Paris Hilton rocks

Yeah, she's rich. But can she really help that? I dont get why everyone is flaming her. SHE IS NOT THAT BAD OF AN ACTRESS! Ok? She doesnt even need to work, she has tons of $, but she wants a name for herself! She has done a lot of stuff to make her name well-known. Books, movies, modeling for brands, perfumes, purses, jewelrey line, a bunch of stuff! So just stop bothering her. She's very pretty too. You have to admit that.


If she stops giving us reasons* to make fun of her, maybe people beside 16 years olds or with an IQ above 85 might take her seriously.

And she looks OK (well, she's thin), although I don't really go for the cross-eyed no-tits whore type of skank.

- The 'leaked' sex video that was too lame for TV.
- Her childish relationship with 'BFF' Nicole Richie.
- Her pathetic acting in every movie she has been in.
- Her very crappy debut album.
- Her 'comitment' "oooh, I'm gonna marry him. Ow wait, no I don't!"
- Her partying with her NEW 'BFF' Britney (a.k.a. A NEW MOMMY).
- The fact that she hasn't worked a day in her life.
- She has no talent, but buys herself into everyting.
- You get the message...


U lot are all stupid,as i am i, because we all just should ignore her ,for the more that is written about her the longer she is in our faces --end of story!
"Do Not Feed The Paris" = 2008 will be Paris Free (thank goodness)



shes so fake. she has contacts to make her eyes blue, she colors her hair, her brother looks like a monkey so under all that makeup she must look like one too. im so bummed. i wanted to see if she was rlly ugly cuz she came to my school once (st. pauls) to pick up her brother but i was getting ready for a vball game. He still goes there. its in westwood in los angeles california. anyways my friends saw her and said she was reallly ugly and the guys were disapointed lol. In the year book of when she went here, her sister looked like a witch, lol


Paris is kind of like that old McDonald's commercial (two all beef patties, special sauce...), where you heard the irritating thing so often you couldn't get it outta your head. Don't know what was worse, that irritating song or Paris' acting. No emotion, no depth, no personality...

I wonder how many other girls would be attractive if they had the best the world offers in hair and skin products? She's obviously an attention whore who does all those commercials and bad movies just to be on TV or in print every day. She don't need the money and give me a break on that, "I just want to be my own person" act! And how does a girl with such a wealthy family not get a decent education? Too bad so many actually believe her stupid act is just that, an act. Face it, she's just flat-out stupid.

And don't judge that I'm jealous of her. I'm happy she has had the benefits and opportunities that most don't have. I wish all my friends and family were so lucky.



I like Paris. She hot, funny, and seems like a good person. I really don't think that she is half bad when it comes to acting, she's pretty decent (especially in this movie and the house of wax). Idk why people bash her and other celeberties all the time, if you don't like them, get over yourself. She could just be running around spending her daddy's moeny (which is a stereotype that many people associate with her) but she's not. She stars in a hit tv show, movies, wrote a book, has perfume/clothing lines she's working on, a videogame for cell phones, etc. I am sick of everyone saying that she does nothing (same with Nicole Richie whom I absolutely love). People need to stop being so mean to celebs, just because they are richer than you doesn't mean you have to be jealous, k?



She looks like a man in drag!


Oki so let's start with this!I DON't hate her, I'm NOT jealous of her..I think she SUCKS!!
I'm a girl so what?! i think that i'm prettier without all those things that she' got! i'm not rick but i'm not poor either, i'm just normal!!
so the important thing is that everyone hates paris and i mean not only girls. I think she sends a bad message to the all people in the world that have heard of is it good and normal to be ANOREXIC?! is it normal to have NO RESPECT for the others?! is it normal to THINK THAT YOU CAN SING just because you got the money? is it normal to THINK YOU CAN ACT just because you your daddy pays the others?! Honestly when she wakes up in the morning she's just like one of us "common mortals" and without that amout of people to do her hair make-up and choose her clothers she's NOTHING.. i doubt someon can be that "glam" without all that money...
I can't say anything sure about her since i don't know her but from what I've read and heard( <<I don't enjoy going out anymore. It's such a pain. It's everyone saying, "Let's do a deal! Can I have a picture?" I'm just, like, "These people are such losers. I can't believe I used to love doing this">> this is something that paris said in an interview...
) and to me she seams just a spoilt girl who doesn't know what she wants..
I wouldn't say that i hate her since i don't know her but i really think that with al the money and the influence that she has she could inspire all of us in a more constructive way!
about her singing ..i can't believe what i've heard: the girl has a voice?! she can't even sing "happy birtday"(check this out.. and if you tell me that she can sing after you've heard this one it means a) i'm stupid and i can't distinguish a good voice from a sucky one.. or b9 u're an idiot whic is obsessed with paris just because you consider her hot)...about her acting: just watch pledge this! and u'll see why everybody says she's a terrible actress


again, alls I see is should listen to Paris' song Jealousy sometime and try to control really makes you look bad!!!


No, that song makes Paris look bad because she's a horrible singer!


Jealous of Paris oh please why would anyone be jealous of her. Because she has money? Her daddy has the money. She needed a sextape to become famous. She was NOTHING before that. She has NO talent at all. People who say she can act really need to see a few real movie.
She is NOT attractive. She has a real strange kinda square head. She has no real feminine curves. The only real thing about her is how fake she is.


jealousy, jealousy,'s such an evil thing.......


Yea, I know she's made movies, A Night in Paris... brands/perfumes/purses/jewelry, so has every other actress in hollywood, big deal, no one I've ever met cares about that crap.

Books? hold on, you lost me there, no one ever said anything about her being able to read or write. That's just a ridiculous claim man, c'mon!

One reason I her though, for real - "That's Hot."
You've got to be sh**ting me! All of my friends and I were saying that literally years before she ever did. It's ridiculous that she can get this kind of 'credit' for using an every day phrase. And yea, my friends and I used it the way she does, in that kind of context, not just to refer to the weather.

So she's attractive, that's about all she has going for her. But then again, with that many millions of dollars, most people could find a way to look good too (ever heard of the TV show Extreme Makeover?). Most hollywood people look ridiculous w/o their makeup anyway, so again, she's got nothing 50 other hollywood actresses don't have too.


jealus much??? Get over it omg I am so sick of people whining. She's famous, God made it that way, ur not, get over it, quit complaining about her, it's annoying.




lol ur like my of the only people that agreed with me on here....I am sick of people not only bashing her but every other celeb in general...seriously people need to get over it, celebs are people 2. Except they are not normal people because normal people don't get every mistake that they make put on the cover of a magazine or on the news.....



Pointing out the mere fact that Paris Hilton is incabable of doing anything worthy of garnering celebrity status doesn't indicate jealousy. As media consumers, the general public has legitimate criticism of Paris Hilton. We live in a merit-based society, where there should be no respect for talentless people like Paris. We have full right to attack her lack of acting, singing, and marketing ability because there are tons of people out there that CAN do things way better than her, and she is trying to delude herself and the public into thinking that she has some talent. It's just annoying. It wouldn't be so bad that if she acknoweldged the fact that behind all her makeup, warehouse processing, and etc, she is merely an unremarkable individual. She's just an annoying taint of society. It's more embarassing than annoying. Arguing that she has marketed herself well is a crock too. She invariably doesn't do anything beside sit in a room with a bunch of people who tell her how to market herself. It's a common misconception that most celebrities do all their work.


it's sad that you got on here and typed that all up lol



I don't particularly like her. I don't HATE her by any means, as she's never given me any reason to, or warranted enough of my time to give it any consideration. But what really kills me here, is that a lot of people have said that she's dumb or stupid. You know what's really dumb and stupid? The fact that I actually read most of this thread. That in itself makes me feel like less of a person.

It is, however, amazing reading this and seeing how obsessed people can really be (love or hate) about a celebrity that will never have any direct impact on them.




Yeah, she's rich. But can she really help that? I dont get why everyone is flaming her. SHE IS NOT THAT BAD OF AN ACTRESS! Ok? She doesnt even need to work, she has tons of $, but she wants a name for herself! She has done a lot of stuff to make her name well-known. Books, movies, modeling for brands, perfumes, purses, jewelrey line, a bunch of stuff! So just stop bothering her. She's very pretty too. You have to admit that.

1.) NOT THAT BAD OF AN ACTRESS!!! Are you high?

2.) She does not need to work? Exactly, She should not... ;)

3.) So just stop bothering her? Why? she bothers us.

4.) Admit that. No.


i just got a quetion for Dwhitney89: how old are you?! she sux even for a retarded 10 year old rich guy check it out and add me as a friend..



Holly Valance rocks!

"favor gonna kill you faster than a bullet."


Really bad idea for paris to take on this movie as her role in it is exactly what the world thinks of her so wait to make everyone realise they were right, any time you have a problem call daddy and buy something really expensive.


LOL thats funny



shes uglyier than Renee Zelwiger mid sneeze, unfortunetly she dosnt have the acting abiltiy to match.

Gadzooks!-Preston & Steve rock!!


An anorexic, fugly idiot... the ultimate trifecta.

She's got the body of a boney 10-year old girl...

She's got the intelligence of a crescent wrench....

She's got the morals of a gangbangin' street whore....

She's got the personality of a paper clip...

She's got the sense of entitlement of ACTUAL royalty...

A complete waste of our oxygen. Her daddy's money should be split up amongst homeless people and she should be cleaning motel rooms, although I'm sure she's seriously underqualified to do even that. For that matter, 3 homeless people could live in that 300 sq. foot schnoz she sports on her ugly mug.

Other than that, she's hot.



Hahaha... I'll second that motion!

I never made it past the titles on this, so I have no clue if it's actually worth something... I'm guessing no, given the rating on it..

Besides... she's hot in the carcrash sense of the word
