MovieChat Forums > Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Discussion > who's a better actress julia stiles or k...

who's a better actress julia stiles or kirsten?

i think kirsten


i think they both aren't that good but still bareable


I think this was Kirsten Dunst's best role yet. She did an excellent job in portraying the intellectually arrogant, manipulative yet insecure character of Betty Warren. She really had the chance to show off her talent as an actress.

In this movie, Julia Stiles's role was not one that would make her shine. But in general, I think that both Kirsten Dunst and Julia Stiles are good actresses - of the same level.


Maggie! Then Ginnifer Goodwin <33
Then probably Kirsten. Didn't really like Julia too much. << Mee =D


the main reason i saw this movie was because of Maggie Gyllenhaal and Julia Roberts, but out of Julia Stiles and Kirsten Dunst id say Julia

Everything has a reason. Sometimes the reason is you forgetting to pack your pancakes tight enough.


To answer your question, definitely Kirsten Dunst.

Anyway, Maggie Gyllenhaal is by far the most talented, she is better than both of them combined. She is flawless in every performance she makes, so, it's a good thing you didn't include her, or it would have been unfair.

Julia Roberts is an amazing actress and right now she is in another league, just because she has been around a lot more than the other girls. But if anyone can one day be at her level, or even higher, that girl is Maggie.

Now when I get the sun, I smile.


well id choose julia stiles - 1, i dont really like Kirsten Dunst (except when she was in Jumanji) 2. because she was so great in 10 things i hate about you.


1. Maggie Gyllenhaal
2. Ginnifer Goodwin
3. Kirsten Dunst
4. Julia Stiles

Six colored pictures all in a row, of a marigold





alhtough i agree Maggie has a lot of talent, i loved Ginnifer Goodwin in this film, she was so sweet and understated that i feel she shined the most. but out of the original two in the question, i prefer Julia, never really been a fan of Kirsten

"things dont happen to you coz you're unlucky, they happen coz ure a you're a DUMBASS"


That's like asking, "What's a more fun way to die? Drowning or in a fire?"

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.


I think Kirsten but Julia is still a grate actress.

toucha-toucha-toucha touch me! I wanna be dirty!- The Rocky Horror Picture Show


None of them. Maggie Gyllenhaal is the best actress of the movie.



Kirsten was excellent in the scene where she was yelling at Maggie's character about how she was a whore and everyone hated her and then she just broke down. In my opinion, that was one of the best scenes in the movie. I think I prefer Julia over Kirsten but I need to see more of their movies to be able to respond to this question fairly.
