MovieChat Forums > Elektra (2005) Discussion > Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Why is this movie getting a bad rap?

Okay, just to start this post, ALL people are welcome on this thread to talk about what they liked or didn't like. So, don't blast anyone for stating their opinion.

Okay, now that that is out of the way...

I personally loved this movie. I thought the acting was great, the writing was great, and IMO it was one of the best directed movies I have ever seen.
But so many people seem to complain about it and I'm unsure why.
It has ranked on so many people's "Worst Super Hero Movie" list and personally, there are much worse films out there than this one. (Supergirl, Punisher '89, etc.)

So, anyone with opinions one way or the other, please let me know


I agree I also loved this film.

“The whole world’s on fire…” Madeleine Stowe – The Last of the Mohicans


I think it would have been good even if Jennifer Garner wasn't as hot!

"You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed"


Personally, I loved the movie. Jen. Is sooooooo hot. She's great! Yeah, it could have been better, but it wasn't that bad either. I don't believe it's the actors and actress' fault. If there's someone to blame is the writers and directors. I mean, they got a great actress, great story, why don't they use them to make a great movie?

And to all those of you that didn't like the movie cuz it was different from the comic books. Why don't all of you just read a comic book instead and stop complaining?



Movie's awsome! Edited just perfect,with all those amazing effects,it can't
be rated less,than a 6 ,I think. The storyline was pretty clear,which is a big +. It has interesting characters,well acted. What else did you ppl expected from adventure fantasy movie,based on comics?!
9/10 - my vote.
Much better,than Daredevil anyway.





I liked it (Director's Cut). I would've liked it better with:

* Less "emotional" scenes. I liked better the restrained and somber Elektra.

* A bit more length. 15 minutes would do, although generally, the more the merrier. Fighting the bad team could use more time, as well as background, although for some reason that lack of explaining didn't bother me as much as it usually does.

What did bother me is the apparent lack of connection between the Elektra in the Daredevil movie and this one. I just saw Daredevil (Director's Cut) a week or two ago, and I can't really connect the Elektras. This movie felt more supernatural, while the Daredevil movie seemed more worldly. Perhaps a connecting movie would help.

I'll have to see both movies again, but so far I like Elektra better.

About bad rap... not sure. Is the DC much different from the Theatrical? And perhaps, disgruntled comic fans were involved? :) Though this can't explain all of it.


Ok, a bit stupid question,but
where can I get Director's Cut version? p2p?



the reason this movie is gets a bad rap? pick up Any Miller penned issue of daredevil featuring Elektra, and you'll understand.

its an ok movie, but its just not what it should be.



If you just want to see her goodies get on google and look at her. Saying a movie is good because she's in it makes you look like your frontal lobe was removed in a tragic accident involving a garden rake and a french poodle.





"pick up Any Miller penned issue of daredevil featuring Elektra, and you'll understand"

So it WAS disgruntled comics fans! :)


7% on Rotten Tomatoes. 7%. Do you know how bad that is? 93% of every professional film critic in the English-speaking world thought the movie was bad. And we don't even know about the other 7%. They might not have even thought it was good. Maybe just "okay."

It gets a bad rap because it was a bad movie. Period.



aside from terence stamp and a few others the acting was horrid. Jennifer Garner looked clumsy and unsure of herself with the sai's,she always had a look of "oh god what if i drop this thing"on her face. I have worked around martial arts my whole life and i know that unless you have some natural ability you will come across looking much the way she does,forced and clumsy. As for Ms.Garner's acting,its non existent to say the least. Movie was pure dreck



I think it's something we martial artists can pick up on. 'Cause man, you took the words right from my brain. She has this "chop-socky" stance about her too. Can someone tell me WHY THE HELL WAS THE WIND ALWAYS WHIPPING ABOUT HER HAIR? It's like she carried a fan in her pocket. That was so freaking cheesey and over fake-dramatic. I'm a fan of some mindless action now and then just like anyone, but it has to atleast be GOOD action. Not a fake 8 Devils of Kimone from Ninja Scroll.


I thought the story was predictable and boring, but though I liked the movie, most because of the great CGI, the cool looks and, of course, Jennifer Garner and Natassia Malthe.
And the music is great in the scenes of "The Hand". It has a touch of Silent Hill music.




This is a beautiful film. Excellent acting, wonderful cinematography and special effects, as well as a gripping plot. As for the people that don't like this know what they say: If you don't have anything good to say, just STFU.


Well said Doctor Von Nostrom This film is fantastic you just have to understand her darkness and the depth of the charater this may help if you read the comics. before you all say "I KNOW this isnt based on the comics" but parts were created from the movie to resemble elektra in the comics.
Everything was well done but the storyline just needed a little more of a description but other than that this film was brilliant.


Well, I love this movie, too, but I know many people didn't find this movie as brillant as the comics for some reason, and preferred the Daredevil movie. Yes, the storyline and all was different, but I think the movie should still be appericated for its comics-like features.


Yes I agree . I think people didnt like it was
A they hadnt seen daredevil OR
B its a spin-off and they hardl every do well in the box office
C resesmbled way to many comic features that people just didnt like.
eg. the hulk. way to much CGI

I though elektra was great but different ppl have different tastes


... Because it was terrible!

Did not care about any of the characters, the action and fight scenes were lame (how convenient that Elektra would not be able to sense Abby running behind her in the labyrinth but was able to nail several dead-on sai throws to defeat The Hand assassins), and while it is not the WORST superhero movie out there (Ultraviolet comes pretty close but I'm sure there are worst), it is a pretty big pile of shizz.

The writing was one-dimensional - just crap storytelling, really.

Watch more good films. Then you'll see why this one is such crap. Hot Chick was better than this movie (we rented them at the same time - from the library, thank God!).


This is a matter of opinion.

"how convenient that Elektra would not be able to sense Abby running behind her in the labyrinth"

I don't know if you bothered to watch the film but she cannot sense people without meditation, she cannot use kimagure why she is running. she needs meditation, also her kimagre got even stronger throughout the film which made it progress, thats how she managed to get a dead sai shot because her training had become complete.
If you believe it was the story then you are mistaken because it was well written . the direction of the movie was its downfall, if anyone read the comics it would put the movie in a whole new perspective
