Paris Hilton rocks

Yeah, she's rich. But can she really help that? I dont get why everyone is flaming her. SHE IS NOT THAT BAD OF AN ACTRESS! Ok? She doesnt even need to work, she has tons of $, but she wants a name for herself! She has done a lot of stuff to make her name well-known. Books, movies, modeling for brands, perfumes, purses, jewelrey line, a bunch of stuff! So just stop bothering her. She's very pretty too. You have to admit that.


wow you guys dont even know her, why dont you just mind your own business
your just freaking jealous because shes rich and your probably not
you gotta give her SOME freaking credit for TRYING to give herself a name
by designing clothes and jewelry, acting, and singing
why dont you guys just mind your own god damn business and stop hating
a person when you dont even know them? what the heck are YOU doing for
society? probably nothing so just STFU



she's trying to make a name for her self. BS. she's trying to KEEP a name for her self, Oh and that crap about designing her own clothes, i guess you don't need to go to design school, in fact all those people who are in collage trying to learn theater, and design, and music theory are all just stupid, because it's people like her who are too rich and busy to do all that, but get ahead because daddy has some cash to blow on his slutty daughter.

Paris HIlton is the personification of everything that is wrong with america


You guys know Paris' PR flaks often post on message boards about her, right? I bet that's what this thread is all about!




Nothing is wrong with being spoiled.

Paris Hilton is not very attractive.
She's definitely a slut.
Her acting skills are equal to Jessica Simpsons. (which isn't good)
I've seen her "movies", and they suck ASS.
All she does is prance around saying "that's hot"
and making herself look like an idiot.
She should use her "acting skills" (ha)
in something that's more suited for her.

I: That's straight up gangsterrrrr!
B: It's gangsta! GANGSTAAAA!!


will you run for president, you know how to talk to the masses (me)
that post made my night


Lol I wish I could.
Thank you.
You just made *my* night.

I: That's straight up gangsterrrrr!
B: It's gangsta! GANGSTAAAA!!


YA!!! Id jest liike 2 sAy tht Paris Hilton is, liike, da best actreess evr. u peeple dnt knuw wut u r tlkin bout. hr mvies r sooooo fnny, hous o wax was th scrreist, nd u peeple ned 2 gt a life! jst becuz she haz munny duznt men shes a bd actr. LUV YA PARIS!!! l8r h8rs!

For god's sake, finish reading this! Would you take anyone who talked like that seriously? People who like Paris Hilton talk like idiots, act like idiots, worship this idiot, and are idiots. Why anyone would pay attention to this stupid, spoiled, hideous troll is beyond me. It makes me sick! Paris has proven herself to be one of the most useless people to ever live. Hopefully this era of being famous for being rich will soon be over.

LONG LIVE THE MADCAP!!! Syd Barret 1946-2006


OH man.... at first I thought that that was you who was talkin like a dumbass lol.

But I agree with you 100%

I: That's straight up gangsterrrrr!
B: It's gangsta! GANGSTAAAA!!


no jealousy, just discust




uhhh first of all paris hilton can't act for *beep*

second she won a golden rasberry caus she is such a *beep* actor (house of wax)

third caus she was in it, house of wax was a *beep* movie the best part was when she died.

forth she can't sing for *beep*

fifth they had to alter her voice caus shes such a *beep* singer

sixth she only sold 75000 singles in one week with "stars are blind"

seventh the music video of stars are blind has her having dry sex with some random guy proving shes a whorey slut.

eighth she only became famous caus she was rich and had sex with other famous people... and filmed it.

ninth she had naked photos of herself on her phone.

tenth she can't go on tour caus her voice is to weak.

there you go cockroachs 10 reasons why you should hate paris hilton


harhar paris hiltons haters represent!!!



I'm sure that if any of you Paris Hilton fans or 'Manace's to society' actually met her in person. One: She would tell you to *beep* off. Two: She would not sleep with you, as you can tell, it isnt just anyone, but anyone that matters so she can make more money off it. Thank you for your time. Paris fans suck ass!





I honestly don't think that anyone
on this thread is "jellous" of Paris.

I: That's straight up gangsterrrrr!
B: It's gangsta! GANGSTAAAA!!


"She's very pretty too. You have to admit that."

Yeah, if you like fugly.


Don't anyone dare accuse any Hilton lovers of being high. You give the stoners a really bad name...



not a bad name, just worse


Anybody see her BJ video? Now THAT'S talent!!!!!!!!


Paris Hilton is not as attractive as she thinks she is. She has that "used" look to her. Maybe because she is.


Paris may not be the best looking person in the world or the most talented but she definitely has a nice personality and she is one the strongest marketing powers in the world how many of you can say that you can do that. The media emphasizes the bad, so you have to view her career on a positive perspective and have a mind of your own.


Marketing powers? You know why? Her daddy owns the Hilton hotels. She was born into that "marketing position". If she hadn't had that sex tape, she would have been a fad. But she capitalized off that and now she's in *beep* movies.

Nice personality? God, you're stupid. I hear so much *beep* about her. Hacking fellow "celebrity phones", wasting the courts time, and being her own self.

Pardon the bluntness but it's hard for me to believe that people actually like and spympathize with this piece of human trash.



Paris Hilton is a dirty, smelly, *beep* sluty BITCH!!!!! This girl has to be the most dumbest girl I have ever seen in my whole entire *beep* life!!!!! I don't care about her, even after I was standing right next to her as she was to make her way through into Radio City in the NY Fashion Rock Show on September 07th of this year!!!!! I can't believe why this BITCH is even famous in the first place, for what, the sex tape, this BITCH isn't even hot to start things off, and not to mention, she has the FLATEST ASS I have ever seen in my life, I mean it looks like she doesn't even have an ass, that just proves how guys these days like these so called "HOT" girls who are okay in looks, have no tits, no body, no ass, smokes, drinks, parties, and uses drugs, serioulsy, *beep* you *beep* that even like this BITCH, I dare all you Paris Lovers to challenge me!!!!! And to top things off, this BITCH can't sing, act, or have sex right!!!!! Serioulsy, *beep* THIS SO CALLED BITCH!!!!! BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!



Come say that in my goddamn *beep* face you goddamn *beep* prick!!!!! I swear to you that if you say one more bad thing about me or say one more good thing about Paris Hilton one more time, I swear I'll cut your WeeWee and shove them right down your goddamn *beep* throat!!!!! BITCH!!!!!


Hahahahahahahhhahahahaha.....Paris is She has no traces of talent in that empty head oh hers. First of all...some people said that she made a mistake with that sex tape...NEWS dumb must you be to create a sequel to that sex tape..For those of you that dont know...on the market can be found the unseen shots and the sequel to the original sex tape...C'MON...she's even uglyer and dumber than the first part. And for those who can only reply to the "nice" remarks with "you're just jealous" I have only one thing to say ....Hahahahahahhahahahahha....IDIOTS....that's the lamest thing anyone can say in her defense. There's not ONE thing that I could want from her..and not one thing I can envy her for...She's without a doubt the most stupid person that ever existed...She even managed to overcome the fictional Kelly Bundy. Paris....please...I beg of you....DIE DIE terrible pain ....and that would be for sure the only thing you could do for this humanity.


I actually do not hate her that much anymore. I used to think she was a whore but now I kind of like her. She actually seems sweet. Except for that sex tape. I think she is okay. But she is kind of ugly. I dunno. Maybe a little pretty. I think she is a good actress actually. Even though she needs to take out a dictionary and brush up on her vocabulary. But she was impressive in House of Wax and awesome in The Hillz! I was watching her on TV when she was here in Canada. She said, "Bonjour Canada" And then she said "You are all hot!" I thought that was pretty nice of her. She is not a bad actress and people judge her to much.

I like her now.

~Moze and Ned 4ever~


Yeah, but i'd swap body fluids in the hope of getting some of her cash! lol.

Seriously though, she reminds me of an Essex girl of the 1980's, The white stilettos too much make up and totally in love with herself, the type who would drink a drink through a straw whilst looking at herself in a mirror and pr1ck teasing all the horny teenyboppers!

Oh to be 18 again.....


She actually doesn't have that much money.
She is really good at marketing herself thought...
