A petition

I know I am going to be badmouthed, but I miss Samurai Jack.

I have read the posts about Jack being a ripoff of one thing or another - I don't care.

I have read that Jack can be horrible because it has long scenes with no dialouge to build drama and tension - I don't care

I have even read that jack isn't a samurai - I don't care

The only thing that matters to me is something special and unique has been lost from the programming of cartoon network. To me, this show was a thought provoking and drama enriched series that dealt not only with the story of good vs. evil, but also was a metaphor for the struggles we all face in life. Remember the episode of the viking trapped in stone, or Jack and the Lava Monster, that Jack saved, or maybe the episode where Jack fought and defeated the super powerful androids, or Jack and the Ultra Bots, that Jack shouldn't of stood a chance against. The stories, and many others like it, were tales that touched the heart strings, to believe that humans can accomplish miracles if they only try. I know it is merely a show, but if a man can make animation so poignant, then I can only hope that he keeps going.

Thats why I would like to start this petition.

I doubt the Mr. Genndy Tartakovsky will ever read it, but If anyone, besides myself, want to keep the hope of this show returning, add your voice to mine. Maybe one day it will reach someone that matters, maybe it won't. However, if you add your name to the list, you can hold a torch for the hope it will return, to show that we miss it, and we want it to return.

I have had my say

Post a reply to join the petition

Benjamin D. Davis



This is me signing a second time, because I can. Bring it back mofos.


Proud Pastafarian.


bring back Jack!


I know this is a long time since the original petition message but I still agree with what Ben Davis says. I wish somehow this show could be finished without ruining how cool it was in the process.


Me too.
We want the show back.




Still my favorite show of all time. Count me in for anything that could help bring it back on the air. The only (and i mean only) thing that would have me hesitant is the loss of the great actor, Mako. Who could replace that awesome voice of his?


i loved his voice acting too. Still we would love to have the show back


7 years later, has my vote





I want Samurai Jack. Please.

"Law is the ultimate science."


Give Jack and us (his fans) a closure, let him kill aku in the future .. send him home ... this series really deserve a proper ending...
