Who Saw This In Theatres? ( Common, fess up )

I had just turned 12, and yeah, Pokemon was still around, although it was dying, I remember when the fad took over, I was 9 I think, anyone, I remember how everyone was so into it, trading cards, how stupid we were, about 2 years later the fad seemed to eb dying, and then this movie came out, it was like, Pokemon, on the big screen, I remember the big line-ups near my theatres, how I waited like an hour in line and the tickets were being sold out like crazy.

LOL, that was like 7 years ago, man, who else remembers this?

It's not a lie if you believe it.


I was 6 or 7 years old, what a remarkable moment in my childhood.


Yep! I remember my time too!
I was 8 years old and my brother 6 years old. Our Mum to us to the cinemas and I still remember the astonishment on how PACKED the cinema was. I remember before we went inside, we were given a free Pokemon card and Pikachu plushie (I've lost both now! Waaaaaaaah!).
The cinema was so full that my brother sat on the steps (he made friends with a boy his age, so my Mum kept an eye on him). I remember laughing, crying my eyes out (still do at the Tears of Life scene) and having an awesome time with all other children my age.

Since then, my Mum has vowed to stop watching animations hahaha. She hated it, but went because of us.

That was 15 years ago. I can't believe it. Wow.

“You stand here sucker. You made me do this” - Jeremy Renner


Me, first anime movie I saw at the cinema too.

Esta es mi firma


I saw it on a Sunday afternoon the weekend it opened up. The theater was JAM-PACKED and the crowd reaction was SO LOUD you could barely hear the movie that well.

I have an unbelievably long ignore list.


I saw it in theaters myself, pretty sure there was a crowd too.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."


i saw it!! pretty sure lots of kids did with their parents it grossed 130+ million


What's there to confess? I loved this piece of *beep* back than. I went to both this and the 2nd movie. I was around 10 years old I think. I won't be lying if I say I miss those days: late 90s, early 2000s. Buying trading those cards (the most stupid fad there was) and playing the games (no shame at that part, games were the best thing about Pokemon, they were and still are awesome. I've been playing Pokemon Y lately and still love'em).

'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, O Lord bless this thy hand grenade'


Way back in 1998 I saw this in theaters, I was 10 years old back then, won tickets to see the 2nd and 3rd film and also saw them in the theaters, still have my pokemon cards today and am still a fan of the games today at 26. Pokemon made a huge comeback in my area when HG/SS was out and people have been playing again ever since then, the only "dark time" for the series was gen 3's R/S/E as it kicked gen 1 and 2 to the curb trying to "reboot" the series and alienating many long time fans.

FR/LG was the start of the old fans returning to the series, those games were what brought me back as yes it was "starting over" but ever since those games you could send your pokemon over to the new gens which made the old fans happy since that was one of the biggest reasons gen 3 was hated "no connection, no way to get gen 1 and 2 pokemon traded or sent over" but Gamefreak learned their leason and now know never to make that stupid as **** mistake ever again as the fans will abandon them should they make bad choices.

"Always two there are , a master and an apprentice"



I remember seeing it the first day it was in the theater and it was freaking packed LOL. I remember being amazed by seeing Pokemon on the big screen and not my TV LOL.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I did. I was 5 years old, all the kids loved Pokemon back then and seeing this movie was baller. The Ancient Mew card you got was cool.
