MovieChat Forums > The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Discussion > Mina+Dorian: Actual old friends or holly...

Mina+Dorian: Actual old friends or hollywood enforced pairing?

I don't know very much at all about the majority of these characters (originally speaking - their essence from the fiction in which they've been taken).
So someone who does, is there some inkling of back story to the friendship/relationship/acquaintance of Mina and Dorian?
Cause they apparently already knew each other. And I was just curious if it happened in prior stories, or if it was just established for the basis of this movie?


I can't answer about the books but I think it was a matter of two immortals who found each other and bonded over their long life times.


Mina if Harker's bride in the original Bram Stoker's 'Dracula', Dorian is the main character in a fantasy story from Oscar Wilde story. The original characters had no relation at all (Mina is even supposed to be married after the events happened in Dracula).

Stoker and Wilde had no relation at all. Both were heavily linked to theater, but Stoker was Irish and Wilde was a typical British (I mean, what used to be a typical British, when they were English). They lived in completely separated world. There's nothing similar to the Byron, Mary Wollenscraft, Mary and Percy Shelley and Polidori stuff.

Alan Moore just picked characters from XIXth popular English novels and threw them together.


", but Stoker was Irish and Wilde was a typical British " Wilde was Irish


You're right. Thank you for the correction.
