MovieChat Forums > Session 9 (2001) Discussion > How were you first made aware of this fi...

How were you first made aware of this film?

Have noticed quite a lot of people complaining that this movie did not get enough publicity, so just curious to know how people were initially introduced to it. Seems to be a Cult film in that you only know about it if someone has recommended it to you or if you did your research online.

I just noticed it on some random's top 10 horror list on Amazon and thought the DVD cover looked creepy. Anyone else?


A friend of my brother's said it was awesome, so they rented it to watch one night and I figured I'd watch it with them. They both fell asleep early on so I was left watching it in the dark essentially alone (technically not, but it feels like you're alone when everyone else is asleep). It was by far the coolest, scariest movie watching experience of my life.


Today I was bored and decided to look through my Netflix. The summery sounded interesting so I decided to watch it. I have no idea if any of my friends have seen this movie lol


I saw it on an HBO free preview weekend from directv when I was like 13. It came on at like 2 am and it scared me to death!! Whenever some one asks me what is the scariest movie I have ever seen I always put this in my top 5!



Me and my friends used to go the video store every friday and rent a random horror flick to watch. That's where I found Session 9 and another gem of awesomness called "The Attic Expeditions". Both are now two of my favorite and most repeatedly viewed movies.


Netflix, baby, yea!


Brad Anderson directed episode in some of the tv series I watch currently like Fringe, Boardwalk Empire, Person of Interest, etc. So I looked up his imdb page and a topic on his forums mentioned this movie .


A couple friends and I rented it when it first came out, at the local video store. We all loatheed it. That was back in.. jeez, 2001 I guess. I should watch it again, 10 years later, and see if my opinion has changed at all. I can't believe a movie that I only remember for being boring and unfocused has such a cult kind of status now.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


UPDATE: Just watched it. Still boring. Rambles on much too long. But more focused than I recall it being. I do not understand how so many people find it spooky or creepy.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf
