Who Saw This In Theatres? ( Common, fess up )

I had just turned 12, and yeah, Pokemon was still around, although it was dying, I remember when the fad took over, I was 9 I think, anyone, I remember how everyone was so into it, trading cards, how stupid we were, about 2 years later the fad seemed to eb dying, and then this movie came out, it was like, Pokemon, on the big screen, I remember the big line-ups near my theatres, how I waited like an hour in line and the tickets were being sold out like crazy.

LOL, that was like 7 years ago, man, who else remembers this?

It's not a lie if you believe it.


Hahaha that was 10 years ago and I was 10 my sister was 6 we saw it with our mom.

Both of us have been getting back into Pokemon I recently bought a gameboy pocket and Silver (It was only 10 bucks!).

Mystique and Wolverine forever Coraline is the best vampire ever! (Besides Selene)


I was one of the biggest fans back in the day, but I rememeber coming out of the theatres hating the film.




Really? I can't remember what I thought about it.

Mystique and Wolverine forever Coraline is the best vampire ever! (Besides Selene)


I know I saw it at least twice, I was 9 at the time, if not three times. Then the VHS came out and I don't think I ever went outside again.




I didn't...my mom wouldnt let me see it. However, only 8 months later they took me to the theaters to see Pokemon 2000...


I remember like it was just yesterday:

walking into the packed theater while giving out the free ancient Mew card to everyone that was there. Don't know how I remember this but I saw it with my brother, couple of his friends and my tutor teacher. I was about 11 when I saw this film(I'm 22 now).

Damn, time does fly by quick. But those were the good ol' times when I had no responsibilities and no job I had to find. Just enjoying my life. *sigh*

I must say, my childhood was the best part of my life so far.

And this movie always brings back the good ol' memories of my childhood.

Nostalgia kicking in......


except ancient Mew was for Pokemom 2000 and not Pokemon the first movie


Was it now?

hm, that's weird. I swear I got that card for the first movie.

Because I am for sure that I didn't watch Pokemon 2000 at the theater.

But I know for a fact that I saw the first one at the theater and I swear I do remember getting the Mew card.



I saw the first three in theaters. Haha. (They were the only ones released in theaters, right?)

Edit: Looked it up and found out the fourth and fifth had a limited release. :O

Nathaniel: Sire, do you...like yourself?
Edward: What's not to like?


I saw it when I was 5in theaters. :') oohh the good ol' days.


I was nine years old when I saw it. I remember it had been a while when it had come out. The theater was pretty empty. I didn't really enjoy it that much. I remember liking it, but not really thinking it had been anything great. I don't remember if I got the cards or not.


Haha, I saw this in the theater and I was 16! Had a guy from class with me, same age of course. Needless to say we were the oldest in the cinema :P




I saw it. No shame whatsoever. I'm just happy that my mom accompanied me to these showings.



I saw it on opening day with a group of my friends and my dad when I was 13.

I loved it. I also saw Pokemon the movie 2000 in theaters (I liked that movie way more).

I think that I had outgrown it a little bit more by 2001 though, because I believe that I only rented Pokemon 3 after it was released. And that was the last bit of Pokemon I ever watched. I didn't like all the new Pokemon and characters from latter games- particularly when storylines in the Kanto region were rarely ever wrapped up. And Ash kept giving away his best Pokemon as soon as they evolved. Just way too annoying.
