MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Okay, just to start this post, ALL people are welcome on this thread to talk about what they liked or didn't like. So, don't blast anyone for stating their opinion.

Okay, now that that is out of the way...

I personally loved this movie. I thought the acting was great, the writing was great, and IMO it was one of the best directed movies I have ever seen.
But so many people seem to complain about it and I'm unsure why.
It has ranked on so many people's "Worst Super Hero Movie" list and personally, there are much worse films out there than this one. (Supergirl, Punisher '89, etc.)

So, anyone with opinions one way or the other, please let me know


I agree with you whole heartedly. Just a theory but it might be due to the fact she is a woman and shows a vulnerability toward Abby that you wouldn't see in assasins. Into the movie you see her look at Abby wth an almost like mother figure. However people don't usually analyze movies before they open their mouth. A movie is art and should be contemplated. Because what you may think is bad, was done on purpose for a reason and it's up to you to figure out the reason.
For instance, Elektra sees herself in Abby, and is constantly reminded of her mother's murder when she looks at Abby. Eventhough Elektra is an assasin, she seems to mostly murder bad guys. When she sees Abby and her tasty morsel of a father, she can't get herself to do it, because as she says in the movie, there is insufficient background information on the two. Hence, she hasn't felt that they are bad enough people to kill them. Just a theory.


I don't know either why this movie has received such bad reviews. I bought the DVD recently to see if it was as bad as alot of critics were saying and have seen it several times since, and enjoyed it more with each viewing.

If there is a problem with this movie, it may be that any supporting character from a comic book may not translate well to the big screen, therefore, certain "adjustments" may have to be made in order to make the movie/character interesting for the general populace, a small percentage of whom are familiar with the comic book characters, both major and minor.

In the case of [the character of and the movie]Elektra, it may have been better received by the general movie-going audience if it was filmed in the style of, say, Kill Bill (very fast-paced and non-stop action) and also if it was darker and more mysterious.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen more references/flashbacks to Daredevil, of which the director's cut is a cinematic masterpiece(I highly recommend Daredevil DC!). It would have been a nice emotional connection to have Elektra flashback to being in the pool, with her father's stern training, then flashing to Elektra holding her dead father in her arms after Bullseye kills him.

Jennifer Garner is an incredible actress, and if she hadn't spoken one word in the film (or one word sentences) she still could have carried the movie with her eyes and facial expressions alone.

All in all, I believe it's really getting a bad rap for no good reason and should be given another chance by it's critics.


Hihi, i think this movie rocks! I rented the dvd n tot it was gonna b a disappoinment, but surprisingly its not bad.

I think some ppl dun lik the movie cos it didn't clearly introduce the character. It assumes viewers already noe tt elektra was "killed" by bullseye in the daredevil movie. N even if viewers do noe, how did she wind up with Stick n got resurrected? Another factor for bad impression is prob the story doesn't quite follow the original marvel story. Stone is suppose to b a good guy, n elektra used to work for the Hand. N characters lik Typhoid n Tatoo weren't in the marvel world, by my knowledge.

But who cares if the director wanted to add some new elements?? Its a great movie anyway. I expected a usual assasin-turn-hero plot where the main character fights lots of bad guys wif guns. But no, wat i got was cool villians wif superpowers. Even elektra has this sixth sense which can b classified as superpower.

Its definitely a good movie for both marvel fans n non marvel fans.

P.S. You should watch the dvd version. Under special features, there's this deleted scene where Ben Afleck appears in elektra's dream n asks her to go back to him. Elektra said she wasn't ready but that was before she fought kirigi. She looks ready at the end, so i think there's gonna b a 3rd film abt both daredevil n elektra.


This movie gets a bad rap because it is the pinnacle of suck. I would've had more fun stabbing myself in the brain for an hour and a half. Everything about this heap of dung is cheesy, lame, and idiotic. I have shat more entertaining things. And they stunk less too.


Hey pls offer some constructive criticisms if u think the movie is bad. Dun complain without any reference abt the film. For all we noe, u may b toking bout another film.


I would've had more fun stabbing myself in the brain for an hour and a half.

That might be a fun theory to test. Would you be up for setting up that experiment?

Brandt Sponseller


That was really entertaining writing cacapoopy. We think this movie could be...imporved. After i saw the martial-style arts action piece, i surmised this was a occidential director wanna-be.

It's got some good shots, fun at times, but the pace can be deadly, and it's badly directed and poorly acted.


I think that your post needs some improvement.

The movie was *beep* awesome. Jen did a stellar job at portraying the assassin and I seriously don't think anyone could do it better. Her stint on Alias definitely had to have come in handy while shooting this film.

The fight scenes were awesome. The directing was perfect. This movie will always remain in my Top 5.



I've never seen this film and I admit that. I've heard bad things (and here I hear good things). I won't pass judgment on a movie until I see it. Jennifer Garner looks sexy as hell in this, though... I can't imagine it not being fun to watch.

So your comment is just crap. You probably heard some snobby film critics talk about it negatively so you come here and rat on it, I bet you've never seen it before either.


N characters lik Typhoid n Tatoo weren't in the marvel world, by my knowledge.

Typhoid was who i assumed to be Typhoid Mary, from the Daredevil Comics

but it's only an assumption


Typhoid mary was a character in the daredevil storyline briefly around 1990


This is just an aside, but anyone with the intestinal fortitude to expose himself to this turkey more than once has my deepest admiration. I wouldn't even be able to do this if I were immortal and hence not forced to economize time.


Actually, it has the direct opposite of what you wrote: the acting, writing and direction were so bad they probably were inspired by Spice World. Although most of the cast are capapble actors, they could not do anything to save this stinky mess aka the flagship of war against quality.

Basically, the entire movie is being told in that comic-y intro sequence, about the war between good and evil, a child that is a sacred treasure and that mysterious female fighter who could change the tides of battle. Then, as if it´s not enough we have to sit through the entire story being told again, we´re actually supposed to be surprised when that kid turns out to be the treasure. Are they kidding me?

And for the record, why was this abysmal plot used? Why does every movie have to stick in a young, spunky & sassy chick with an attitude? Do they think this is an original character? It´s not. We hate this kind of character and have done so forever. I totally wished she would die (my wish was near fulfillment but they couldn´t give me atleast that). And what was the point of that gruesome lovestory between Elektra and the dad? Oh, and not to mention Elektra, who has been working as a contract killer all this time but a 5 minute conversation with the kid & dad changed her entire views on life.

As for the most abysmal part: the resurrection. Why do they force-feed it to us? The part of the resurrection is mentioned in the intro, then we see Elektra getting resurrected, then it´s explained to us again, then Elektra resurrects that annoying brat. And finally, as though it wasn´t blatant enough already: when that mercenary in the begging hears who he is hired against, he sais: "Elektra? But she is dead" to which the boss answers: "Really? Then I guess someone brought her back to life" like that´s the most obvious and normal statement.

Oh, and if I wasn´t clear: this movie sucks big-time (except for 13 year old Alias fans and fans of Gigli who now can rejoyce since the crappiest movie of all time now has company).

"The prostitution rests." - Kelly Bundy


I happen to agree, the only missing argument is that even the special effects were sub-standard. Just look at the "wolf" hunting Elektra in the woods, or the explosion in the kitchen. I don't wanna diss the makers, but seriously, can be made better using a home PC (just look at Star Wreck, for example).


Agreed (with sss00002). However i did enjoy the first three seasons of Alias, which quite amusingly had less chaotic direction in it's action scenes then Elektra. In fact, you could actually see what was happening.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time...



I thought the acting was relatively bad, the writing was bad (especially the first scene), and it wasn't that well-directed.

It had a lot of good set-up, but some really bad payoff. Especially the retconned badguy, and her way of victory in most cases.

Most fight scnees were pretty dran simple, she just found a glaring weakness, or something.

Plus, thematically, the attempts at good quotes, especially "Second life is different" didn't QUITE work...


"Basically, the entire movie is being told in that comic-y intro sequence, about the war between good and evil, a child that is a sacred treasure and that mysterious female fighter who could change the tides of battle. Then, as if it´s not enough we have to sit through the entire story being told again, we´re actually supposed to be surprised when that kid turns out to be the treasure. Are they kidding me?"

Comic-y intro... of course it was. It is based off of a comic book series. As far as the girl being the treasure, in The Matrix, everyone KNEW (very early on) that Neo was the One without being told, but that didn't affect the story one bit. Neither did this.

"..and not to mention Elektra, who has been working as a contract killer all this time but a 5 minute conversation with the kid & dad changed her entire views on life."

If a 13 year-old girl manages to break into the house of an obsessive-compulsive, insomniatic, assasin completely undetected, wouldn't you think there was something special about her? And it didn't change Elektra's "entire views on life". Since Elektra did realize there was something special about the girl, it was possible that she was the treasure and Elektra did not want her to get captured by The Hand. I mean, you weren't surprised that the kid was the treasure, so why shouldn't Elektra know?

"As for the most abysmal part: the resurrection. Why do they force-feed it to us? The part of the resurrection is mentioned in the intro, then we see Elektra getting resurrected, then it´s explained to us again, then Elektra resurrects that annoying brat. And finally, as though it wasn´t blatant enough already: when that mercenary in the begging hears who he is hired against, he sais: "Elektra? But she is dead" to which the boss answers: "Really? Then I guess someone brought her back to life" like that´s the most obvious and normal statement."

To reference other comic book films,X-Men and X2, they comment on evolution all the time in both films. In the opening monologue, various points throughout the story, and even in the opening argument between Prof X and Magneto. So, according to your logic, it should not have been a surpise at all that Jean evolved into the Phoenix. Even if you were able to figure out that she would evolve, it was still interesting to watch. Much like the resurrection scenes in this film.

"Oh, and if I wasn´t clear: this movie sucks big-time (except for 13 year old Alias fans and fans of Gigli who now can rejoyce since the crappiest movie of all time now has company)."

I've never watched an episode of Alias or viewed the film Gigli. I've made no bashes against you or anyone else that dislikes this film. So, don't bash anyone that enjoys it.


I think the big problem is that most people i know who hated it thought it was just an unwarrented sequel to daredevil and did not even know that there was an Elektra comic series out there (of which i have always loved more than daredevil). As for the acting, it wasn't great, but i don't think it was bad.

I thought the special effects were not a good as they could have been.

The story, i liked the story, i just thought that it kinda didn't make sense, until i saw the directors cut, if you have not seen it yet, it is worth getting (even if you already have the theatrical release on dvd) i think it adds soo much back to the movie.

as for the directing and filmography, i thought it looked very good, the fight scenes weren't near as jumpy as most movies out there right now, i mean you actually got to see fighting instead of those close up shots that hint at action but don't show any. i thought the lighting on the sets was perfect and that the overall look of the movie was very very nice.

My one major complaint is that i don't think they spent enough time on how or why elektra became an assasin. but i understand the time contstraints.


My one major complaint is that i don't think they spent enough time on how or why elektra became an assasin. but i understand the time contstraints.

This is a major reason why, and it isn't about time constraints, but bad directoral choices. A lot of the character/story development needed wasn't within the movie. The mini scenes used to hint at suggestions only left the viewers to try to figure it out for themselves. Some examples (some hinted at, some maybe or maybe not hinted at):

1. Was Elektra the previous generation's treasure?
2. If so, how did Elktra survive long enough for the Hand to abandon trying to capture her?
3. Elektra thought she was bad, yet still was influenced by good even as an assasin (only killing really bad people), but something else had to direct her to the profession. What was it?
4. Elektra said during her atempt at the resurrection technique that she had just found the girl, and that they'd find each other again. Just found what? There's numerous answers just for this question. The film hints towards all of them, but never states any of them.

These are just off the top of my head. I never read the comic. It should never be required, unless it is stated in the promos so viewers that haven't don't waste their time. Having some mystery in a movie is a good thing. Elektra had a lot of mystery. A lot of flashbacks surrounding her mother's death were used, only adding more of a sense of surrealism to it all. More flashbacks providing background story and side story should have been used instead. Mystery is used to generate interest for the continuation. The interest isn't generated when people are left wondering about the first movie. The background story was too weak, causing a failure to generate an affinity to the overall plot. The audience was left in the middle of an ocean in a life raft, without any idea how they got there.

The movie has a bad rep because it was poorly done overall. The audience in general concentrated on Jennifer's apparel the most. Why? Because the movie failed to capture the audience's attention. I liked the movie. I just thought it was very poorly conceived and presented.

Passion unattended is like a flame burning to its own destruction.


Watching this movie as i type this really blows . This is the 5th time i have tried to watch it , from a bootleg to dvd to HBO . It is one of those movies that is a last ditch option to NOT watching tv ( when nothing else is on ) . Most have already broke this " pile O' crap " down , so i wont bury it any further . I just get the sense this movie wants to be like " Big Trouble In Little China " , but a serious version. That makes it even more of a joke . Please.....dont make a sequel .


if i might, for a second, have you read comics lately? they don't sum up the issue in the first page and then make you blow the next twenty minutes reading the events. you seem to be implying that comics have really simplistic blatant storylines, which tells me you've read too much archie and not enough y the last man. elektra's plot did just as he said, devulge itself in the intro, then make you watch the film anyways. that's bad writing. whoever the arse is that thinks jennifer garner is a good actress, she's not, she has the emotional depth of a poptart. she has two expressions on her face the whole film...neutral and glassy eyed neutral. her movements were stiff and lacked grace, accuracy, flow and power...she made keanu reeves in the matrix look like jet li. as a ninja she was terribly bad, but i suppose as a telephone pole, she was quiet believable. the action scenes were edited poorly, bad lighting, fast cuts, off center cameras, all b/c the fights were awful. they looked like yuen wo ping's stool. the resurrection of the messiah character has been done a thousand times, and many times better. the characters derivated from their comic book counterparts in almost every bad way that they could. goran visnic actually convinced me to stab myself at one point in the film. the agent w/ the heart of gold? he was responsible for my ruining a good bucket of popcorn w/ chunder. the hand were not the inspiration for ninja scroll, but they were the inspiration for the foot of TMNT fame...and the TMNT movies came FAR closer to perfection than this POS. it's sad when a spoof is more successful than its progenitor. your statement about the 13yr old who breaks into elektra's cabin reminds me how stupid this movie was. the 13 yr old got caught on her way out, so she wasn't that stealthy, so how'd she get in in the first place? WEAK WRITING, THAT'S HOW! how can they off the big bad guys w/ such ease after wasting an entire minute introducing them as some serious kickass evil doers? oh wait, WEAK WRITING AGAIN!! i've been more invested in a half-hour episode of the new lassie adventures. as far as bashing anyone who enjoys this movie goes, it's a free country, this is a public website, and you, sir or ma'am, are a goddammed idiot. i demanded my ticket price back after viewing this piece of trash and GOT IT cuz apparently, i wasn't the first at my local theater to complain about how nasty this film was. it was ALMOST as much fun as watching a documentary on the history of gabardine.

There are worse things than death, and I can do all of them.


Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of Jennifer Garner, the Elektra comics, and even the movie Daredevil (especially the director's cut), but Elektra was an atrocious movie. Sure, I can watch it without wanting to kill myself, but that's only because Jennifer Garner is in it. I am extremely disappointed in the filmmakers for ruining what could have been a truly great movie. Elektra is an extremely intriguing character with a dark backstory and a seemingly cold heart. She is an absolutely ruthless and talented killer, and that just didn't show in this watered-down movie. Jennifer Garner is a fantastic actress who needs more challenging roles than 13 Going On 30 and crap like Elektra. This would be the perfect character for her to truly shine as, but the script is so shallow and dull that she is forced to phone in her performance. The only thing that comes close to the comics and the true nature of Elektra was the opening scene, which was not bad compared to the rest of the movie. But by making it seem like some X-Men ripoff mixed with rejected scenes from Kill Bill, the filmmakers abandoned the comicbook fanbase and made other moviegoers think it would be a piece of absolute crap. Which it was. I wanted so badly to like this movie, because of the awesome potential the Elektra franchise offers and the fact that it stars Jennifer Garner, who I enjoyed so much in Daredevil. Too bad nobody will ever want to touch this material again. I would love to give Elektra a second shot at a good movie.


I agree. It's a shame the movie was robbed from being much better.

Passion unattended is like a flame burning to its own destruction.



I guess because the character itself isn't really that all interesting. I mean in my teen years I used to collect Marvel Cards and "Elektra" wasn't all that of a cool character like her arch rival DareDevil. I saw the movie on DVD and it wasn't really that great, it was just okay.


Yeah seriously! I thought this was definately one of the top ten marvel movies (or superhero movies). People are putting Fantastic Four at #6 and Elektra is nowhere on the list?! Seriously, I can name so many worse superhero movies: Hulk, Fantastic 4, the Punisher,Batman and Robin, and... well there are a whole lot of crappy movies.


I just watched this movie on F/X and absolutely loved it. Jennifer Garner did an extremely good job of portraying an assassin who still struggles with the emotions she has suppressed for years. The other actors were also fantastic in their roles, the fights scenes were beautifully rendered, and the story of how Elektra tries to protect Abby against the Hand kept me glued to the TV. The only reason I can think of for someone not enjoying this movie is that it may not be the exact portrayal of the way Elektra was in the comic books. But bringing a popular character to the bigscreen is no easy feat, especially since every single fan has different expectations for how the character should be depicted. With that in mind, a director can hardly be blamed for saying "screw it-I am just going to run with my own vision and make it as entertaining as possible". granted, this can sometimes result in disaster (Superman Returns, for instance), but this particular movie is one of the best comic movies I have seen personally and is way better than the following:
Superman Returns (It was just a rehash of the First Movie starring Christopher Reeves)
X3 (Juggles too many plots in too little time, and too many references to abortion/gay rights)
Sin City (just plain revolting)
Transformers (too much potty humor, sex talk and too many non-robot characters)

It's maybe slightly better than the Fantastic Four, but that franchise is great in it's own right, not crappy. The sequel was one of the best movies of the year (only Spiderman 3 topped it).


You know that old mantra "A hero is made by their villains"? Well. Elektra's villains just made her look horrible. Their powers and unique abilities could;ve been somethign really great. But then each one of them gets killed off ridiculously.

-Stone is damn near unscathable and gets killed by a falling tree.
-Kinkou the Agile is killed by literally "some guy".
-Tattoo, who my friends loved by the way, gets stabbed in an extremely anticlimatic way. Sitting on the floor using his powers.
-Kirigi, totally awesome character (Yun Lee played him perfectly), his lines, his fight scenes. His fight scenes. I tell you, you'd think his great fight scenes with Elektra would end in a climatic ending where he suffers a death truly worthy of a samurai warrior. But just like Tattoo, adrupt end to his life, as anticlimatic as possible. He simply runs into Elektra's freakin sai.
-Typhoid. I just can't believe how a past treasure can go like that.

I mean, that's what killed it for me. But I try to enjoy the villains while they're there.

You've never been stoned like me if you can lie on the floor without holding on.




Oooh! Ooohh! Wait, I know the answer to this.....

Because it wasn't terrible.


I think the problem is that most of those comic lovers want Elektra to be faithful to her character in the comics. Well if she would have been an exact copy of her charcater in the comics I would not have enjoyed this movie. I never read any of those marvel comics because well I rather watch movies than reading cartoons. I didn't even know that Elektra was a comic based character before I heard you guys commenting. Thx for letting me know anyway.

Now that's a reason why I liked this movie because it was NOT a copy of the comics. I hear Elektra is a ruthless and cold-blooded assassin in the comics. Well I don't like characters who kill for no reason, who show no emotions because I think they don't have a personality.

Okay I might not be a big fan of action and violent movies but when it stars a female hero and well Jennifer Garner IS a good actress (she rocks is Alias)there is a big chance I might like it. Super powers is always nice to see but that is not the main reason I would watch such movies. Female heroes are more likely to show emotions than their male counterparts and therefore have more personality in my opnion. Most male heroes are portrayed as emotionless fighting machines which make them quite uninteresting to watch in my opinion.

I liked this movie because I do think it has a good story but the time was too short to develop it to its full potential. I wouldn't have complained if there had been less fighting and more concentration on Elekra's background and surely on Elektra and Abby's bound. That Elekra was some kind of mother figure to Abby is what made me like this movie.

I do think the most action and violence fans just want to see as much action and violence as possible without having to worry why the characters are fighting and killing each other. I have a friend who is like that, for him the fighting and killing doesn't need to have a purpose. I hate such kind of movies with passion.

Elektra was not a movie like this and that was aleady enough reason to make me like it. I only wished there was more background information about Elektra in the movie. Some more scenes between Elektra and Abby would have been nice too.

A sequel to Elektra oh yes :-) But not with Daredevil though, but with Abby. They rock together :-)

I know I am weird liking an action movie actually mostly for the non-action but well that's just me. I like heroes with super powers but if they show no emotion at all, kill for no puprpose or don't have an interesting personality I'm not interested. So yes female heroes they usually do it for not the male ones. Plus a female hero looks way better too. And Jennifer Garner looks very good as Elektra :-) Yes I admit some more scenes where she wears that red suit would have been nice :-)

I suggest the comic lovers not to watch movies about their heroes because they will be disappointed too much if they expect their hero to be a copy of the comics.

If Elekra was a cold-blooded assassin first I surely liked her methamorphosis in the movie And I'm glad they didn't waste too much time on showing scenes where she would kill people for no reason (just for the money) as that would have made it in a typical boring action movie where there exist 1000's of. But yes I know there are people who like as much action and violence as possible but I'm not that kind of guy. I do have a wide variety in movie choices.


Stumbled across this movie on HBO. Never read comic tho was familiar with character.

I liked it. Unfortunately, that might have to do with lowered expectations.
I had vaguely remembered that it didn't get great reviews so when it turned out to be half-decent I was pleasantly suprised.
However, lowered expectations or not, I DID like the fact that movie took its time and didn't rush into the fight scenes or was just wall-to-wall ninja action. There was an attempt at some moody atmosphere especially when she was just waiting at the rented house. And coming to the rescue in the cabin against the two ninjas was a kind of Clark Kent revealing his true powers moment. Terence Stamp was great as usual and of course Jennifer has an absolute beautiful sincerity about her.

The villains were dispatched way too easy and the actor (who's name I've unforgivenly forgotten) who played the main villain in Mortal Kombat I and was head of the Hand here was horribly underused. He can fight!
Why not show it. Or was that on cutting room floor too?

This was a good 80 minute movie that will be a guilty pleasure for me the way Sheena with Tanya Roberts was. For reasons I haven't figured out and for other reasons that posters have ably detailed, it just couldn't quite jell into something REALLY exciting. Maybe more at stake would've helped. Although saving someone's life is a noble and high enough goal, perhaps the world or at least the city hanging in balance would've raised the tension level.

Maybe that's it - overall everything felt too thin - too much on the cutting room floor or the wrong scenes on the cutting room floor?



"Let me tell you something, their is far more character development in the Elektra comics then this piece of crap. In fact, the comics dealt with major disturbing aspects of Elektra's past and personality, while this movie just glossed over it. Having Elektra brooding by herself in some house does not make her "deep," it makes her bland."

So, what would you prefer? A two-hour long movie about why Elekta is so depressed and has separated herself from society? Wow, that would be a great action film. That would be like watching Bruce Wayne sitting around his mansion brooding over how he lost his parents, never found true love, etc. for two hours. It wouldn't make for a very interesting plot.
Of course you can have more plot development in comic books. The X-Men have been around for forty years, and only aged 20 years. You develop the character for three issues, maybe throw a villian in there for about five to seven issues, go more in depth in another three issues, etc. In movie time, that would require about four to six hours to do all of that. You can do so much more character development in comics than you can in movies.

Please, GrantZilla, if you can create a two or two and half hour film that can go completely in-depth with the character of Elektra, tackle every aspect of her personality, and still make it interesting for the average viewer (who may or may not have read the comics), then please, share it with us.

I think given the time frame (of two hours or so) the writers did a VERY good job with the material.



It may be nit-picking here, but AvP was PG-13. But, I do see where you're going with Hollywood making everything more acceptable to a wider audience. Much like:

Dodgeball (PG-13)
The Grudge (PG-13)
Daredevil (PG-13)
Darkness (PG-13)
Elektra (PG-13)
Alien Vs. Predator (PG-13)

Now, here's where my argument comes in... Yes, those movies were made PG-13 to attract more people to the theatre to watch them. However once they hit DVD, EVERY SINGLE ONE was released as either Unrated or R. And usually, the higher the rating, the closer it is to the original design.
Daredevil (PG-13) sucked. Plain and simple.
The Director's Cut of DD (R) was unbelieveably cool. It went more in-depth with character development and the plot flowed smoother. The same thing with Elektra. The original PG-13 version was good. It wasn't super, but it was good. The Unrated Director's Cut was amazing. Again, it went more into character development and gave it a more substantial plot.

Now, I must ask, have you seen the Unrated version? Because if not, this argument almost like comparing a rated R film that I saw in theatres to the watered-down televised version you watched.


I have no idea. Personally, I LOVED this movie. Jennifer Garner was soooooo hot, and there was lots of good action!

"You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed"
