me some of that 'genius' beer."

"I didn't see a sign that said 'gay bar' when I walked in!"


Oh wow, if I had to pick one I'd choose the time machine, or the truth bucket. Yeah I know, that's two.


I got sick of reading everyones post so I dont know if anyone said it, but the religion one was awesome. It had the Psychotonomy, Spaghetti Jesus, and Mud-Golem. Its not my favorite, but its the one I'd like to watch the most right now if I could. Plus I'm a right-handed genius.


does anyone know the episode where the guy wants like the last piece of rice with soy sauce on it or something.


That was from the 3rd season. IMDB labels it as #3.5, "Food"

It had the fitness Nazis who forced all the "fat" people to go underground.

"When I was little, my father traded me for a single grain of white rice, slathered in a half dallop of mushu sauce..."


Yeah, the best episodes were probably:

The Bucket of Truth - The scene with Captain James T. Lunatic and his son was probably one of the funniest moments of my life.

"For Christ's sake Leanord, you're 29, and he's only 8!

IIII'm Ken Griffey Junior!"

Everything in that episode had me rolling, even at tears at some points.

Poo Stick - The movie store scenes are excellent, as was the Disney scene:

"Slug o pa, slug o pee"

Saigon Suicide Squad - This episode is completely genious, chock full of racial slurs. The scenes with the redneck and the astronaut go beyond hilarity.

Matt Besser F'ing rules.


Three Words...

Suck it Dolphin.


do you know which season thats from?




Th one where adair dies and is rebirthed according to teh prophecy. I about crapped my pant when I saw that.
btw, does anyone know what season that is?


also second season


Without a doubt - best episode is infested with friars. that episode is brilliant.

between the friars.

"i told my doctor it hurts when i do this, and he says 'dont do it' dont do it'"

and the kid who has to get home by 11.

"quick beat me up and take a crap on my chest"

and those same kids demanding free ice cream on their birthday

"it's my birthday too, do i get a free ice cream too"

and the restaurant manager that is very specific.

that episode is without a doubt my favorite.

or the small town one. where the dolphins come and in turns into a boston album.


my favorites have already been named, but what about the mogomra episode? what season is it and what else happens?


I agree. I loved every episode of this show. But the friars epsiode was great. I loved the orientation at the restraunt. "With me feet I walk to the ice machine..."

All I wanted was me a little cornbread. All I wanted was me a little cornbread.


One of the Supercool episodes. When high school delinquets visit inmates at a max prison via the "Don't Think!" program that was hilarious. Matt Walsh portrayed the best inmate on Comedy Central I have ever seen in my life. I was totally convinced this was for real. The punchline is he's saying tricksters will play tricks on you in the big house and he starts doing magic tricks out of the blue! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!




haha yea i like that one. i liked cyborgs too, but i liked the commentary for it even more. SO HILARIOUS!

"it smells like bigfoot's dick!" ;] ;] ;]

