MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Why not get a woman with the body type o...

Why not get a woman with the body type of Serena Williams?

I mean if we are being real here, these are 'amazonian' women? Gal Gadot has like zero muscle on her body. And we are supposed to believe she is this strong woman.

Oh yeah she was chosen for her looks.....tbh she looks like some housewife in LA on her way to her yoga class. Not a superhero.

It's cringe worthy when I see her fighting bad guys in the films and like it's so clear there is no way in hell she is doing that. Zero believe ability. Just like how you play a shitty video game and are like....the physics are so off.

Look at women who are Olympic athletes who actually in a way 'fight' their opponents and you will see they don't have a body like Gal. Hell look at military women. So sick of 'tall white model' being the default female role in these types of movies.

Just like in everything else we need that token slutty girl to get the perv audience in.....sad.

This movie is supped to be partly about female empowerment. Funny how the only females that are empowered just happen to be tall white beautiful empowering....??? LOL


Gal gadot could literally kill Serena Williams and probably 99% of people on earth with one hand tied behind her back. I'm a pretty fit dude, but like most people I don't have the training gal does. And I'm pretty sure she could kick my ass and kill me in a few seconds if she had to. This Serena Williams thing is the most desperate hardest trolling I've ever seen.


no. the average man is so much stronger than a skinny girl like gal... she'd have no idea what hit her... shes the size of a tall 14 year old boy, but without the testosterone...

look at the damage transgendered male "teenagers" do when they're allowed to fight female competitors... they literally break them, injuries everywhere, broken bones, etc... and thats basicaly an adolecent boy in a regulated fight with rules... i wouldnt want to imagine what a full grown man would be able to do in that situation...

the average overweight 200lb guy would break gal.. all he has to do it land a single hit or get hold of her... its physics... unless you think a model-esque woman is going to be able to press 200lb... have you ever been hit by a grown man? If not, it's a lot more than you'd expect...

its one thing to suggest she'd be able to fight another woman like Serena, but quite another to suggest she could take the average man... Get real...


No. The average man is slow overweight and works a desk job nine to five and would be out of breath in the first ninety seconds. She is trained and could literally kill the average man in less than thirty seconds. The average man might try to grab her arms or strangle her but she knows pressure points and Krav Maga. It wouldn't be a contest. She either break his arm kick his nuts, gouge his eyes, or crush his Adam's apple. To suggest a slow untrained 200lb man off the street could defeat an Israeli trained military vet is hilarious. It would be no contest. You are assuming a trained 200 lb man. The average man is slow and untrained. It would be no contest


she's a skinny girl... once she gets hit or grabbed its over... mate, the average man could throw her across the room... physics... we're not talking who could last 12 rounds or run a marathon...

go to any jujitsu gym... they wouldnt let even their top female competitors get in a real fight with a 200lb man... too risky... nevermind a doll like gadot...

why do you think world class female martial artists have male training parters? because even the most mediocre male fighter will hit and grapple harder than even the most roided up top if the world in her sport female competitor... logic

gal isnt even a top martial artist... she just did a bit of military service as all israelis do, with their tai bow, yoga style martial art... if you teach a big 14 year old boy (the equivalent of Gal) krav manga he's not going to beat 99% of adult males either... get real, we're not talking about wonder woman...


First of all, the average man has never stepped foot in a jujitsu gym. Lol. I think maybe we are picturing different "average men". she would break an average man's wrist or arm as soon as he grabbed her. Twist it around, dislodge the joint, then if she couldn't run away, would choke the guy from behind. She is as tall or taller than the average man. The average man would get his butt wooped. I was at the grocery store today and I looked around. The average man would not stand a chance. Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. It's quite funny


i think we have different conceptions of what the average man is... most men i see around me go to the gym recreationally and a good protion play some kind of sport or used to play, some even combat style... a good 20% are actually big and strong, another 20% either weak or morbidly fat... but i also think we have a different conception of what gal would be capable of...

question... lets play celebrity deathmatch for a bit... do you think she could take, say, chris pratt in a fight? Jon Hamm (he is under 200lb but is average build)? ashton kutcher (both he and gal are skinny)? what about liam neeson (yeah, i know he's very old, just trying to gauge level)?

i think Pratt would trounce her, Hamm would win as well, kutcher would beat her but would probably get hurt in the process (he looks scrappy), Neeson would still probably beat her at 65 years old, if he was younger would be murder... thoughts?

feel free to give some examples of your own (its hard to find younger celebs in the 200lb range, maybe chris evans or bale when he got big for batman, but thats not fair. not average)... this was just off thr top of my head... really curious...


Average men I think Homer Simpson or the guy from Office space. not chris Pratt. most people around here work ten to twelve hour days, have weight problem, back troubles, or if they don't work they have drug problem. Some who work are able to keep a good figure but I wouldn't say they could kick gals butt. They are like the office space guy. It sounds like you live in a very different place than me. Do you actually live in Hollywood? I'm in middle America. Gal could kick almost everyone's butt here. Especially the 200lb UPS driver


I'm not in the US... I was at the mall today and I realised what you're saying... a lot of unfit people whether fat or skinny... also, it seems most people here in their 20s &30s are fit, but a lot who are older or younger are not... just from looking around today.

My city is by the sea though, so I guess a lot of people try to avoid getting too fat out of vanity on the beach.

It's strange how I didn't notice the sizes of people until I paid attention. I guess most of my social circle are more active than average.

I travel to the states a lot... I do notice that people in the Midwest are quite tall. Also a lot of big and strong looking people, not just fat people or people who don't have a healthy lifestyle.

I dunno... way off topic now... but if Gal (or serena) ever wants to play-wrestle, she can have me any day ;)


You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but I see it this way. Size matters not. When imbued with mystical energies, someone who looks like a hundred pound librarian could do astounding things. And Diana Prince has those abilities. And remember that in Golden Age Superman, it was explained that Superman's body was so much more molecularly dense than Earth people that it gave him super strength and invulnerability.
And then you have Hulk punching a Chitauri war machine and knocking it over. Yes, it is science fiction, but you can do anything in science fiction.


That is true. I mean Ares took the form of a scrawny middle aged man, not a giant bodybuilder type. So their physical size isn't where their power comes from.


True, Popcorn. Besides, as we find out, she is a GOD!


I do think either of the Williams sisters would make a great superhero, though.
But when you are a god, you don't need big muscles.
David Thewlis is about as far as you can get from a Greek god statue, but they can take different forms. Zeus took the form of a swan, a pile of gold coins, he would turn himself into all kinds of things to seduce the human girls. Zeus was a creeper and a perv.


Because in the immortal words of Serge, "that's not sexy."


Hahaha! Funny reference to "Beverly Hills Cop"!


Wonder Woman is meant to be the ideal Amazon: strong, graceful, charismatic, bold, decent. She has godlike powers but uses them in a manner which supports these characteristics by tackling opponents and conflict situations with mental, emotional and physical finesse.

I don't think there is anyone suitable in the athletics world who could carry off this character. Gal Gadot is a good actress/communicator who also has the aesthetic features of a fit and engaging woman to bring the character alive. Additionally, as previously noted, she has real world experience in a military role so she understands the perspective of a soldier and thus (in combination with the production's choreographer's training sessions) how one might handle weapons and a combat scenario.


Likely another troll post, but I'll play along:

"if we are being real here, these are 'amazonian' women?"
No, if we are being real, there are no Amazonian women.

"Gal Gadot has like zero muscle on her body"
No, she is actually well-toned and fit. Top-level female athletes come in many shapes;Serena Williams is awesome, but so is Maria Sharapova.

"we are supposed to believe she is this strong woman"
No, you're supposed to believe she is magic.

"she was chosen for her looks"
Of course. When a studio invests hundreds of millions of dollars into making and marketing a film, they need a face (and body) that sells tickets and merchandise. When filmmakers cast a character known for her beauty as well as her heroism, they are going to pick someone they find beautiful.

"she looks like some housewife in LA on her way to her yoga class...Not a superhero"
That's why I love living in LA! Not sure how many magical superhero goddesses you know, but all the ones I know look a lot like her.

"there is no way in hell she is doing that... physics are so off"
Yes, usually when one lifts and throws a tank it looks different.

"Look at women who are Olympic athletes"
Search Google for "beautiful Olympic athletes" and click on the images tab, you'll actually see that there are truckloads of really gorgeous women athletes in all shapes and sizes.

"So sick of 'tall white model' being the default female role"
Sounds like a personal problem. But note some of the Amazons weren't white and did have heavily-muscled physiques, most notably real-life champion boxer Ann Wolfe. You might complain a bit that the mythical Amazons didn't all look Greek, either, but I think the filmmakers certainly were certainly aware of your concern and made efforts to represent all types of women with the inclusion of several African and Asian Amazons. Likely every girl in the theater, and quite a few boys, identified with WW. Except you.


When they first announced Gadot in the role, I thought she'd be to skinny for the role. After seeing the movie, I still say she was too skinny for the role. I also think it should've been someone about the the size of a Serena Williams, a Beth Phoenix, or even a Gina Carano. But none of them can act worth a crap.

I'll grudgingly accept Gadot. She did pull the role of nice enough for me to accept her. She's fine as hell, and not too bad a actress.


Amazons are also supposed to remove the right breast to make it easier to use a bow & arrow. That is what the Greeks said anyway, but could be a myth. Still it's a well known part of that Amazon warrior mythology so they should have cast all 1-breasted actresses.


I agree with everything you said actually, but if they went too far off from the comic book appearance, there would be uproar.
