Ray Winstone

Ray Winstone's performance was absolutely impeccable in this movie. I have NEVER seen an actor convey so much conflict and pain just in his facial expressions. His mantra 'I will civilize this land' becomes so wretched and sad by the end of the movie. It breaks my heart just to watch his performance because he seems so torn apart throughout the whole movie. I would say its a shame that he was overlooked for a supporting actor oscar, but that seems so cliche.

Its possible that this is all just subjective and that I am either reading WAY more into the performance than i should, or that I am simply hyperbolizing the work. But this performance really spoke to me.


no, you are correct. Ray Winstone is the man. Also enjoyed his perfomance in King Arthur, but NOT nearly as good as in Proposition.


His best scenes were when he was trying to defend mikey, and his last scene. Just that blank look on his face was amazing.


I am in agreement with all of you gents on Ray Winstone.I have always liked his style.
However,Guy Pearce and Danny Huston are genius in this film that I have viewed
over twenty times due to the triumverate on the screen.I will admit to tearing up
on occasion.....when the youngster gives his heart on the Irish tune.
"He could shame a nightingale."


No. well, yes. It IS subjective. But you are right, in my subjective opinion. It starts him seemingly being a monster. It was only upon second viewing I realised that right at start he wasn't bad as he appeared. Like how he instantly eased up on the dim younger brother once he realised he was dim. He was a hard man doing a hard job. But while his tactics were amoral, he was really the most decent man in the movie. Followed by Charlie. The deputies and the Burns gang, were two peas in a pod. But Winstone plays rough, hard and empathic with few words. He really does deserve a nod.

Why settle for the lesser of two evils? Vote Cthulhu!


He should also have been nominated for Nil by Mouth

I thought you might be worried...about the security....of your sh!t...


or sexy beast.


I first encountered Ray Winstone when I watched the PBS Masterpiece Theater production "Henry VIII." He, of course, played Henry VIII. What an amazing performance. I felt, for the first time, that I understood who Henry VIII was and and why Henry VIII lived life the way he did. Incredible performance. I saw Henry VIII, not Ray Winstone.

I realized at that time that I had seen Winstone in many other films but had never paid that much attention, because he is almost too good of an actor. His "Ray Winstone" persona does not come through on screen, which is a VERY good thing. The majority of actors, when I watch them I think something like "I like Robert Redford but I can tell this is Robert Redford." Put whatever name in there you want to - I think my meaning is clear (I hope it is, anyway). Ray Winstone is such a fabulous actor and quite the sexy man, too.

"You must be the change you seek in this world."


It's a shame you came across him so late...He's been on our screens since Scum, way back in 1979...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


Great flick..."Scum."


I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but my very favorite thing about him is how he can so subtly and beautifully SHOW me the tender, deep and all-encompassing love that he has for his on-screen wife.
Examples are his Christmas scenes w/ Emily Watson in this film, Sexy Beast, Vincent,some of Henry VIII, and probably in the just released "44 Inch Chest".

Ad hoc, Ad loc, Quid pro queeee,
So little time and so much to see


Yes, Ray Winstone was incredible. And he was really more the star of the movie than Guy Pearce. I like Pearce, but he didn't really get to act that much, mostly he was just riding or sleeping. Winstone deserved top billing.



Agree with the OP, just finished watching and think it was my favourite Winstone performance. Thought the script was great too. Hope Nick Cave writes more stuff!



Yeah he's just a really great actor. Allways a pleasure to see him perform.

I did not watch this movie, yet I write about it.



He was great in this film, and the cockney accent is because his character had just moved to Australia from England. The same reason Guy Pearce's character has an Irish accent, etc.


I suppose you are correct.
