MovieChat Forums > Monk (2002) Discussion > Michael Richards as Monk?

Michael Richards as Monk?

I recently came across an article that said Michael Richards was offered the role of Adrian Monk, but he didn't like the script for the pilot so he turned it down. I love Richards as Kramer on Seinfeld, but I just can't picture him as Monk. I'm sure he would have been very funny in the role, but I don't think he would have handled the dramatic moments in the show as Brilliantly as Tony Shalhoub. To be honest, Tony played the part so well that it's hard for me to imagine anyone but him playing Monk.


Did he do his racist rant at the same time Monk was on the air?
If so, it's a good thing he turned down the role so he could be a racist and not get fired from the show.
No doubt the producers and casting director let out a big sigh of relief when they saw and heard the racist on stage.


Thank God he wasn't cast. Michael Richards was nowhere as funny as people thought he was. He was basically channeling Christopher Lloyd from Taxi with his performance. He would've just played Monk exactly like he played Kramer.


When Richards was trying for Monk it was intended to be on network. Would have had a much larger budget. When he turned it down and Tony Shaloub was cast, the network passed on it. They didn't think he could carry the show. Then it get picked up by cable and the rest, as they say, is history.

Want to hear real irony: Tony Shaloub tried for Kramer on Seinfeld but lost to Richards.


If you've watched the shows, how would you rank them?
Elementary, House, Midsomer Murders, Monk?


I've never seen Midsomer Murders so can't judge that.

I'd go: Monk, House, Elementary


