MovieChat Forums > Say It Isn't So (2001) Discussion > why is this rated so low?

why is this rated so low?

It is at a 4.7 right now (Jan 03) and I thought it was funny.


I know what you mean, I think this is a great film. It should get much higher than 4.7


Really! What's going on here? This is like one of my favorite comedies and I watch a hell of alot of movies.



yeah this was a funny flick, i dont know why it was rated this low


Hmm, I thought this movie was as far from funny as it can get, two thumbs down.


it was such a good movie and Chris Kelin and Heather Graham did a great job. It is undoubtedly my favorite comedy flick. the rating should have been at least 7.
heather graham's so cute!!!



You know, there are such things as opinions in this world.


Yes, there are different opinions. But after seeing people talk at the movies, or when they are home they don't actually watch the film. They are talking to people in the room, yelling at kids, texting people, reading e-mail and surfing the web. You have to wonder if they truly watched the film or were simply in the room while it was playing based on some of the sharp contrasts of opinions.


We (couple of old folks) watched this movie with low expectations and were rather surprised and delighted that we got so many laughs. Much of the best humor was subtle and unpredictable. Although we winced at the rudest gags, we both felt the performances and characters were well acted and sympathetic. The pace of the movie was good, the music was pretty good, and the actors were very good to excellent. (We would have loved to have seen more of Henry Cho). We give it a solid 7.


I agree with Adam and I think really liking this movie proves you are a moron.


*beep* you


I'm currently watching this movie on Comedy Central, and after 30 minutes, it's more of a "cute" movie than a funny movie. Funniest scene so far has been when Chris Klein is getting rubbed by what he thinks is Heather Graham's foot, then turns to her mom, then her dad. Funny.
But still, it's mainly a cute movie, but I'll keep watching in order to look at Heather...



Wow... Sept. 2nd 2005 on comedy central... They really play this movie too much.. way too much...

Haruko: YOU are a million years under-evolved, primitive monkey! ~FLCL


irony. i was just watching it too.
and yeah, heather is plenty cute.

but the movie is pretty not amazing.


Yep I'm watching it and I just watched that scene, December 21 2005


I can't believe this movie was made. I can't believe I watched it.

Enough said.


This is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Comedies aren't meant to make perfect sense, they're meant to make you laugh. To those of you that don't like this movie, I would like to know what comedies you DO like.


Funny Film!
That is SO !



have u guys voted to get its rating up again? im bout to go and vote myself


you betcha, I gave it a straight up 10 points. Its definietely one of the most funniest comedies I've ever come across. Guess the low rating is due to people that dont appreciate the kind of humour this movie brings but i absolutely loved it.


I rated it 2/10.

Obviously I can't appreciate the lame, predicable humour this movie was plauged with. What a shame!


There's no way you can tell me punching a cow in the ass is not funny.




I'm going to go rate it a 1 just to counteract your rating. So there.



I can't stand this either. This tole leaves Klein with no self respect and I hate movies when it supposed to be funny that the lead nice guy character gets humiliated repeatedly. A cut ear? Fist in cow, pubic hair beard! Ewww...


I just saw this flick, and yeah, the IMDB rating is very generous. Wow, I couldn't had a straighter face the entire time if they had bolted it that way.



I thought it was above average compared to the comedies that have been made in the last few years. Stupid, but funny. Probably worth 5.5 - 6.



I'll have to agree with all of you, this movie was funny as hell. Was also really surprised to see such low ratings. I wasn't expecting it to get a 9 or something, but a 6.5+ would've been the least i was expecting.

Oh well, i guess some people just can't respect good humour when they see it. Maybe it's because this type is a little too corny at times? Kinda reminds me of the humour seen in Blackadder, which i love to death btw. - The #1 Source For Jurassic Park Toys & News!!!


This movie was horribly unfunny. Yeah, having villianess Sally Field end up a near paraplegic in a wheelchair...I was drowning in laughter...


I`m a little surprised this isn't higher rated. Its a decent film even if it isn't the funniest in the world. I see a-lot of people saying the film was full of predictable comedy which is true but what about all of the American Pie movies? Why do they deserve a much higher rating then this movie when it is the same comedy? I bet half of the people downing this movie liked the American Pie movies which would have me LMFAO.


this movie did make me laugh a fair bit, not the best or worst, and i can understand the rating it got, the story sucked, there are just some classic lines in it

"do you know what the bible says about *beep* your own sister? DON'T"

"you have a robot?"

its a certain style of comedy that i'll admit is for the slightly simple, but its entertaining

"I also do children's birthday parties folks."


How can this piece of trash remind you of Blackadder??? Are you blind or deaf?


Apparently you are, because you don't recognize the similarities.


I'm somewhat surprised it's not a little higher. The critics bashed it when it came out and it's not one of the funnier movies associated with the Farrelly Bros(remember, they didn't direct it, only produced it, which is probably why it's not as funny). I'd say it's middle of the road for them but when you have to compare it to Kingpin or There's Something About Mary, you see why it's a small disappointment. I really liked it and enjoyed it enough to buy. Orlando Jones' character is what put it over the top for me. I thought he was hilarious. It has really funny moments but there is something missing. Some of the stuff was predictable and in turn not as funny as it should have been, but overall, it's funny enough to get my vote.



For those of you who are saying this isn't funny at all, I'm wondering what movies you find to be funny. I personally thought this movie was funny as hell. I also thought Flypaper was pretty funny, though not nearly as much as this one.

I don't see why people find SNL to be so funny. Some even go so far as to say it's intellectual humor. I don't find anything intellectual about Chris Farley squatting and waving his arms about or Adam Sandler singing Spanish songs in a high voice or anything of that sort.

Everyone has a different sense of humor - apparently not many people find this movie to be funny, which is a shame. I like this movies like this because they make me think, "this is so f*ked up!" This movie really pushes the envelope with sexuality and taboos. I also love There's Something About Mary (probably my favorite comedy) but not many people thought it was funny at my theater. I couldn't help but laugh during some of the scenes (like when the dog caught on fire). I guess I have a pretty crude sense of humor, though I do like more subtle comedies too.


I didn't think this was very funny. There were a couple laughs, but not many.

Some of my favorite straight comedies are The Big Lebowski, Office Space, Young Frankenstein, the Monty Python movies, Chasing Amy, Team America: World Police, Clerks, Dr. Strangelove, Raising Arizona, Blazing Saddles... you get the idea.


The correct question shoulda been why is this rated so high? the farrellys' brand of humour is nothing but that of the gutter. sure, everyone has been through that phase, but most people do mature eventually. the farrellys? ah, now they are a different case altogether. they never matured, just rotted.


Yeah, it does have it's funny moments but there's far too much painful crud for me to consider it a 'good movie'. And the acting sucks.

Maybe if I found Heather Graham attractive I would have enjoyed it more.
