MovieChat Forums > The Queen (2006) Discussion > God bless Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth th...

God bless Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second

and Her Heirs and Successors.

The insults in this message board are deplorable. Expected, but deplorable.

Still, we have the right to make our comments so there is mine, defending Her Majesty as I swore I would do.

An ex-commissioned officer of the British Army.

Bring on the backlash.






Hope I'm not late in saying this:
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save The Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save The Queen!

An ex-commissioned officer of the Canadian Army, and Loyal subject to HM The Queen!


Never too late, sir!

Hope you had the chance to watch the remarkable footage of the commemoration of D-Day over the weekend. Many thanks, always, to our Canadian military friends.


The Queen!
God bless her.




The Queen looks happy and smiles a lot these days.
I am so glad.

Helen did a wonderful job in this Movie, but it is a movie.

Diana was a beautiful young woman who died too soon. As the mother of William and Harry she has left her own Royal legacy.
Those who say she will be forgotten are wrong.

God Bless our Queen and Heirs indeed.

Posting this as an Australian.


Very good job by Helen Mirren showing how she (the queen)and this archaic family head the disgusting feudal club that aid the Establishment in continuing to suck the country and it's population dry


At first reading some posts of this thread I thought you guys, with your multipe "God bless/save the Queen" quotes were just mocking love for the Queen and the Royals. Do most of you British (and Australians?!) really adore the Queen and the institution of the British monarchy that much or are you just a minority? I am not British or a citizen of a Commonwealth country, and I really do not judge you in any way, I am just pretty surprised and trying to understand the reasons behind the adoration and the complete loyalty. Is it because you must, because you were "conditioned" in it, through the customs and traditions of your country, the mass media coverage etc, or because you (freely)want do you think?

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


Mankind has always had only one true enemy, and that is empire! As a US patriot I say "May God bless but the Devil take her”, that evil Empress Queen Lizard 2, the most evil bitch on the planet. Entertainment mafia PR has helped create the counter-culture population of the USA and other ass kissing subject populations into adulation of the mother of all terror, the British (Imperial monetarist system) empire. At the very top of that pile of…sits the evil Brutish empires oligarchic riffraff first family.


The sooner this band of dis-functional leeches are consigned to history the better for everybody.


I agree 100 percent!!!! How can people be so dumb? All the starving, sick, dying children that could be saved in the money they spend in a day!!! And they did nothing to earn it!!!!!!!!!!!


I find it unbelievable as well.
I dont really think there is a need to elaborate.
The ones who don't like it/her, know their stuff.
The ones who do like it/her, are uninformed, ignorant, or mind controlled.
There is no other way.
But still, everybody is free to think and believe as he or she likes.


God save us from this Queen!


Back when Wallis Simpson and the Duke of Windsor were a couple .. I remember when they got married .. and The Duke seemed to take every waking moment working on getting HRH for Wallis .. I could understand why they would not give her HRH .. She had been divorced twice and if she divorced The Duke , she still would be HRH .. because once they gave someone HRH they could not take it away .. fast forward 60 plus years and they are dealing with Princess Diana .. and the first person that I know of .. that they took HRH away from .. That's something that the Queen herself had to agree to .. They bend the rules to fit what they want and for that reason I don't like her .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".
