MovieChat Forums > The Proposition (2006) Discussion > Was I the only one reminded of Heart of ...

Was I the only one reminded of Heart of Darkness?

I'm curious to know.
I thought there were disturbing parallels in theme and atmosphere.


I didn't think about it when I watched it, but you're absolutely right.


Absolutely. I re-watched it last night and felt a 'Heart of Darkness' connection. Arthur Burns can definitely be paralleled to Kurtz.
A toast, Jedediah: to love on my own terms.


This film was described as "Unforgiven meets Apocalypse Now" by one Australian reviewer... so yeah!


I gotta agree that this film felt a lot like Blood Meridian.


Ha, few days ago I finally watched this film and thought about Heart of Darkness. Glad that I am not the only one.

Ironically, it was not really the very plot which seems to bear some similarities like dark journey with some intangible, mythic antagonist at the end. I think it was the general mood of the film, impressionistic cinematography and the ideas of descending into madness, evil, sense of futility, civilization/savages, that made me think of Joseph Conrad's book.


Of course you're right. However, this movie fails in portraying a really great character. Arthur is just a madman that reads some poetry an loves sunsets. Lots of blah blah, but not a true philosophy. That's what made Kurtz a great man and such a legendary character.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)


Was I the only one reminded of Heart of Darkness?

Yes, I'm pretty sure you were the only one. I'm also sure a lot of people will still be chiming in saying they also noticed, even though they really did not. People are like that. They will tell lies for attention.



I was also reminded of Blood Meridian a lot while watching the film. Matter of fact, I may have read the book just a few days before I saw this, and man was it incredible how the unflinching violence, the sad and somehow 'sunburnt' mood of the film were in many ways pretty much the same as in McCarthy's novel.

Blood Meridian should really be made into a movie by the way. It could give us a truly amazing film: very violent and at times overly bloody(even more so than The Proposition) but so great. Who do you think would be able to direct such an adaptation?


it didn't occur to me watching it the dozen times or so but hadn't considered the likenes ... it is certainly there ... "i wanted an assignment and for my sin's they gave me one" -- one of my favorite queotes from Apocalypse and Charkey Murphy certainly got one -- "and after that, i'd never want another assignment again"

certainly the oldest brother had a certain twisted but charisma as did Kurtz

gpod point

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt
