Who Saw This In Theatres? ( Common, fess up )

I had just turned 12, and yeah, Pokemon was still around, although it was dying, I remember when the fad took over, I was 9 I think, anyone, I remember how everyone was so into it, trading cards, how stupid we were, about 2 years later the fad seemed to eb dying, and then this movie came out, it was like, Pokemon, on the big screen, I remember the big line-ups near my theatres, how I waited like an hour in line and the tickets were being sold out like crazy.

LOL, that was like 7 years ago, man, who else remembers this?

It's not a lie if you believe it.


I was seven when I made my dad take me. :) I totally collected the cards, watched the show and played the card game with my friends and cousin aaalll the time. I remember all the kids on my street were soooo jealous of this girl who had all her cards in this scrapbook along with the shiny versions of evie and all her evolutions and whatnot. :P My friends and I just watched this movie for fun a few weeks ago and I can't believe we ever bought into this stuff!!! I still love it, tho. :P It's like, my whole childhood!



Yeh my friends and i went to see it i was 11. Pokemon was huge back then. Lol i started playing the blue version on game boy a few nights ago cause i was bored, im allready like halfway through it.



In Ireland all the lads and girls went on like the first week it came out and everyone got cards, the cinema was actually full and everyone tried not to cry when the unmentionable happened to Ash, we really thought he was gone, we were 7!



Hell yeah I saw that *beep* in theaters. I wish I could relive those 76 minutes.


I saw it the first day and four other times afterward -not on the same day- i waited in line for three hours with my parents -i can't believe they actually let me wait in line and they stayed, man i love them-. I was eight when the movie came out *it came out in '99 right?*. I absolutely LOVED this movie and i still do. I'm unashamed, i actually watched the first three movies earlier with my younger siblings and enjoyed the nostalgia.

Kaialise xx
I was alone, falling free, trying my best to forget.


Saw it with my best friend in theatres when we were kids.
We loved it.

What we think, we become.


I saw this when I was in 4th grade. I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Me! I was 3 years old at the time. I'm now 12, but turning 13 this June.


I had always watched the show when I was younger, so when i heard that there was a movie coming out I was desperate to see it. My mum despised Pokemon then so I went with my cousins who were also huge fans. I must have been about...six?

I also vaguely remember going to see the second film, but I lost interest after that.


I saw it on the day it came out (I think). I was 8. I don't think it was too terribly crowded, I can't remember. I enjoyed it, but that was because I was the biggest Pokemon whore ever. I still love Pokemon, and play the game on long trips. I also remember that my friend felt so awesome because he got the Dragonite card.

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


I saw this, too! I was only 5, but I was obsessed with the show, and my mom even took me out of kindergarten to see it early. ^_^ I had a million Pokemon cards, and my brother and I used to play with them all the time.

SYTYCD- Craig, Benji, Travis, Kameron, Neil, Gev, Evan, Jason, Phillip! <3
R.I.P. Charlie Pace


I went to see it twice with friends and every kid from school was there one day.

I'm P.A.D! Dyslexic and proud!


