A petition

I know I am going to be badmouthed, but I miss Samurai Jack.

I have read the posts about Jack being a ripoff of one thing or another - I don't care.

I have read that Jack can be horrible because it has long scenes with no dialouge to build drama and tension - I don't care

I have even read that jack isn't a samurai - I don't care

The only thing that matters to me is something special and unique has been lost from the programming of cartoon network. To me, this show was a thought provoking and drama enriched series that dealt not only with the story of good vs. evil, but also was a metaphor for the struggles we all face in life. Remember the episode of the viking trapped in stone, or Jack and the Lava Monster, that Jack saved, or maybe the episode where Jack fought and defeated the super powerful androids, or Jack and the Ultra Bots, that Jack shouldn't of stood a chance against. The stories, and many others like it, were tales that touched the heart strings, to believe that humans can accomplish miracles if they only try. I know it is merely a show, but if a man can make animation so poignant, then I can only hope that he keeps going.

Thats why I would like to start this petition.

I doubt the Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky will ever read it, but If anyone, besides myself, want to keep the hope of this show returning, add your voice to mine. Maybe one day it will reach someone that matters, maybe it won't. However, if you add your name to the list, you can hold a torch for the hope it will return, to show that we miss it, and we want it to return.

I have had my say

Post a reply to join the petition

Benjamin D. Davis


This series doesn't need to be continued. It needs to have a resolution. And I would give much to see the end of this great series. You have my signing.


U got mine. This is truly in the top 5 best cartoons of all time


I have to sign too, it is my calling.



Signed! Sam Jack rules! R.I.P to Mako! Avatar is so cool!
Mal- I aim to misbehave...


I sign... I have a question... did jack ever make it back through time to slay aku... ? because if he didn't then that means... and unfinished cartoon... and I really dislike those... I think the last one I saw was... Darkstalkers... I really really hated that they didn't finish such a promising show... since the games are awesome... but anyways... bottom line... I have Clone Wars Volume 1 & 2... So if I support this Ghandi Tarakofsky dude or whatever then he needs to finish what he started...just like Tetsuya Nomura better finish what he started with Kingdom Hearts... because if KH III isn't the best friggin' RPG I've ever played then he'll be sorry... anyways... I'd really like to see Aku defeated once and for all... as Okami Amaterasu defeated Orochi... Long live King Mickey XXVII...



it was the most brilliant cartoon in ages, and i LOVED the episode that was almost entirely silent, when he was blinded and had to use his other senses, it was fantasitc!! oh, does my vote count twice, one for me and one for my husband. so that is TWO NAMES TO BRING BACK JACK!!!


I'm in... and I still want to see a live action movie adaptation!


I am definitely in, but did any of you hear about the interview Mr. Tartakovsky did with MTV? He's bringing the show back, and is still trying to get a live-action film.

Proud member of the OOTP and the Spiderman 3 AntiTroll Alliance


i've seen 30 years old people watching samurai jack,down to 10 years old.one of the best things cartoon network put on air.

want more Jack!!!want an end!!!


BRING JACK BACK!!!! THAT WAS THE ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me and my bro got the whole series in cd's and we love it


bring it back.


In a September 28, 2006 interview with MTV.com, series creator Genndy Tartakovsky confirmed that "Jack will come back" and that "we will finish the story, and there will be an animated film."






definatly bring it back,best cartoon in history

Thats what's so illogical about the smurfs...what's the point of living if you don't have a d***?


BRING IT BACK PLZ, One of the greatest shows in cartoonnetworks history, right up there with futurama.


All it took was a few minutes of one of the episodes from the first season and I was hooked. There are so few shows I really like, but this was one of them. I agree with everyone on here...either bring it back or at least give us an ending. This was a show that encompassed all the elements of a great, classic, hero-story and that is why it is so popular with people of all ages. Its themes and messages have reverberated throughout history in all forms. Why is it that only the good truly do die young?


I agree, bring back Jack! It is an excellent example of the "less-is-more" method of storytelling. Plus Jack is a great role model - polite, honorable, moral, noble, and he kicks ass!

Anthony Ring


Genndy, eternal thanks if you bring on more stories.
There are lots of great voice actors out there, I can handle a different Aku as long as s/he's good and nasty--after all, this is a shape shifter we're talking about.
Samurai Jack 4ever!


I don't got tv, but if an extra season came on dvd i would be there on the release day, hassling those slackers at hmv to open up the box and get it on the shelf already. eagerly anticipating season 4's release and giving my full support to more jack in any medium.
Thanks Genndy, you obviously know what's up.


I will certainly join. There is so much I can say regarding this show, but it has been said already. Good Luck, Samurai Jack. Maybe one day you'll get back to the past...or at least television!

Signed, Credence McFadzean


Jack's gotta get back! I'll be the first in line for the film.


We want it back!
