MovieChat Forums > Almost Famous (2000) Discussion > Is This The Best Music Film of All Time?

Is This The Best Music Film of All Time?

I would have to say yes, with "The Doors" (1991) coming in at a close second.
This is simply an underrated and amazing film; definitely a fun feel-good film to watch. I loved all the characters, and I'm sure every straight male who watches this will instantly fall in love with Penny Lane, what a dream woman!

You guys have to recommend to me some more music type films, because I don't know of very many. Any other films similar to this?


Almost Famous is my favorite music movie. I would also recommend A Hard Day's Night


Penny Lane is my currently crush. So damn beautiful.


Amadeus gets my vote. I haven't seen Whiplash yet, would anyone throw that up there?


Agreed, RecordBreaker84. Amadeus is absolutely one of the great "music films." I should re-watch that one soon. It's been ages...

As for Whiplash... I personally would not rate it anywhere Almost Famous for a number of reasons. There's a lot to say about that film - good and bad - and I'll try to not write too much. Firstly, certainly see it. It's worth the price of admission. Entertaining, well-made, lots of good music, acting, etc... Simmons was, basically, deserving of the Oscar and all the hoopla... That said - I have a big issue w/ the "message/perspective" of the film. And I also have an issue w/ the "tone" of the film; or maybe more specifically certain aspects in terms of my ability to suspend disbelief and whether or not the director had a certain intent to make particular scenes/events "real" or "metaphoric."

Since you haven't seen it yet, I don't wanna get too specific. I have personal experience w/ similar situations depicted in the film. So I may experience the film differently than others who haven't. Doesn't mean my opinion of the movie has more credibility. Just that I experience it differently. Anyway, enjoy...


Amadeus is in a class of its own!

Nobody's looking for a puppeteer in today's wintry economic climate.


Might not be for everyone but I really enjoyed Vinyl and Killing Bono.




I hear you judie. Rock Star was a blast! The first hour anyway. I thought the last 20 minutes or so slacked big time. But the first hour is sooooooooo fun. And Wahlberg is tremendous. Just perfect for this part. Solid soundtrack by Trevor Rabin too, if I remember right. Also, I think a bunch of the guys cast to play members of the band were actual rock and roll players from well known actual bands. I think that if it had not come out on the heels of Almost Famous, it would have done better and gotten more praise.


Best "music film" of all time? I guess that depends on what you mean by "music film." I'm assuming you mean a film about making music, or somehow actually about the music, right? Not just a film that uses music well, right? 'Cuz, West Side Story could easily, and not wrongly, be referred to as a "music film." Know what I'm saying'? But assuming you mean films that are mainly, or at least somewhat, "about" music, I've got a few to recommend that haven't been mentioned yet:


Sweet And Lowdown

School Of Rock

All very different, all classic imo. Rock on...


...and just as an aside - my pick for worst "music film" of all time:

August Rush!


Whiplash. Just Whiplash.

(Love this movie, but Whiplash is in a league of it's own in my opinion.)


Spinal Tap
