MovieChat Forums > Yu-Gi-Oh! (2001) Discussion > who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yu...

who thinks yugioh GX is a disgrace to yugioh

So, anyone? I'm just wondering cause i think so. AAHHH don't kill me!! *hides from stuff thrown at me* so?..........



I agree. All the uneccessarry changes and the more Pokemon-ish approach ruined it... The original series was serious and mature kinda like, intended to be what you watch WHEN YOU GROW OUT OF POKEMON, not a trading card game based Pokemon clone...

Your post needs a firm kick in the face...


It's certainly not as good, but I think the new one, 5Ds, is the biggest disgrace that ever could have come to Yu-Gi-Oh

Jean Grey could have lived to become a god, but it was more important to her she die... a human.


I actually liked GX, but obviously not as much as the original. 5ds was horrible, and the music in it was hard to listen too.



I thought it was fine personally. Not as good as the original show, but I thought it was far from unwatchable. (Though naturally that is just in my own opinion)


This is the only Yu-Gi-Oh! for me...

Most recent first view:
Muriel's Wedding - 8.5/10


i agree to anyone
Yu Gi Oh GX is a Disgrace to Yu Gi Oh

The Characters are Dull (the Only Good Character in GX is Zane)
The Plot made no Sense

But i Like the Music from the English dub of GX

GX is not the Best Show Ever


Ugh! It was awful. I'm ashamed to say I did watch the first few several episodes and did kind of enjoyed it but it was just overall bad! 

"If our love was tragedy, why are you my remedy?"


My 5 reasons Why i don't like GX?

1: the sacred beast cards are just rip offs of egyptian god cards
2: the english dub of GX ended badly
3: kagemaru was a joke to all yu gi oh villains
4: no marik, no bakura
5: all of jaydens friends and alexis are so annoying (i hate alexis and the rest of jaydens friends)


I liked GX, sure it wasn't as good as the original, but it was still good. As for your 5 reasons to not like it:

1: The Sacred Beasts were meant to be the opposing forces to the Egyptian Gods, which is why they were "rip-offs".
2: The Dub didn't end badly, they just didn't translate the last 10 episodes, which I agree was a mistake.
3: Kagemaru wasn't a bad or "joke" villain, but I do agree that making him young again was kind of lame.
4: Of course there's no Marik or Bakura. It was a whole new series with new characters. Yugi and Kaiba only had a cameo. That's a BS reason not to like something.
5: There was nothing wrong with Jaden's friends, they weren't much different from Yugi's, and Alexis was awesome. A real cool and strong female lead that could really hold her own in a duel and has been able to duel her way around any other female character in the series thus far, even Mai and Ishizu.


Anything without Yami is a disgrace to Yugioh, in my opinion.

House. My room. Cant walk. My medal. My father. Father, dont!


Anything without Yami is a disgrace to Yugioh, in my opinion.

I Agreed

5Ds&Zexal&Arc-V has no Yamis nor any Characters from the Original Yu-Gi-Oh!

the original Yu-Gi-Oh! is the best and the only good Yu-Gi-Oh! Series


If they wanted to do a sequel series, why not one about Yugi as an adult duelist?

House. My room. Cant walk. My medal. My father. Father, dont!


Thats a good idea OmegaWolf747

A Sequel Series about Yugi as an Adult Duelist was good
Better than GX
