MovieChat Forums > Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) Discussion > Another negative portrayal of a Brit.

Another negative portrayal of a Brit.

Isn't it odd no one in the US minds when an English character is portrayed negatively in movie after movie. It seems to be different case if a character is portrayed by an ethnic minority or even a white actor playing a homosexual.

I'm a Brit - and one that's forgotten to have a surname ending in a consonant - like Raymond Calitri.


Vinnie Jones was in this movie as the stone cold badass philosopher though. Smarter and tougher than everyone. He was on the side of the good guys. Doesn't that balance it out a bit?


We're still bitter about the 'taxation without representation' thing. :)


Isn't it odd no one in the US minds when an English character is portrayed negatively in movie after movie.

Dont worry, itnow ten years later and the anti-woke far right are here to fight back these days!
They wont stand for a white man in a bad guy role anymore , even if he's british!
