MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Earl (2005) Discussion > List of Canceled Shows that never got a ...

List of Canceled Shows that never got a real ending

Now that Earl has pretty much been canceled, with a cliffhanger ending no less, it got me thinking about other shows that have been canceled with little to no ending.

1) Gary & Mike

The final episode of Gary & Mike ends with the titular duo driving off an unfinished overpass with a ton of cops chasing them. They hold hands Thelma & Louise style and the screen freeze frames with them in midair and the words "To Be Continued" appear on the screen.

2) Invader Zim

This was one of the funniest cartoons ever.

3) Undergrads

This show had an okay final episode, but they totally set up the story to continue "next semester".

4) Brisco County Jr.

This show had so much going for it.

5) Jack of All Trades

Okay, admittedly not the best show, but as far as Bruce Campbell one-liners went, this show was great.

Those are just a few that I have thought of. Please feel free to add to the list or discuss the shows already listed.




Married with Children.

That one always bothered me. For as long as the show was on, to just get a silly Kelly episode that was typical of almost every other episode in the series as a last was just wrong for many reasons. That show really should have gotten a proper last episode. Close up everything, find out what happens to everyone. Nothing worse than a very long running show not getting a proper send off.



i WOULD say i agree but i don't. i LOVE that show. it was my first favorite show of all time. but it wasn't an "episodic show". every episode could've happened weeks before or after the last. it wasn't completely linear and plot oriented. it was character driven. i DO think it was totally wrong of fox to pull the plug before informing the cast and crew of the show but then again, it's the same thing they do when your average business is going under. your boss won't tell you you're "let go" until friday at closing time (and it's too late). but that show was completely show to show every time - unless like the few two-part episodes, like the "gold rush" one or the "england" one. it was disrespectful what the network did but as far as the viewers were/are concerned, i think this show had run it's course. it didn't exactly leave us unsatisfied.

speaking of which.... i think it's long overdue that the simpsons need to call it a day. 20 years now? come on! what (social and political satire) material have you had that's original for who knows how long that robot chicken isn't doing much much better nowadays - and for some time?

"never underestimate the power of denial" - ricky fitts (american beauty)


I did not read every post, but from what i saw I'm surprised no one said Star Trek. The original series just stopped. Sure they did several movies and a zillion books, but the television show itself never got a finale.


Firefly. best cancelled show ever. i hate FOX

I usually have errands. I can only rock from like 1 - 3.


The Prisoner.


Technically the Animated Series was supposed to fill in for the fourth and fifth year of the mission. Gene Roddenberry asked it be removed from canon later on, but honestly if you created something you can't just "unmake" it. Besides, it had some rather fascinating stories anyway.


Married With Children
Home Movies
Stroker and Hoop
Frisky Dingo
The Wayne Bros.
the Sopranos (the ending made me so angry!!
That's all I can remember right now but I will be back

Please don't stop watching this show!! Please?!?!?! Ple-oh wait I don't care...


Home Movies didn't need an ending to wrap things up. Life went on, they left their movies in the past.


I miss Invader Zim and Undergrads! I don't know if anyone else said this - chances are they did- but Clone High is another really good show that was cancelled with a cliff hanger.


I didn't like how King of the Hill ended.

"Ride, Starlight, ride! Ride this rainbow to Rainbow Land!"
<---Favorite Smiley


I know it's been mentioned a few times, but I'm still cringing at the cancellation of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Season 2 ended with a jaw-dropping cliffhanger (I know it happens to many shows, but this one takes the cake), and we need some sort of closure.

Because Cameron doesn't want to go.


a few years ago there was a really hyped up show on FOX called drive, but it only lasted about 4 episodes before it was cancelled

R.I.P Johnny, Joey, and Dee Dee


Tru calling . I loved that show and like another poster said when it was starting to get good bam it was canceled . That was a good show in my opinion . damn fox!!!! .

everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle - Mairlyn Monroe
