MovieChat Forums > Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) Discussion > lines of dialogue that make you crack up...

lines of dialogue that make you crack up...

Some of the pedestrian stuff always gets me...

"Dang honey you look like a hot dish", especially at 2 in the morning...

or the construction workers saying "Move that piece of s**t!"

Jack Bauer removed my chi with a hacksaw.




COP when busted "give me five minuites alone with this *beep*

Cartman: Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!


I think you're playing plenty stupid enough for both of us

2 Soylent 2 Green... opens everywhere Friday


"I don't know where I am and I'm hungry..." (possibly GTA3)

"'s me, Death...I'll see you soon...ok?"-Manny Calavera



at the 2nd Cuban mission.

'Show me you got some big cojones'



Tommy Vercetti to Steve Scott:

"What did I say about the giant shark? I said no giant shark! Just keep the cameras pointed at the poontang!"


as tommy is beating someone up hes says " this is your fault ! " hahaha cracks me up


i like when the cop says "you could of killed me!" after ur trying to run him over!

"I like him, He says Okie Dokie" - Dean -Supernatural


After Tommy saves Lance in the junkyard

"there goes my careful planning all blown to s**t, way to go Lance you screwed up real good!"

"he killed my brother, what do you expect me to do, mow his lawns!"


When Tommy whines like a girl while falling of a bike.

"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!"


Ken Rosenberg:

Of course my client looks guilty. Just because he looks guilty doesn't mean he is. You look like an idiot, but that doesn't mean you are.

You wouldn't know the truth if you found it banging your wife; now shut up and release my client. And your wife's not that great.

Stupidity knows no bounds.


Tommy is talking to Umberto about a mission. Umberto makes fun of Tommys clothes telling him he "dresses like a woman". He then asks him to drive on a mission for him.

Umberto: "Can your drive, Amigo?"

Tommy: "Yeah... like a woman..."

Umberto: (laughs)


Tommy goes to the biker guy (I forget his name) to ask about security for Love Fist...

"Can you handle a bike?" (Biker)

"Can you sit on a stool and drink?" (Tommy)


Tommy Vercetti: Remember, smile at the other cops.
Lance Vance: Hey there, officer. Nice badge, nice badge.
Tommy Vercetti: Real smooth, Lance.

LANCE: Ooo. Fits perfectly!
TOMMY: bit tight around the crotch though...
LANCE: Oh yeah yeah, mine too. Mine too.


(after the initial botched drug deal. Tommy walks in and sees Ken sleeping and he proceeds to slam the door!)

Ken" Ohh ahh.. ohh.. I gotta get a change of pants now!"


Old man" Rip them a new @sshole for me, Tommy"
Tommy "Im gonna rip them two!"


"Yo man, you drive like a crazy B _ _ _ _"

I broke the F&*($ dam!



OK so the "I like balloons" DOES exist!!!

My b.f. and I have played this twice before (total 4 times) - he's playing it now again (5th time total) - and I swear some of the comments made by the pedestrians keep changing

He was near the beachball and I just heard this woman shriek that line and I spit my drink out - and that was the ONLY time I heard it...

Who says it - and is it only by the ball??? LOL


i think it's so hilarious when you have to destroy the stores at the mall and one of the store owners is like "my storrre... my beautiful storrrre"



Mercedes Cortez: Will you be working for for my father?
Tommy Vercetti: Maybe.
Mercedes Cortez: Do you mind me resting my hand on your lap?
Tommy Vercetti: ...Maybe.

Will always be my favorite lines of dialogue...



When Tommy is pointing and holding his gun at a pedestrian;-

"Lets talk about this like men. With guns."



i find the hobo funny come here aznd sit on my knees and the hooker no money no funny bunny honey(sumthing lik that)


When Tommy changes his clothes and comes out of Rafael's saying "Is this me?" and someone else says "Nice @ss, baby!". And everything that Phil says when he blew his own arm off and you have to take him to the hospital.


Tommy when taking money from a dead person: "I need the money"

Rico: "We gonna fight like men! And then go home and make love like a man!"

Shut yo damn mouth!!!
