MovieChat Forums > NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003) Discussion > Am I the only one who likes the new agen...

Am I the only one who likes the new agents?

Does anyone else like the new agents. I felt they were both a better fit than Bishop.


I really liked them, as far as first impressions go. I mean, it'll take a while for me to form a proper opinion about them but I'm giving them a chance. People are so quick to hate, but you've gotta give these things at least a few episodes.

Torres and Quin are points of difference from the rest of the cast, and it doesn't feel like the writer's have tried too hard to do that. It's a nice change of pace, considering how much last season seemed to drag on.


I just finished watching the first two episodes of season 14 and I feel like it's a whole new show and one I'm good to go with!

So MyDogSnores, my friend, you are NOT alone! I like the feel of the new team. I like the changes they bring with them and I like that they've changed up the office set-up as well as the number of members. As I said, I'm good to go!

Don't get me wrong. I loved Dinozzo, loved Ziva and loved Kate even more way back in the beginning of the series. But after 10 years or so, I just kind of went flat on it. There were other things to watch. USA (or whomever) ran endless reruns of season after season back-to-back and it all just got to be too much.

But after hearing that MW had finally left as well, I decided to check back in and see who the "new kids" on Gibb's block were and I gotta say, I'm impressed. If Criminal Minds had done half as good a job replacing Shemar Moore (and now Thomas Gibson, besides bringing back Paget Brewster who left on her own years ago which I was great with... I might still be watching that too!)

So regardless of what anybody else thinks, I'm looking forward to S/14 with clap-happy anticipation! Although Gibbs HAS GOT TO GET THAT FBI AGENT OFF HIS COUCH! 

      
Binge with your buddies OR, be a party ALL BY YOURSELF! ~ JTB


I will say this though. Torres is definitely not Fez. and that's a good thing. If I weren't familiar with the actor's name, I wouldn't have known that Torres and Fez were the same guy. It's rare for an actor to be able to change so much as to be unrecognizable.


Does anyone else like the new agents.

YES, yes, yes!!!

I felt they were both a better fit than Bishop.

Easily, yes...

Bishops penchant for sitting on the floor and her constant hunger and abnormal appetite was "super annoying" IMO. Not at all quirky or adorable. 

The new cast members are a breath of fresh air... I'm looking forward to getting to know both.

OT: Mark Harmon is smokin' OMG is he aging beautifully.


OT: Mark Harmon is smokin' OMG is he aging beautifully.

Oh, yes.


I like the guy. The woman could be an excellent character, but her character doesn't fit her character. My husband and I agree that the character isn't presented as a woman who has trained a good chunk of ncis agents.
She seems kind of lost and probieish in the office. She should be written as the strong character she should be.
Let me answer that question with a headbutt!


*Training* someone is very different from actually performing the job. A trainer would break down the essence of the job and help a new person see the best response in any given situation. It works in *theory.* Actually being on the job and doing what you have trained countless others to do is rather different.

I don't know what your job is, but think of any teacher you had. They could teach the steps and theory, but being in the workplace and performing that job may have been difficult for them.

It's like the difference between a simulation and the real life experience. One may help *prepare* you for the other, but nothing is ever quite like the real world experience.

I like her, and if they had made her a perfect agent right away, I would have been disappointed.


I have never felt that Bishop really settled into the team. It wasn't that I tried to compare her to Ziva. NCIS has been great about the way they introduce their new members and bring them into the family smoothly. Quinn seems to really be working out, but I am unsure about Torres. It might be that his character is awkward after years of solo work. Not sure. I'll have to see as the season progresses.

I was wondering why, this time, one agent leaves and they bring in two to replace him. Perhaps, they are setting Torres up for some kind of fall later on. Or Quinn. Either way, I do prefer them over Bishop.

DL Bach


I'm always always always going to be the kind of viewer who cherishes cast members in a long-running series so when they depart - and eventually on any good show there will be turnover - its hard for me to adapt.

So it was a real surprise to me at how fascinated I was from the get-go with Bishop, still am, maybe because we process so similarly. I work on the floor, draw charts, still think of myself as better at the laptop than in field work. But she's continued to step up in every show, thanks to good character development and scripting.

I'm hugely puzzled by the Jennifer Esposito/Alex Quinn character: what's a professional trainer of probies doing on the team? I feel the scriptwriters are working to hard to make her appear interested. I expect her to bail before the end of season due to boredom!

Valderrama/Torres is just too...too...over the top for me right now. Maybe I'll learn to like him. He needs some serious social skills training.

I am DELIGHTED to learn that Duane Henry/Clayton Reeves' character is returning soon as a regular. Now THAT character has class, brains, skills and charisma. Bring him on!

FYI: Up here where many Scandinavians settled as emigrants, cornsilk blonde hair with dark brows are very common, usually on those with strong Swedish ancestry. For more proof of this attractive combination, watch any of Bergman's later color films, e.g., Fanny and Alexander. The lead actress has exactly that same coloring: fair skin, blonde hair, dark brows.

BTW, I think the Tony/Zeva storyline more than ran itself out and Michael Weatherly really needed to move on. Now he's doing a well-deserved star turn in a very smart new series, 'Bull.' I was hooked from the pilot, check it out.



I love Bishop, but I do love the two new agents as well. I actually don't miss Tony with them around. The team functions well with 5 members instead of 4. Something just feels right with this combo. :)

Anyway, to the OP of this thread, you're not alone. I hope they both stick around for a good, long time. I definitely want to see more development with Quinn.

"I am the Rumble Suppressor."
