Ray Winstone

Ray Winstone's performance was absolutely impeccable in this movie. I have NEVER seen an actor convey so much conflict and pain just in his facial expressions. His mantra 'I will civilize this land' becomes so wretched and sad by the end of the movie. It breaks my heart just to watch his performance because he seems so torn apart throughout the whole movie. I would say its a shame that he was overlooked for a supporting actor oscar, but that seems so cliche.

Its possible that this is all just subjective and that I am either reading WAY more into the performance than i should, or that I am simply hyperbolizing the work. But this performance really spoke to me.


Well, those of us who have seen 'Scum' know he is the daddy!.

When I saw 'Sexy Beast', where he costarred with Ben Kingsley, I was in awe of Kingsleys really scary portrayal of a psycho. Then I saw Winstone in 'Nil By Mouth' and learnt who showed Kingsley how to play it so well.


Absolutely amazing performance... I like the way his eyes where always searching inside of him, looking without looking

I just wish the director would gave him more Extreme close ups...
