MovieChat Forums > Mona Lisa Smile (2003) Discussion > who's a better actress julia stiles or k...

who's a better actress julia stiles or kirsten?

i think kirsten


First of all, I think all the actresses were superb in this film. Each one of them did her best to achieve the goal and perform magnificently.

As for the question, both, Julia and Kirsten, are good. If pressed, I would have to say Kirsten, first of all, because I am a fan (ever since IWTV), secondly, because I really liked her role and line of story in the movie. I disagree with whose who find Kirsten's character one-dimentional, I think she was a very complex character from the start - strong, spiried and passionate (for example, she really DID care what's "acceptable" or "inacceptable" in art) - but tied by the rules of the conservative world to which she, without her realizing it, did not really belong. So her escape from this world in the end was only logical since she never really was a part of it. She tried to fit in but couln't. Throughout the film, she is clearly a leader - always speaks her mind, doesn't care if her opinion is popular or not; she just passionately defends what she thinks is right. I don't really see her as an agreeble little housewife she pretends to be but as a lawyer, hell, yes!. Hence her incecurity hidden under the apparent self-confidence and "bitchy" behavior. The scream and hug scene with Maggie Gyllenhaal is heartbreaking. My eyes get wet every time I watch it.

I loved Julia Stiles and her character, too. First of all, she is just so amazingly beautiful! It is pleasure to watch her. She doesn't have to speak or act - just be there. As for the acting, it is wonderful, too. You really do see how smart and confident she is and yet, how deeply she cares for Tom (I think that's the name?). It really is a tough choice for her. The viewer feels it. However, her character just didn't have the same resonance with me as Kirsten's character. Sorry. I can't help myself, but do have this awful feeling of being captured as Julia shows her wedding ring to another Julia. She made her tough choice. Would't have been mine. This is purely personal, I understand, however, what it comes down to is

- Julia's character leaves me with a sense of capture
- Kirsten's character leaves me with a sense of liberation.

Hence, Kirsten. But only because I have to name a name :)

Sorry, if my writing looks wierd. English is not my native language.



First to comment out of 8 months!!! :P

I like Julia Stiles.. But Kirsten is good too! *sigh* Its hard to compare!
uhhh I will vote for Kirsten because she is younger! :P

***Use the Force!!!!***


Neither can't act, but I choose Julia Stiles.


Julia (although I love her so I'm a bit biased) but of course both are 2 of the best actors of teir generation, maybe THE best. although Betty's lines werent always very good which wasnt Kirsten's fault. and I prefer her as a child actor.

"I do pretend I am a princess, so that I can try and behave like one."


I like Julia much more as an actress. I never was a fan of Kirsten Dunst. I also agree that she's much prettier, but Kirsten's still cute.



Do you actually care what others think?

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.


I think Kirsten owned Julia in this film because, at the time, Dunst still had to prove that she was more than just the Spider-man girl while the only thing Roberts had to prove or justify was her enormous salary for the part.


I'm going to agree and say she is a better person solely on the basis that she's not Julia Roberts.

Kickin' it, yo.Crappy twins =(The dead one was in the pool.
