Any fans here?

Anyone else a fan of the show?


Definite thumbs up!!!


Have seen all the old episodes more than once. I like the current cast but something is off. Hargitay's shine is sort of gone, and the rest of the ensemble has to fight for air time. I'd like to get involved with these people, but after a two story arc, they seem to move away to different dynamics.
Not sure the tall guy is a very good actor. I like the blonde, but they go away from her a lot, and maybe don't have good plots to involve her in. I like Ice-T, but he's always been a complimentary character, rarely is the focus of a an ep.
I like the show, but it's not hitting on all cylinders right now.


Funny how much my opinion has changed in the last four years. (Maybe there's a lesson in that?)
Generally I like the show a lot, but it's always better if I don't remember much about an episode or actually missing one until I come around to it.
I like the post Stabler eps because they seem to have a lighter visual style. The sets just seem brighter and more pleasant to view. I always liked Stabler just fine but for some reason I like there are newer detectives we can concentrate on, opening up different story lines and simply seeing other faces and personalities we can follow.
Inevitably there are highs and not sos, but I think the show continues to be well produced and maintains an amount of credibility and tension that makes it worth keeping up with. And while I'm stuck in the cable-verse I am always glad when there are multiple eps on when there don't seem to be better options around.


100% fan.


I am a MEGA fan!!!


All the way!


It's gotten way too agenda driven.
Or maybe I've grown more cynical.


Definitely a fan, but as people say it has been going slightly downhill in the last few year. It must be hard to continue writing top quality after 20 years. Nowadays each season is watched to find which episodes are the gem episodes rather that in the old days watching each season to pick out the stinkers.


Another fan here. Just got into the show a few years ago thanks to the USA marathons.
