MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! (2001) Discussion > who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yu...

who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yugioh

So, anyone? I'm just wondering cause i think so. AAHHH don't kill me!! *hides from stuff thrown at me* so?..........


I miss all the original characters... and I want to see an adult Mokuba x3 He'd be just the right age for a fangirl mob of his own in GX. Maybe if the original characters came back with more important roles, then the show might gain some credibility.


NO! I don't want to eat the toasty souls of the damned!


i'd like to see the storyline based on mokuba. like what he does to become more like Kaiba. maybe if you like the idea of a School of Duel you could have Mukuba join the school. or something like that.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Taco, you don't have to worry about your scripts being deleted. I'm the one that ahs to worry about, because he is such a *beep* I can barely stand it anymore. In fact, I can no longer stand it anymore. I am finished with this kid forever. So maybe juan needs to get that through his head and quit deleting my scripts.



"Also Juan, I'd say that is more of a life than watching anime and playing with gay cards. At least he's getting an education out of it."

A:There is nothing wrong with watching anime. Seriously, to say there's something wrong with watching a certain medium or genre is ignorant.
B:Cards can not be homosexual or happy i.e gay.

You suck at existing, you fail at life. Go away.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


You're right. Cards cannot be gay. But the people who play can be.

Do you watch anime?



"You're right. Cards cannot be gay. But the people who play can be"

Yes there probaly are gay players but what's wrong with them being gay exactly?

"Do you watch anime?"


"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


What was the point of quoting me? All you had to do was answer my question.

I do not like gay people. They bother me. If I ever saw two guys kissing, I would probably puke.

How odl are you exactly? If you're under 10 it's okay.



"I do not like gay people. They bother me. If I ever saw two guys kissing, I would probably puke."

That makes you a bigot.

"How odl are you exactly? If you're under 10 it's okay."

So you think Neon Genesis Evangelion and Serial Experiments Lain, anime featuring R rated violence, suicide, masturbation, not to mention employing college level philosophy far beyond the reach of most children, you think that is appropiate for 10 year olds? No, it's not. I have proven you wrong. You fail.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.



Yu-gi-oh is a disgrace to Yu-gi-oh.


That makes no sense what so ever.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.



The last post you made before this one made no sense at all.



What, my post?

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.



Yep. I got lost when you were describing something.



Well the basic point of my post:

there are anime out there NOT AT ALL appropiate for ten year olds.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


That's all you had to say. I don't care what kind of anime there are, cuz I hate anime. I would have gotten the point had that been all you said.



But you implied only 10 year olds like anime which is not at all true. In fact, the teen/adult market for anime far exceeds the children's one, at least in America. And if you hate anime what are you doing at the Yugioh boards?

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


No, what I said was kids under 10 are not ay if they play with yugioh cards.

I can go what ever boards I want to. That's why.



"No, what I said was kids under 10 are not ay if they play with yugioh cards."

Go to Japan sometime. The youngest player at most of their tournaments ware usualy around 15.

"I can go what ever boards I want to. That's why."

Why would you want to come here if you hate anime so much? Makes no sense. I don't like American Idol but I don't go to those boards.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


I don't wanna go to Japan. That's all they'll talk about is anime.

TO rip on anime. American Idol eh? Nice example fag. They probably don't even have American Idol boards.

Who's Chris Benoit?



"I don't wanna go to Japan. That's all they'll talk about is anime."

Wow, that has to be one of the most moronic and ignorant things I've ever read on IMDB period.A country with high literacy rates, low crime rates, great education, etc. and you think all they talk about is anime?

"TO rip on anime."

Do you really have nothing better to do then to display your ignorance and narrow minded views for eveyrone on this board to see?

"American Idol eh? Nice example fag. They probably don't even have American Idol boards."

A:Wow, you use fag as an insult. What are you, 12?

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


A: It was intended to be an insult dumbass.



Yeah but it's not a good one. Using the term "fag" as an insult makes you look, well, like a damn idiot.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.




That's just like asking why would anyone watch those drama shows where people do all sort of crazy things. Well that isn't a very smart question, so I'm guessing your point is the fact that it's a 'cartoon'? Well, I'm not even much of an anime fan, but being openminded and all, it's always been common knowledge to me that anime has always been a distinct category from 'cartoon's for a reason. Notice how it's always called anime? the word 'cartoon's doesn't fit it, and it shouldn't that is because anime are basically just series targeted to older audiences and some other series can be for anyone. What you would normally call 'cartoons' nowadays are like those things you find on Nickelodeon, and all of that typical stuff, it's very different it would simply be inaccurate to be referring 'anime' as 'cartoons'.


"Ore, I have to ask, why would you want to watch cartoons kill themselves and masturbate?"

Why would anyone want to watch A Clockwork orange, where the main charcter rapes and murders people? Why would anyone want to read Paradise Lost, which is full of violent and sexual imagry including a women having her vagina ripped apart by dogs and where Santon isn't portrayed as pure evil? Why would ANYONE, ANYONE want to watch Requiem for a Dream where a bunch of teens destroy their lives with drug addiction and happens to have strong sexual and violent content?

Because there's more to it then that. Evangelion and Lain aren't just about suicide and masturbation, otherwise they'd be after school specials or hentais. Sorry but like the other poster said, that was a stupid question.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


I myself LOVE Yu gi oh. But i accept that not all people do. Some Narrow minded idiotic self centered people think that the was they think or the things they watch are the best when not everyone likes the same thing. alll of you just IGNORE the morons and get on with your lives seeing as they obviously cant.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...





I really don't think that yu gi oh is cool. In fact it sucks. That is my opinion. ANIME SUCKS! Now juan is going to explode because I stated my opinion.

He's back. Feb. 28 is when he registered. Look at his biography.


"You said they were good because of the suicide and masturbation.
They're cartoons."

No I did not. That is a comeplete and utter lie you ass. I was descriing the content that would make those shows unsuitable for those ten and under. I in no way shape or form said that's what made the show good.

And what the hell does it being a cartoon have to do with anything?

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


You said earlier it wasn't a cartoon.








Even though you completely put words into ore's mouth like any troll would, lets hypothetically say ore did say it was good due to the suicide/masturbation. Well, hey, people like to watch drama plainly because the characters go through all sorts of serious, intense, crazy, etc. things, no?


exactly. its what they like. and thats fine. all i'm saying is that we like anime and yu gi oh, and maybe you dont but just because you dont doesnt mean that you have to make fun of people that do. we dont go around saying hahaha you fag you DONT like anime. coz thats just stupid.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


But your both girls, you don't care about suicide and masturbation. Cuz that's what you girls are into.



chauvinistic and naive, great combo you dork. man you are just one big lousy joke people can't even laugh at anymore. And I hope you people realize you're not appreciated here not because you hate ygo/anime/ or what the hell you like and dislike, please we can care less, but the fact you're acting as a bunch of impetulent kiddies, psh, whatever


BOOYEAH! DITTO mate. i echo that thought.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


Is chauvinistic even a word?

"Mate"? What are you Australian?




And I would tell you to shut the *beep* and let us handle this.



I knew you were an idiot jerry but but now it seems you're a sexist too. I guess 15th century views on woman are still alive and well where you live.

BTW I'm a guy.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.




"I could give a kidney to a baby's ass what you think! I'm not a sexist. All I'm saying is I hate women... and that's it."

So not only are you sexist, you're mysogynyst as well. It really warms my heart to see scumbags like you about.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


I'm actually neither one of those things. But just keep thinking that.

I really could care less what you think about me, because I'm not the one who wastes all my hours sitting around the house playing with cards. I've done enough sitting around my house playing video games, watching TV, and just laying around. And now it's led to health problems for me. And I'm not afraid to admit it. And for those who like to follow me around (Flibajab and Professor Mamba), if you want to add that to your list of "stupid stuff jerry says" then I will *beep* see you in hell!



"I'm actually neither one of those things. But just keep thinking that."

Wow you deleted your post to save face. Pathetic.

"I really could care less what you think about me, because I'm not the one who wastes all my hours sitting around the house playing with cards."

Actually I play cards very little. I spend most of my time exercising, watching TV, reading, etc.

"I've done enough sitting around my house playing video games, watching TV, and just laying around. And now it's led to health problems for me. And I'm not afraid to admit it."

Okay, nice to know but not really relevant.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


this kid sounds really gay. I hope he *beep* dies.



"this kid sounds really gay. I hope he *beep* dies."

Hello schnazzy77/jeri. Tell me, are your friends homophobic and mysogynyst too? You DO have friends right?

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


First of all, you spelled jerry like a dumbass. it's spelled the way i spelled it.

To tell ya the truth, i have no friends. i've never dated. i just sit at school quietly and don't say a damn word. this place is the only place i get to talk to people outside of my family. i never go out. i just stay at home and watch tv or something like that. my grades are horrible. i'm not even smart. i am ugly as *beep* i get beat up at school, and i don't play sports. i am the most unathletic people you will ever talk to. i know nothing about sports. so thanx a lot *beep*

"Come on, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


"To tell ya the truth, i have no friends. i've never dated. i just sit at school quietly and don't say a damn word. this place is the only place i get to talk to people outside of my family. i never go out. i just stay at home and watch tv or something like that. my grades are horrible. i'm not even smart. i am ugly as *beep* i get beat up at school, and i don't play sports. i am the most unathletic people you will ever talk to. i know nothing about sports. so thanx a lot *beep* "

Okay, on the off chance this isn't just your idea of sarcasm, then don't cry out a sob story to me. You're the one who came here not to start a civilized debate but to trash anime, to trash homosexuals and to trash women. There's no excuse for that. And if you're getting beat up, take some karate classes. Honestly if a scrawny, 80 pound 13 year old girl can beat up a 300 pound man with a knife after karate lessons(yes this actually happened), then just about anyone who applies themself could.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.



yes chauvenistic is a word.

It's called being versatile and flexible.
You can be a hobbyist, keep priorities on track, and avoid such problems like yours, that's what I do.
We may be verrry very different from you, but some of us are much more complex than that, you know, it's a big world out there, lol =P


It's a *beep* tru story about my life. Why can't you understand that? I can't take karate lessons cuz my family is poor. We have hardly any money. My life sucks.

And I didn't start this damn conversation about anime, I just joined in on the fun.

"Come on, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


"It's a *beep* tru story about my life. Why can't you understand that? I can't take karate lessons cuz my family is poor. We have hardly any money. My life sucks."


A:Tell someone, an adult, teacher, someone!
B:If they don't listen,find someone who will. There should be someone out there.
C:If the above suggestions do not work for some reason, find a weapon, perferably a lighter, and scar the bullies for life. Hey, if you have to go down, make sure you leave your mark.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


Or I could take that weapon and use it to commit suicide. That's probably my first option, after that, i don't know what else to do. i guess i could win the lottery, start talking to people, and dressing like a n igger.

"Come on, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


Forget I ever suggested anything to you. I don't care how miserable you are, that does not give you the right to be racist. I'm done with you.

"CHRIS BENOIT BIATCH, PWNED!"-Guide to being an ultra smark.


this is so far from yu gi oh its not funny... your all just in a pissing contest now.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...



Fake, when are you going to stop being a douche. You really do suck. Also you don't offend me.

I'm done with the fakes.


That's cool. Stay away from me. Just because your life is better than me doesn't mean you can rip on me.

"Come on, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


I just find it somewhat funny and a little bit ironic...YuGiOh, the 16 yrold main character was lonely, very shy and timid, often made fun of whether it was his height, shyness or whatnot. Extremely friendly guy whose got heart, but he's always thinking about others more than himself so he's often doing playing games, alone.

However due to certain circumstances he received the courage to be himself and not only discovered a stronger human potential in himself but made true friends that he'll probably, if not for his whole life, will have for a very long time. You're trashing a show you not only don't know grit about, but i think people like you could actually LEARN something from it! You just complained about your life, so why don't you DO something...Yugi did! LoL !


BOOYEAH! DITTO mate. i think its funny that your all telling each other to get a life or talking about how gay you all are. this is a board called "who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yugioh"

not "how many morons does it take to trash people they have never met and know nothing about"

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


now it is.

"Come one, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


well done. that completely proves that you have no life. but i do so i'll let you all get back to your pissing contest.

The Giraffes taste exactly the same as the Elephants! Thats messed up...


how does that prove i have no life? because it took me a maximum of 10 seconds to change the thread title? but what would i know? i just spend wasteless hours on this damn site. i guess ten seconds is too much.

"Come one, come all. She floats like a butterfly and stings like when I pee."-Peter Griffin


GX sux


you sux world *beep* bug

Hello, world.


not only was that a horrible use of grammar, but that was one of the dumbest things you could have possibly said. everybody turns someone's name into something really retarded. and it has officially gotten old. so stop being the fake taco, and get off the damn boards you worthless peice of *beep*

"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob


people hate you more then me schnazzzzzzzzzzzzzy hahahahahahahahahaha

Hello, world.


is that a problem for you? you want everyone to hate you because you almost stole someone elses account name? because you spelled "maniac" wrong. not sure if that was your intention, but i know what you were going for.

"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob


people hate you more then me schnazzzzzzzzzzzy loooooseeer. hahahahahaaha

Hello, world.


you already said that dumbf uck.

"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob


people hate you more then me schnazzzzzzzzzzzy loooooseeer. hahahahahaaha

Hello, world.


i honestly hate it!! The first seasons were good. But after they changed everything and made waaaay to many different! They put to many monsters in and now they don't really describe them and give them a history behind them. Like in the old seasons they always had the history of this card and its backstory....if they would of kept the same pace going like they did before i would watch it again....i still have alot of the cards though. It disgraces everything Yugioh ever stood for.

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world -The G-Man




"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob


lolz wen i was 9 or 8

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world -The G-Man



but i have to stop talking to you...


"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob


o noes!!!!! SUICIDE!!! FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world -The G-Man



funny. juantgreload hasn't been on here in so long. came back to attempt to hurt me didn't ya?

could have sworn you were actually gonna leave me alone. i guess that'll never happen. unless...

no, i can't do it.

if i commit an awesome suicide, i won't have to worry about you bothering me. be right back. i'm off to the wood chipper!!!

"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob



Wood chipper? thats erotic! wait for me!!!

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world -The G-Man


hurry up you *beep* slow-poke!

"I think I'll call her Grace, or Majesty... or Debbie." Spongebob



In love with my MSN Space ==>>>> leave a comment plzzzz...^.^!



Hello, world.



yes it is the biggest disgrace to a franchise that i have seen in years, its creators should be ashamed.


Gx pisses me off. Whatever happened to yugi's minion? COME ON!!!!!

Hello, world.



Hello, world.


I haven't seen any of GX (only seen season 1), but I heard it's very different. My question is: are any of the original characters featured? Like Yugi/yami, Joey, Teah, Seta Kaiba etc.. Or is it just the same duel monsters game but with different characters? Has it turned into like Pokemon and Digimon where most of the original characters are gone?

Don't worry. You might actually do some good before you die.


No. Yugi only appears on one episode, and that's the first episode, but only for a short time. It's more like a cameo appearence where he gives Jaiden/Judai a card, then leaves.

And yes, it has turned into Pokemon/Digimon.

I'm really missing the old characters right now, and really wish that Takahashi-san would just make a "where are they now/what are they up to" series on the old characters, and probably less of the card game too. I find the characters and their backgrounds to be more interesting than the card game itself, and I felt that the series focused a little too much on the card game, especially on the English dub (they changed the whole damn script!).

"Son of a submariner!" - Kefka Palazzo



Yes I think YUGIHO GX has disgraced the oringal YUGIHO most of the main oringal people only come back as Cameos.
They should have never did YUGIHOGX!!! Who else agree with me !!!


It puts is ass into manface.

Hello, world.



It's not that i hate women, i just dont prefer them.



is there a problem juant?

It's not that i hate women, i just dont prefer them.



I thought i'd get the ole' thread up and running again.

It's not that i hate women, i just dont prefer them.



Modest Mouse - Greatest Band of All Time




bump my titties.

Hello, world.


They should've just ended the series.


Yeah me too! Terrible, dont know why they stopped the original. Also hate the new one as well.


GX and 5D suck!

the orginal was the best! it sucks that the series ended but i guess without yami and the millinum items it really wouldnt have been the same. it just sucks!!

and why in the heck did they even come out with this spin off series that have next to nothing or nothing at all to do with the orginal?!?!

down with GX and 5D!!
