Who Saw This In Theatres? ( Common, fess up )

I had just turned 12, and yeah, Pokemon was still around, although it was dying, I remember when the fad took over, I was 9 I think, anyone, I remember how everyone was so into it, trading cards, how stupid we were, about 2 years later the fad seemed to eb dying, and then this movie came out, it was like, Pokemon, on the big screen, I remember the big line-ups near my theatres, how I waited like an hour in line and the tickets were being sold out like crazy.

LOL, that was like 7 years ago, man, who else remembers this?

It's not a lie if you believe it.


Why lie...I saw it in theatres twice. Once with my best friend at the time, and once with my mom and little bro...The second time, they mixed up the second and third reels while splicing it together and the movie made no F*in sense...

In retrospect, pretty funny.

Louis: I don't want to drink blood from humans. Lestat: Yes, you do. Louis: You're right.


Hell, I'll admit it.

I was in elementary school (10 years old, 5th grade), and my younger brother and I were TOTALLY obseessed with Pokemon, as I'm sure most of the rest of you were. I can't recall exactly, but I'm pretty sure I cried when Ash died.

Mom and Dad, of course, HATED it.

I'm 18 now.

Man, time flies.

Our simple minds had simple measures, I guess.


I saw this opening day. I loved Pokemon [still love the games, great for bus rides]. I remember this was released the same day the last episode of the first Pokemon series aired on Kids WB. The one where Richie loses and so forth. I was all psyched, not because of Mewtwo but because of Mew. Back then I was like, the only kid on my block that had an official [non-cheat deviced] Mew. Now I work for TOYS-R-US, I'm 20, and I have the official Mew given away last year from my own company for the new games... Wow... I was thirteen...


OH- OH ME!!! *Raises hand*

I think I was with my mom at the age of 7. And then I saw the second movie with my dad (who actually found in amusing), and then I saw the third one with my best friend.. good times. XD


OH I saw this movie too!!! I was about 12 or 13 can’t remember right but that’s the same year I had became a fan of the whole Pokemon phenomenon. Yeah it was fun I think I saw it about a month after it came out and I remember getting the Special card! Yeah I felt cool, lol. I think I outgrew Pokemon when I was like 14 so I was only a fan for about a little over a year, if I can remember right. I mean I would still watch Pokemon but only the first season, only because I was a fan back on that season. The video games are still cool to me, havent played them since I was a sophomore in high school but every once in a while if I find it around I grave it and play it for a bit, but not all the time. I think I saw only the first and second Pokemon Movie on theaters and anything after that I don’t think I’ve seen. I know I’ve see the 3rd film but that was a huge disapointment, I was in high school too and that’s pretty much when I outgrew it, but anyways yeah I saw the first 2 movies of Pokemon on theaters!



I was like 9 or 10. I'm proud I dragged my mom there! Haha. I actually wandered upon it two nights ago at like two in the morning and I actually watched it again! It seems so dumb now but it really was a cool kid's movie.

"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." -Princess Bride (Wesley)


I swear I saw it while it was in threatres, and probably even has this movie on video somewhere around the place. I would have been around 7 at the time.

To punish and enslave.


*shyly raises hand*

I saw in theaters, and it would be dumb to say that I wasn't on the edge of my seat while watching...

ShinRa's technology at its finest ...Oh, so you made this?


I saw it and I would again if it was rerelased cause it's awsome the Prolouge alone is worht the price of admision.

Our only Hope for a Decent President.


I saw it in theaters and thought is was awesome -until I saw pokemon the movie 2000, then it was just cool in comparason. I saw it when I was seven. It's still loads better then some movies I've seen in recent years - just like how the series is loads better then a lot of the other crap on Cartoon network *cough* billy and mandy *cough*



Yeah I Went To Go See It By Myself When I Was 10 I'm 18 Now And I Just Got Through Watching It Tonight On My VCR


hell yeah id did and i still do i still watchnthe show too and play thye games i am a big ass nerd and i am proud of it too. as a matter a fact i am wathcing pokemon the first movie right now as iam typeing this iam at the part where ash gets the letter from dragonite to go to the island.


I did! Idid! Idid! And dern proud to have seen it on the big screen when it came out, too! Mewtwo was always my favorite-est Pokemon and always will be. When it came out on video, I got my paycheck cashed that time, got to the Blockbuster Video close to the check cashing place, and had that thing in my greedy little mitts as soon as I possibly could! HaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaaaaaa! Lord, those were good times!

