MovieChat Forums > Changing Lanes (2002) Discussion > Films that made you walk out of a cinema...

Films that made you walk out of a cinema midway

This is the only film I've walked out midway through out of disgust. I even waited outside for my friends to finish watching it. That's right, I'd sooner stare at a carpet for 40 minuites than watch this borefest.

One of my friends enjoyed it, I suppose because he was a trainee lawyer at the time. But to quote Peter Griffin, the film imposed on itself.


the only movie i did that to was Ultraviolet. OMFG!! What a piece of crap!!!


There has never been a movie that Ive walked out on because I like to see if there is any chance of it getting better (which I understand is a dumb reason to stay in a theater watching a movie that sucks, but you never know...). Like I would have walked out of the Spirit, Hellboy II, both AVPs, Ghost Rider, and so many more but i still cant drive yet and i usually have to stick it out so i can get a ride home. As for watching movies at home, I usually finish the movies but there was only one that I had to turn off because it was so bad: House of 1000 Corpses, like i can stand violence at any level it was just that the movie was so damn boring, nothing happened.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


OMG! I am with you, i HATED Ghost Rider!! And i was sooooo dissapointed because i am a huge Nic Cage fan, the only reason i actually didn't just walk out is because i was with my husband and he was loving it, ugghh !! But just for the record there are a few others i really didn't like, such as Juno, i hated that they gave the baby up and stayed together anyways, pointless, i know they were young, but i dunno, it just bugged me, and i was really dissapointed with the ending of A Civil Action, with John Travolta, again, i am a huge Travolta fan, so i was really bummed about this one. Anyways i just thought i would share..



I don't walk out of movies, because I rarely go alone. But, I have a very incomplete list of movies, I wish I never saw.

Who's Harry Crumb?
Wicker Man
The Mirror has Two Faces(can't remember much about it)
Dead Poets Society
It's a Guy Thing
Beaches (fell asleep)
Prom Night(the original, didn't see the remake, but heard it's even worse)
Lost in Space
Dirty Dancing(disappointing because it could have been good, my daughter loves this movie, so I got to listen to it way too many times)
Anaconda (horrible effects for a big budget film)
Pineapple Express
Three Men and a Baby (I want to strangle the mom, most selfish woman I have seen in a movie)
Clerks(so glad I sold that one)
Deep Impact
Licence to Wed (could have been funny, but instead it was beyond horrible)
Memento(really, really horrible, by the end, I wished every character ended up dead)
The Core

This isn't my list of worst movies, I just didn't like them. Most were a waste of time. Some were trauma inducing. If any one is offended by any of the movies on my list, I feel sorry for them.

If you love Cheezit's 100% copy this and make it your signature.



Can't argue with a lot of them, but Dead Poets Society, Clerks, and Memento are all really good flicks imo.

Only movie I've ever walked out of in the theatre was Waterworld. I was ~20 and on a date and it was TERRIBAD. The movie, not the date...spent the next 4 years with her actually. Lol.


what's your problem dude ????!!!! this movie was actually good


Me and my friends walked out of Hannibal after about 35 mins, after throwing our popcorn and drinks at the screen Elway style.

L: I'm talking about a little place called Aspen
H: I don't know Lloyd, the french are a ssholes


I usually never walk out of films, even if I'm bored. That said, I had to do it once when I was literally losing my mind. The movie was "Women on Top". WORST MOVIE EVER MADE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't ever watch it..



"Last Action Hero" was the only film I paid to see and couldn't bring myself to watch all of it.
I'm getting ready to watch the dvd of "Changing Lanes" and I think it looks pretty good. I certainly get that we don't all enjoy the same films!
I say to each his own, and thanks for the input!


I've walked out of NO MOVIES.

That's right, I give every thing a fair chance. Why?

It's because I'm a man.


well said. if you pay good money to see a movie, why walk out when it could get better? you can never fairly judge a film if you don't see the entire thing. i hate when people do that.
i've never left a movie for this reason - yes, even if it was something like House Bunny, and i really KNEW it was not gonna get better. but you just never know.


Good for you. I wish I had your wisdom. I, on the other hand finished the movie. I wish that I could have those two hours back. I cannot believe the money that Crap Hollywood spends on movies like this and it is just an abysmal steaming turd. It lacked any factual context and had absolutely no point. It was a poor performance from all the players. The only thing I took away from it that could possibly be classified as a positive attribute would be that applicant/intern who says all that crap about the world and the law and people being basically good. I like how he was the least credible person in the whole film and he was pumped up with a bunch of naive nonsense. I should mention that I was loaned this movie and saw it for free and still feel taken advantage of.


I'm surprised that there ARE people who dislike this movie. And after reading all their comments, I think the reason why they don't like the movie is because they don't really get it. I suggest to include your age and complete reason when you want to make a statement that a movie is bad/good. I'm 30 years old, by the way.

The whole point of the story is to tell about the moral struggle of people living and working in a harsh complicated world. There is no good nor evil in the movie.
The applicant/intern that nathan-scott-munn was talking about IS Ben's character 5 years ago, when he used to believe that working as a lawyer can do good for people. And the monologue about the girl at the beach is actually about his desire to become a "good" lawyer who always does the "right" thing. He's now stuck because he married his boss' daughter and made partner. Thus, he has to keep making money for the firm or he would lose everything that he's got right now. And trust me, it's really easy for any good people to make the "wrong" choices in life when they're under pressure or/and big amount of money is involved.

Samuel's character is also mundane yet beautiful in a way. He's a man of principles. This is shown by his refusal to take the money offer from Ben's character. And he's actually a good person who just wants to be a good father and husband. It's just that he has this temper issue, which probably stemmed from his life-long feeling of being underestimated as a black guy in a big city. You can tell this when he was talking about his vision of the Tiger Woods ads to two guys in a bar. In the end, he's the first one to decide to be the bigger person by returning the document. And he did it without asking anything in return. He's done the "right" thing and it's really NOT as easy as it looks, especially when you've just lost everything important in your life (his wife getting custody of the kids and wanting to move to another city). Try doing a good thing for nothing to someone who just spat in your face, and you'll get what I mean.

I love how the movie tells a story from a realistic point of view of what could happen between two normal ordinary people. It is BELIEVABLE and at the same time EXTRAORDINARY that the two characters met with both their conflict of interest. And the whole plot and the ending is beautifully done. There is no mumbo-jumbo about the good guy finally beats the bad guys. In the end, they both finally beat their own egos and manage to work things out.


I've never walked out of a movie. However, (at my house) I stopped watching Meet the Parents (not funny at all) and Fever Pitch (got old *really* fast).

How's your head, David?


Zohan -- no brainer



Dodgeball the True Underdog Story, I kept falling asleep and the story was just plain stupid so when i woke up i figured it wasnt even worth it to try to stay awake, and left lucky i didnt waste my money on that POS.

Lord of the rings Fellowship, I hated that movie, I to this day cannot sit through that movie without falling asleep because of how boring it is. Don't get me wrong I loved the other 2 but the first sucked big time.

Life is like a Parachute, you cannot really live through it without a harness.


The only movie I have ever walked out on was "Days of Wine and Roses" and that was when I was 14 and couldn't imagine being that depressed. Still have never been able to watch that film. BTW, I thought "Changing Lanes" was a fairly decent movie for what it's worth.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it!


I walked out of Pearl Harbour halfway through. Me and my friend honestly thought it was a comedy. What a horrid piece of *beep* movie.

This on the other hand, I kinda liked. Not great, but I didn't feel like I wasted two hours.

Are you feeling stupid cause I know I am! -Homer


Hook. Then I saw it at a friend's place on video, and knew I'd made the right choice. I want my money back, Spielberg! Hook makes 1941 look like Citizen Kane! Grrrrr...
