MovieChat Forums > Blood Diamond (2006) Discussion > Dicaprio's acting - please help

Dicaprio's acting - please help

My girlfriend seems to think DiCaprio is a bad actor in everything he does and will ruin Tarantino's new movie...

Can someone please set her straight?


His portrayl of Danny was great. He seems to be improving with age.


His accent was horrible.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"


Maybe you wanted him to sound Australian. The accent was spot on -- and I (NYC boy, allegedly with no discernible accent of my own) have spent a lot of time in South Africa and with South (and other) Africans. Good flick too, while I'm chiming in.


I'm South African and I can tell you his accent was nothing special.It wasn't overtly bad but it was like a "tourist" accent.Like someone who has lived there for a while and picked up some aspects of the accent.His overall performance was good too nothing mind blowingly great.But that latter statement is just opinion :)


Accent was spot-on.
Same disparaging remark was made by critics when Johnny Depp had an accent in Finding Neverland. Critics chewed his "English" accent up ... it was Scottish and he was spot on, as well. A lot of people don't know what they're listening to or for when actors play roles with foreign accents, evidently.


Accent was not spot on, and you are wrong. You heard it yourself from a South African above in the thread. I have also known South Africans.

The most amusing is people trying to give the history of what Rhodesians are and are actually convincing themselves that Leo (according to the story) left modern-day Zimbabwe at an early age and deliberately acted with that modified accent of an early Rhodesian mixed with a modern day South African lol. It's amazing what people will come up with.

And to the NYC kid, I grew up in NYC. Actual NYC, not Long Island. You must be tone deaf to have made the comments that you did.


His accent was horrible.

Oh as if you would even know.


I didn't think this was his best part played to this date.Departed gets that;This was a good,not great movie, but DiCaprio is the best actor alive today.

Semper Fidelis




His accent sounds like every South African or Zimbabwean I have ever heard. Maybe a person from those parts picks it apart easier than me.


You should spank your gf.


dump her. her perception machine in her head is broken.


Your girlfriend is a *beep* idiot
My Amazing Youtube Channel


No need. Your girlfriend is right. He does ruin pretty much everything he's in. Except for The Departed, which I love none the less. He overacts to the extreme. I can't imagine him playing such a character in Tarantino's new movie, but who knows, maybe this will be the role where he learns from his entire career of mistakes and improves.


coolbrett is a *beep*
My Amazing Youtube Channel




uncoolbrett, youre a jealous douche. i dont see you acting any better? how can you be so 'extreme' in your opinions about a high calibre actor? how about you shut the F up and learn what is good.


a lot of Tarantino fans sat through Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Inglorious Bastards just fine. any overacting would be business as usual. besides it's probably intended in a movie like Django Unchained


He does ruin pretty much everything he's in. Except for The Departed, which I love none the less. He overacts to the extreme.

Why don't you not tell us about it?


Coolbrett your a *beep* troll. You spend more time on DiCaprio's movies than on any other actors. Your obsessed with him. i don't like John wayne, but I don't go on his movies and make snide comments. You troll for no good reason.


coolbrett you've always been a *beep* idiot when it comes to judging good movies or actors. For someone who claims never to be impressed with DiCaprio you are always on his boards.


Uh actually I very rarely go to his board.


Completely agree.

I don't think even when I smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day, that I smoked as many cigarettes in a short period of time as Leo's character. And chugging booze in-between drags. Is this guy orally fixated or was that just the character, as written?

Anyway, I can't watch his films any longer.


don't think even when I smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day, that I smoked as many cigarettes in a short period of time as Leo's character. And chugging booze in-between drags.
Yeah, I'm sure he wrote that into the script himself and I'm sure it was real booze. SMH.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


He's a good actor, but I think people need to pipe the hell down! Everyone has an opinion, and different people like different traits in others. If someone doesn't particularly like DiCaprio, so what? I acknowledge that he's solid, but I don't think he's the godsend everybody makes him out to be.

Cue the avalanche of abuse...



I like Leo. I also think he's a very good actor. But in my opinion, what makes a fantastic actor is diversity. I don't see masses of it in Leo's work, especially his later stuff. When you look at an actress like Cate Blanchett, or an actor like Jack Nicholson, I see much more diversity there and I personally feel that they are 'better' actors. At the end of the day, 'act'ors need to 'act'...and the best actors will be those that can act in as many different ways as possible convincingly.


Wonderfully said kuzyakuzya68! Great!


Ofc it's just opinions but it still baffles me that someone can say he's a bad actor. You may not like someones acting style or their real life personality and that colors your opinion. DiCaprio might no be your cup of tea but he's not bad and that's just a fact.
I have a friend that don't like Tom Hanks but he still doesn't call him a bad actor. There are enough of bad "actors" out there to go around without the need to call the decent, good or even great actors bad.

Steven Seagal
Vin Diesel
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Jean Claude Van Damme

Now there are some BAD actors, they work in the kind of movies they make but they truly suck donkeyballs when it comes to acting!
When you see actors like DiCaprio just imagine any of these four guys in the same role and if you honestly think they would do a better job then seek professional help.

"If we are all gods children, what's so special about Jesus?"

