MovieChat Forums > Enterprise (2001) Discussion > This is the worst of the 5 Trek TV serie...

This is the worst of the 5 Trek TV series

I was so excited for this series and felt completely let down by it. The theme song is so bad I don't know how or why the felt it was good to use it for the show. The war with the Xindi was the best part of the series. I don't hate this show as much as I did during it's original run but it's still my least favorite of the 5 series. T'Pol was the best thing about this show, super hot, super sexy. Made me want to be a Vulcan and lay some pipe Vulcan style.


Bro, do you even TAS?


It's all opinion, I consider Voyager much worse.


Of the five major ones (I am excluding the animated series), Enterprise was, regretfully, the worst.


There were some interesting episodes, and I wish Jeffrey Combs could have been a cast regular, as he was so delightful as Shran … but overall, it felt like a step backward. Star Trek was always about looking & moving forward, as by setting TNG some 80+ years after the Kirk era.

And I really disliked them retconning things like the Organians, by making an earlier encounter with the first Enterprise change their ways, instead of leaving them as the evolved-beyond-violence-for-millions-of-years race they were in TOS. Or having them encounter the Mirror Universe prior to Kirk & company. To me, it seems more & more like bad fanfic as it went on. "Let's see how we can put a twist on this classic TOS story that was perfectly good the first time around and 'improve' it."


1) TOS - Started it all. Some great stories. All characters were great.
2) TNG - Kept it going. Many great stories. Many great characters.
3) DS9 - Good stories. Good characters.
4) Enterprise - Mostly mediocre stories. Some good characters.
5) Voyager - Some good stories. Mostly terrible characters. Pretty bad when the best character is a hologram.


I agree although I'm surprised no one has criticised you for putting DS9 third. Enterprise is the only Star Trek show I haven't seen all the episodes of and I'm slightly shocked at myself.

Voyager is fairly rubbish overall but it at least has the advanced technology etc and Seven of Nine.


Acceptable & worth watching
1) Star Trek - Started it all, great vision of the future, dated.
2) Star Trek Enterprise - Interesting stories and characters, one or two outstanding.

Mediocre, but OK to watch when you're bored.
3) Star Trek Voyager - some interesting stories, mostly blah.

Did not like at all, except maybe one or two episodes
4) Star Trek: The Next Generation - really looked forward to it, hated it after 3 episode, especially Q.
5) DS9 - Blah


I think this is the second best Star Trek series, behind the original series.
I did not like having to hear the opening theme song, that's true, but all in all, it was OK.


I don't know about the actual show being good or bad. I also was excited about the show, but had a lot going on at the time. I watched one or two episodes and the deciding factor to stop watching it was the theme song (as silly as that sounds). It was terrible and did not fit with a sci-fi space exploration show at all. The opening was literally painful to listen to. BUT I have thought about giving it another try....was the show itself good? I've heard pretty good things.


Why does everyone conveniently forget TAS 1973? Bad animation, only a few great episodes.
