MovieChat Forums > NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003) Discussion > Am I the only one who likes the new agen...

Am I the only one who likes the new agents?

Does anyone else like the new agents. I felt they were both a better fit than Bishop.


I thought they fit in better than I expected.

I like the guy right off. The woman will probably grow on me.

The whole she's an old friend of Gibbs' wore on me. It felt forced to me but I think that was because I've watched the show for soooooo long. That she's been training probies for years set up a fun little thing with Bishop but if she was such a friend of Gibbs and been doing training for so long wouldn't she know what he's looking for? I'd would have preferred a scenario where she's been an agent around the world and he'd always tried to get her to join his team and now she's a trainer in DC and Gibbs' tries again to get her to join. It would have been a fun little game to see them back and forth about that.

Love is like a friendship caught on fire.-Jeremy Taylor


I actually really liked them.


Love, both new agents. Tim*s character is so tired now days. Bishop had energy like Tim use to have. (I am from Finland, i hope you understand what i say).


I'm going to have to wait and see on Torres. I love Jennifer Esposito, so I liked her.


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I like Esposito because she is genuinely funny. Everyone knows that 99% of women are NOT funny despite how hilarious their friends assure them that they are!

We laughed AT Kate, laughed AT Ziva, and AT Bishop. BUT!!...We will be laughing WITH Espositito. The way she punked Bishop was EPIC and quite hilarious. I was completely taken by surprise. What a fascinating character.

I hope the writers expand on that part of her. It is essential IMO. What a rare find. You NEVER see a truly funny female character. Goofy(Abbey), sure. Deep (Mac), emotional (Kate) check, Serious(Bishop)....But NEVER funny.

Truly funny women are like Unicorns. They dont exist. They are myths. This is gonna be great. I hope. Esposito as the punking crack up girl. I like the idea. I hope the writers can pull it off. They dont have much to draw on from realm life.


I completely agree with you; Jennifer Esposito is naturally funny and I love that she got over on Bishop the way she did. I hope they keep her humor high quality.


Torres definitely picked up the pace and action in the first episode. I'm hoping they lean more in that direction, with less forced humor and more action...the last few seasons have been lightweight.

I also like Quinn, she's sarcastic but smart and believable. Not as strong a character as Torres or even Ziva, but definitely the most interesting female since Ziva. I'm glad they're still producing the show. It took a couple of seasons and some cast changes to get everything in place. This could prove to be the best cast lineup since Seasons 3-8. I thought the 'growth' of all the characters worked...and I felt Tony became Ziva's protector, even though she didn't need it. She kicked ass and he followed through, that's how they worked out their partnership.

As far as the new characters, it'll be interesting to see where the writers take them. In the first few episodes of the first season, DiNozzo didn't know anything about movies and then around episode 6 or 7 he was an encyclopedia of movies. Ziva was a bit annoying to me at first, however the rapport between her and Tony worked well. I thought Tim was more interesting when he was geeky and nervous and the three of them with Gibbs were fun to watch.

I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Bishop's...and her character has gotten even more bland since she started. I'm hoping with the addition of Torres and Quinn, Bishop and McGee will be somewhat of the second string which is a good thing because that's where their strengths lie. Every show needs good supporting actors.

Anyway, I was really very surprised at how much I liked the first episode of this season...the first time in a long time I'm looking forward to watching each week.

BTW...It's hard to believe Torres (Wilmer Valderamma) was once 'Fez' on "That 70's Show." A very big change...and a good one!



Do they still call it an elevator when it goes down?


I will give it a chance.
I really don't care for Wilmer Valderama's work in the past. But, I will see how he does.

Bishop was given silly quirks, eating all the time... sitting on the floor... They had to do something to get people to start empathizing with her, so they made her husband a jerk.

Tim just kind of rides along in the car, stands in the office, and not much else anymore... either give him something to actually do... or get rid of the character.

For me Tony's character jumped the shark with that HORRIBLE episode "Under Covers"
Just a contrived way to get them in bed together. BLEAH!!!!!!!!! Just stupid and I turned the episode off when that crap started.


I love the two new characters. I am a Blue Bloods fan, so the fit with Esposito was easy. It's about time that they got a Hispanic character on the show. Loved Torres playing the music LOUD today at the end of the show and grooving to it.


I really do like Jennifer Esposito. She is a good fit for the show.
Torres gets on my nerves, but it is probably just because I can't stand the man who plays him. Maybe he will grow on me. I hope so because I like this show.
I had heard Abby was going to get someone new in the lab. Has anyone heard anything on that?


I don't like them because there's THREE of them. Three of them to replace one, when the cast was already large. The two I've seen so far, I like o.k. (although I agree with the criticisms above), haven't seen the third guy. But just pick one. Three is too much and I really like all the pre-existing characters, especially McGee, and I don't want to see less of them. I'm already finding myself less interested in the show.


what three? There's only 2 new permanent agents; Torres and Quinn.


You are forgetting the Brit, Duane Henry.

😖There's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.😱


as far as I know, he will just play a recurring role...I don't think he will join the team permanently so he shouldn't count.


😖There's nothing to worry. You're going to be just fine. I'll take care of you. I'm your #1 fan.😱
