MovieChat Forums > Lincoln (2012) Discussion > How on gods earth is this a 7.4?

How on gods earth is this a 7.4?

This is a class act movie! Who are the downvoters of this execptionally made picture? But the masterpiece "Age of ultron" rests at an 8? Pathetic


I can see how people might be alienated by its slow pace and archaic political jargon, but I thought it was a fantastic movie. One of the best I've seen in years.

See you in hell, candy boys!


Yes, it was boring. That comment is all this movie deserves. Well, almost. Lincoln's stories/jokes were amusing.


This movie was horrible imo. Not that it was boring, I just find it didn't capture Lincoln well at all.


.6 of a margin is not much of a difference at all, and 7.4 is a good score... Don't sweat the small stuff.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I gave it a 7. I mostly give 8 to movies that are largely successful in what they are trying to do. I think Lincoln is a bit too flawed.



It is quite literally the most boring film I've ever seen in my entire life. This isn't about loving action movies and hating history. I have seen films made in the 1940's that are at least 10 times as interesting as Lincoln.

How many times have you watched this movie? Once? And then you pat yourself on the back and go on IMDB to talk about how great it is? You should watch it 10+ times, and show it to all your friends, because that is what you do with a great movie. Unfortunately, I can assume you will not want to do either of those things because Lincoln is genuinely a bad movie.


I loved "There Will Be Blood," "No Country For Old Men," "The Three Burials of Malquiades Estrada," all slower moving films....

But "Lincoln," Jesus Christ this movie is booooooring. I've tried to watch it 3 times, and fell asleep every time. I gave the Blu Ray away and deleted the rip from my HTPC.
