MovieChat Forums > The Proposition (2006) Discussion > Penis point...serious question

Penis point...serious question

What was the reasoning for the penis-shaped peak in a couple of the scenes? It was obviously very intentional


I honestly never noticed that man. just saying', you might have some deep-seeded issues


Uh no. Everyone I was watching it with saw it and laughed. Go back. Two scenes. Its very noticeable.


I never noticed that, and if others have to go back and look it sounds like your group have other things on their minds.

Just because something offends you, doesn't mean you're right.


Come to think about it, there are lots of phallic signals in this movie.


I've seen this movie a half a dozen times and watched it with numerous people, and none of us ever noticed anything like that.


A deep-seeded interest in phallic signals.


Hey, thanks for that. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing. But I'm NOT a grammar nazi!!!!

"beyond the pail" had me laughing my a$$ off.




Sounds like you were watching the movie with a very "particular" group lol. I honestly didn't pick up on this.


yeah i just finished watching it and that never crossed my mind. too much sexual tension in that group of yours it seems like.

There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.



Coming from an "old man" you're really creepy. Now you're talking about sex? wow, time to start letting IMDB know who's really on here ;)

Keep it up Grandpa :)

There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.



On pedophiles? Oh man absolutely.

There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.


Ha ha ha ha, awesome thread.


I know what you're talking about, but I don't think the film makers did it on purpose. They trusted in the maturity of the audience, which is usually a mistake.


Isn't it alluded to hat Captain Stanley is impotent. Not sure if that has anything to do with you seeing phallic shapes. Just thought I'd stick my oar in.

I used to have the Willem Dafoe living under my bed.


Haha.. yea.. I noticed this too.
Only once though when they were standing out on the rockface at sundown.
"Surely that's an unusual rock formation" I thought..


It wasn't intentional. You can't travel a kilometer in Australia without seeing a "phallic" shaped rock. Well, I can. But you couldn't.



What was the reasoning for the penis-shaped peak in a couple of the scenes? It was obviously very intentional
Uh no. Everyone I was watching it with saw it and laughed. Go back. Two scenes. Its very noticeable.

Try asking your friends for a group hug next time you meet. You will be overjoyed and more than a little surprised at what that will lead too.



I'm re-watching this now and I noticed it. I think it was intentional too. Perhaps something to do with the father('rational' white man/white man religion) taking over the mother (motherland). The two older brothers are also quite dominant, as characters and as murderers, and it was a man's world in the 19th Century after-all. It could mean a number of different things, but considering Nick Cave wrote the screenplay, sexual symbolism doesn't surprise me one bit. As for all those comments... Meh. It's not necessarily 'sexual tension' or 'immaturity' or whatever, it was there. It was obvious. It depends on how individuals want to interpret it.


You are immoral.
