MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > Top 5 Asian Horror Movies

Top 5 Asian Horror Movies

4. JELANGKUNG (Indonesian Movies)

What are yours??


1. A Tale of Two Sisters (It worked on so many levels -- suspense, family drama, a character study of a fragile psyche, and of course horror. I have never seen a "horror" movie so beautifully shot and acted.)

2. Shutter (A friend of mine in Thailand swore by this movie. I found a bad VCD copy in a Thai video store here in Vegas. I had no clue what anyone was saying (I am a farang afterall), but enjoyed it. I eventually found a DVD copy on eBay. After watching it with the subs and a much better picture quality, I really loved the film.)

3. Audition (I dated this woman from China for awhile and I swear the main character in this film was based on her. In public, she was this really sweet woman, but in private, she was a raving lunatic. Even when she was being loving, she still made me bleed. Everytime I watch this, I am reminded of my phyically painful relationship. I am just thankful I still have all of my limbs.)

4. Ju On (The ghost woman looks a lot like my crazy ex-girlfriend from China (just not as pale). If I watch Audition and Ju on back-to-back, i am sure that I will have to find a decent shrink.)

5. Ringu

I will admit that there are a lot of films I have yet to see but hope to soon. On my list are the Eye, Kairo, Battle Royale, Dark Water, the Whispering Corridor series.


No one listed battle Royale? ??


I have yet to see Battle Royale ...


Battle Royale isn't really a horror movie, though.

"I like to viddy the old films now and again."


1) Shutter
2) The Eye
3) A Tale Of Two Sisters
4) Pulse
5) Audition


These are my favorites (It's much better than 5, sorry... :))) :

All Night Long 2. (the most distubing from the ANL movies)
Audition (perfect movie)
Battle Royale (a classic)
Bio-Zombie (great fun, lot of laughs)
Dark Water (the original one)
Ebola Syndrome (B category, but good fun)
Freeze Me (watch this!)
Hypnosis (good death scenes, good story)
Ichi The Killer (one of my all time favorites)
Ju-On : The Curse (only this one, the others are not as great as the first)
Kairo (beautiful, depressing, masterwork)
Koma (a very good thriller)
Naked Blood (belive me, you have to watch this! :))
Oldboy (i watched it 6 times... do the same!)
Phone (much better than One Missed Call, IMHO)
Ringu 1. (only the first one)
Suicide Club (very good, original movie)
Sympathy For Mr.Vengeance (very depressing, but maybe it's better than Oldboy,i think.)
Tale Of Two Sisters (the very best of all ghost movies)
Tetsuo - Iron Man (what the *beep* is this? see it with your own eyes!)
Ultimate Versus (lot of action, laughs, blood, zombies and maffia. what else do you need? :))
The Untold Story (brutal!)
Uzumaki (very-very original movie)
Visitor Q (i dont know, that it's a joke, or it's serious, but very good (much better than Ken Park, or the other american films from the sick families))
Wild Zero (rock'n'roll movie with zombies, and a lot of fun)

I dont saw, but I'm going to see this ones on the next week: R Point, Pornostar, Living Hell, Shutter and Acacia, so maybe some of these are missing from the list now...


How far I've seen just two Asian horrors - The Ring and The Eye. They are really fantastic! I've got also 'Dark Water' on DVD and I'm going to see it as soon as possible.
My friend told me about some of Asian productions and I'd like to see all of them ;) Thanks for the titles - I'll try to find these films and watch them. I believe they are as great as the ones I've already seen.

So I have only "Top 2" ;)
1. The Eye
2. The Ring

Today or tomorrow I'm going to watch "Shutter"... and "Dark Water" :)


Ok, this is my top 5:
1. Ring (1998)
2. Feng Shui (2004)
3. Shutter (2004)
4. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
5. Dark Water (2002)


U guys know there are now 4 whispering corridor films?? (korean horror)

its whispering corridor, momento mori, wishing stairs, voice

i just got all 4, good movies


Scariest movies? Lets see...

1) Ju-on (the first made for TV -and harder to get- was the scariest)
2) Kaïro
3) Shutter
4) Ringu
5) Dark Water

These films (except Kaïro) focus only on scare the hell out of you. And, being an adult and all, I have to say they worked with me. Films as A tale of two sisters, or Dumplings, or Audition have really scary moments, but are not only horror films so they can´t really compete with these five. The ending of Dark Water (the last scene, with both the grown-up girl and the ghost of the mother), is one of the creepiest endings I´ve ever seen -and the boring american version, after copying every other stupid detail, cut it out!


1. A Tale of Two Sisters
2. Kairo
3. Ringu
4. Into the Mirror
5. Dark Water


Mine would have to be...

1. The Eye ( I screamed! first time ever!)
2. Ringu (just amazingly great)
3. A tale of two sisters (it makes you work on your wits)
4. Wishing Stairs (Aww.. this movie is rather cute.. LOL)
5. The Maid (I like it, i just do)

is Battle Royale a horror flick? i've never seen it but i thought it was action/suspence/adventure sort of movie. About Feng Shui, it wasn't that excellent, not a very good storyline, but it still scared me a lot.

I kept kissing frogs looking for a prince.


Definitely agree, Shutter is no 1.
Dark Water..???? No way...! not scarry at all, at least for me.


Wow...thanks for the top list from other ppl...being a horror movie fans, there's some movie that I havent watch and going to :)

My personal fave horror flick
1. The Shutter, Thailand (totally good storyline, twist at the end and good scare, what more can you ask for for a horror movie?)
2. The Phone, Korea (a few good scare, great acting from a child, good storyline)
3. Into the Mirror, Korea (ghost itself is not scary but I enjoyed this movie)
4. Dark Water, Japan (kinda boring and I feel sad watching this)
5. Wishing Stairs, Korea (I liked the story and the twist too)
6. The Eye 2 (I like this more the The Eye 1. Have anyone watch The Eye 10?)

And here's what I dislike
1. The Ring, Japan (bored, bored, bored)
2. The Park, Hong Kong (stupid,stupid,stupid)
3. Ju-On 1&2 (over rated and I totally don't get this movie at all).


I just baught eye 10 about a 3 weeks ago and i liked it alot.although nothing compares to the original.


I've said it once and I'll say it again; 'Phone' was a terrible film. Worse, even, than 'Bangkok Haunted'. And that's going some. I've seen the majority of the films people here have mentioned, with the notable exception of 'Shutter'; judging by these opinions, I'm going to buy it off of e-bay from my good friend Amberandblack... it'd better be good, or you people are gonna pay... in vital organs.
Also; why has just ONE person mentioned 'Freeze Me' (also known as 'Freezer')? Not really a horror but a disturbing film more people should see.

"Takashi Miike will eat your noodles!"

"No more than 10 to 20 million killed, tops, depending on the breaks!"


Phone was AWESOME. I think anyone who thinks to the contrary probably didn't understand the plot and simply missed what was going on. The acting by the kid was terrific as well. Definitely a high ranking movie and one of my all time favorite scares.


You should have purchased a dictionary instead.


1. Ringu (I love it, I love it, I love it!!!)
2. Shutter
3. Dark Water
4. The Eye
5. A Tale Of Two Sisters
