MovieChat Forums > Shutter (2004) Discussion > Top 5 Asian Horror Movies

Top 5 Asian Horror Movies

4. JELANGKUNG (Indonesian Movies)

What are yours??


1. Ju-on: The Grudge
2. Wishing Stairs
3. A Tale of Two Sisters
4. The Red Shoes
5. Memento Mori

"You mean like... No eskimo in Antarctica?"


I don't have five yet (I'm picky) sorry~

So far...

1) A TALE OF TWO SISTERS - a must see movie, I recommend this one above all else.

2) Shutter - I love the original ending, chilling.

3) Ringu 0 Birthday - Well worth your time if you have seen any of the Ringu movies. Sadako's story........I personally like her now =)

You can find 1 & 3 on Youtube.

Thanks fansubbers.


A Tale Of Two Sisters... it was too long for a horror movie (2 hours!) and it seemed at times to be almost a drama. The first 45-50 minutes were superb; it's just from then on it went downhill. It was too confusing (even though I've watched it three times now), and the best scare scene was the Ringu-Kairo rip-off combination. Filmography and acting was top-notch.

Top 5:

1) Kairo (Pulse)
2) Shutter
3) Infection (Kansen)
4) Audition
5) Battle Royale

Ju-On (all 4) got a too repetitive, Ringu doesn't live up to it's hype, The Eye had potential, but didn't finish. Marebito was TOO slow (and I am very patient), Uzumaki was plain weird. Dark Water - even though it had a creepy atmosphere - also belongs in the drama category.
I would put Ichi The Killer for 5th spot instead of Battle Royale, but the kills were a little over-the-top - like a cartoon.
Rinne took itself too seriously when it was more corny than anything...


There is this great Japanese horror film, easily in my top 5: Yogen (Premonition). It's scary, it doesn't move too slowly, the soundtrack is creepy... it's got everything right!!! I almost want to call it the Japanese equivalent to Shutter! Go watch this horror fans!


I agree. A tale of two sisters is one of the best scary movies ever! In fact, it's one of the best movies, period. Great story, great acting and simply gorgeous shooting. If anyone thinks the plot is confusing, just watch the movie a couple of times. If you still don't get it - some people apparently are smarter than you and get it. Come back when you're older :D


1. Ju-On: The Curse
2. Muzan E
3. Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood
4. One Missed Call
5. Ringu

I'm the man doing his job. You must be the other guy.


I really cant decide......!!

There are so many Asian horror movies that are very enjoyable to watch, here are some movies that I personally liked:

Memories of Murder (mystery, thriller)
The Tale of Two Sisters
The Phone
The Red Shoes
Inner Senses
The Eye 1
The Eye 2
3 (chinese movie.. nice story.. cant find it anywhere though)
Memento Mori
Dark Water
One Missed Call 1
One Missed Call 2
One Missed Call Final
Ju-on 1
Ju-on 2
Ringu birthday:zero
Ringu 1
Ringu 2
Art of the Devil 1
Art of the Devil 2
Art of the Devil 3

movies to watch:
suicide club


ummm...there's an art of the devil 3? I had no clue...where did you hear about it, I loved the first two.


There IS an art of the devil 3 coming out now though, in 08-09.


can any1 tell me what was so special about the eye?

the first half was great but they totally screwed up the 2nd half and it became an incredibly boring and anticlimatic ending to a great horror premise.


andd those are the only one's i have seen that i have REALLYY liked.... as i watced ringu after the ring.... it was semi dis appointing... im sure it would have been ALOT better tho if i had seen that one first.


1. Ju-On
2. Shutter
3. Tale of Two Sisters
4. Three (the Korean part)
5. Feng Shui

Ringu was disappointing, it was overhyped and not scary at all... Dark Water almost made me cry but it wasn't scary...The Eye had some scary moments (elevator scene) but overall, it wasn't that scary...I'll try to watch the others you guys have mentioned...

I'm sick of ruining myself to your definition.


Wow has no one seen R-point? It's a Korean horror film about soldiers and is easily in my top 5.


r point was pretty good, but i wouldn't put it in my top 5. my asian top 5 in no order would be:

tale of two sisters
the eye
and i guess dark water

audition i loved but i wouldn't really call it a horror film though i can see why some would.



Tale of two Sisters(*****) and
Dark water(*****)
Ring(u) 0(****)

enjoyable movies:

(Ju-on:)The Grudge(2003)(***)
Eye (***)
Eye 2 (***)
Shutter (***)
Ringu (**1/2-***)
Pulse(little bit boring, un scary but had a good script so it´s not bad, was more criticing modern computer "worlds" than being enjoyable and scary)(**1/2 - ***)


(Ju-on:)Grudge 2(2003)(**)
Ringu 2 ( * 1/2-**)


R-point sucked. What in the world was the ending about?


1. The Eye - the first half was creepy enough to make the whole movie entertaining. Even the opening credits...with that music...shivering now ;-)

2. Shutter - glad I found a Region 1/NTSC and bought it on ebay, well worth the money. Can't wait to watch it again, alone this time, b/c I'm crazy ;-)

3. Ringu - the remake's more consistently creepy, but for that "famous scene", my money's with the original.

4. Ju-on - I enjoyed it more after I watched "Grudge 2", since it made more sense. I enjoyed the "Ju-on" remake too, since they took almost all the creepy parts in the original, added new ones, and kept the setting in Japan.

5. Audition - understands that a movie can be both gory AND creepy.

6. Phone - great acting and plot, plus some genuinely creepy moments.

7. The Host - just saw this one recently, a monster movie with something to say.

8. Kairo - very slow, but the creepy moments make up for it. "Pulse" moved at a faster pace, but wasn't as scary, so tie goes to the original.

9. The Eye 2 - another great film from the Pang Bros.

10. Rinne - another creepy film from Shimizu.

Honorable mentions for the Heirloom and Nightmare. I enjoyed the "Ghost School" series too, can't wait for "Voice" to come out in the US. "Tale of 2 Sisters" was creepy, but I'll need to watch it again to try and understand it better. That's usually the case for Asian horror, for me, but I like it better that way, as opposed to having everything laid out.

"Tell me I sold out...go ahead..."


The Eye
Dark Water
A Tale of two sisters
Suicide Circle
The eye 2 (Yes, it freaked me out)
One missed call
Acacia (so poetic!!!!!)
Shutter...I like it but it's rather generic.


1. Shutter
2. The Eye
3. Ringu
4. Ju-On
5. Audition

I have yet to watch One Missed Call, Acacia, The Phone, Kairo, but I don't think they'll hold up to the 5 I mentioned above.



Man this is hard, but I'll have to go as follows-

1. Ju-On 2 – (NOT the American version, just don’t want to get any death threats...) come on folks, any horror movie where you can freeze frame just about every scene and find hidden ghosts is just amazing! Oh, and stealing a soul on the way to the afterlife? Now that’s evil. Plus I still find it hard to sleep alone with people walking in the apartment above me. Whoever says this is hard to follow is probably just having a hard time recognizing characters.
2. Tale of Two Sisters – Just because it’s so damn beautiful.
3. Undecided - Ju-On : Grudge (1) or Ju-On: Curse(1). I can’t decide between getting pulled into a family shrine, or 100 creaking Kyokos.
4. Rinne!!- I can’t believe no one put this movie up yet! More freaky than scary, though. Like a not as well shot “Shining” (sorry, I love Kubrick), but still VERY VERY well done. Another Shimizu film.
5. Kairo – Not all that scary (except when you look in your closet at night and see dark faces….) but utterly beautiful and MUCH better acting than Suicide Circle, and without all the needless blood.

Honorable mention – Shutter (just because the other five are just real good).

It should be noted that I didn’t really like Ringu (just my own crazy opinion), and I consider Battle Royale an action film; I mean, it has fighting.


I agree that Ju-On 2 had me creeped out for weeks after! I love that film! There are so many naturally jarring scenes in that flick that to this day I can't watch it without having my back up against something!


Oh...I don't know if anybody mentioned this but... 2 words for all you asian cine fanatics...

13. beloved.

Absolutely wonderful.

Practically flawless and a really awesome movie plot.

It's thai, 2006 I can probably find it pretty easy now


1. shutter
2. a tale of two sisters
3. cello
4. suicide club
5. uzumaki

*beep* it, cut'em up!



Erm... 5 is too short... :x

1. Ju-On: The Grudge
2. Kairo
3. Shutter
4. Shibuya Kaidan
5. Ringu


2)The Grudge
3)The Ring
4)Tale of two Sisters

to bad i cant put these as horrors
Old boy
Lady Vengeance
Battle Royale
Ichi the killer
