MovieChat Forums > Supernatural (2005) Discussion > WHEN did the show get soooo damn melodra...

WHEN did the show get soooo damn melodramatic?

Genuinely asking. So, I kinda gave up on the show after season 13. Bad season. And the finale is one of the worst things I've ever watched. Not exaggerating.

Anyways, I was like, "Screw it, gonna finish the last 2 seasons". I barely made it through the first 2 episodes of season 14.

The show is a borderline soap opera. I know it's a CW show & all but damn.

I'm on episode 6 and I honestly don't think I can finish the whole season in one go.

Will say this though, the case of the week episodes are probably the only watchable thing. The slasher homage episode was kinda fun.


We all have our own opinions on why we think our show is good or bad. Don't you agree?

Most of us stayed watching this show because we cared for it, and we still do. Being negative over something other's love ins't the way to go.

Yes, some episodes were poor, where as some were brilliantantly mastered which helped pushed the series along. It couldn't have been that bad, for it to have lasted 15 long years. Name another show which has lasted the test of time!


Lasting 15 seasons isn't a sign of quality. If it was, NCIS & Grey's Anatomy would be considered masterpieces.

Also, I wouldn't be watching the fourteenth season of a show that I hated. Nor would I actually go back to finish it. There are A LOT of shows that I abandoned & never returned to.

Like I have no interest in returning to The Walking Dead or any if the Arrowverse shows.

But as a fan from episode one, even I recognise that the quality of the show legit dipped in later seasons. I mostly kept watching cause of the boys.

And also, I really do enjoy the case of the week episodes.


All I am saying is, that people here love that show and would defend it to the hilt. You don't have to come here with negative opinions. In my early days of posting, if this thread had been exposed, you would have been eaten alive. Just so happens that not many people post about this show now. Probably, because people like you have frightened them off.


"Eaten Alive", haha, that's actually funny.

Hey, if people wanna defend a show, good on 'em. I'm part of a few SPN groups & even though they finished it, they know the later seasons weren't that great.

That's not being hateful. That's seeing flaws in things that aren't as good as they used to be.

I didn't come here to shit on the show. I actually even mentioned the bits I'm kinda enjoying.


First 5 seasons were great. After that, they really stretched it.


I rewatched the first 5 seasons during the 2021 lockdowns & I was genuinely surprised by not just how well it holds up but how freaking great those seasons were.

Like they were consistently good. There were character arcs & character progression. There were actual payoffs to things they set up.

I still like some of the seasons after five but those first 5 are unmatched.


I think we dropped off around season 10. Everything got redundant and repetitive to the point of it just being boring. Plus Sam got crazy skinny and didnt look like him anymore. Looked like he was dying. We will get to finishing it one of these days but those seasons of Supernatural are LOOOONG. TV series burn me out because they take so much time to get through and there's always filler. Early seasons were fantastic. I think this show is a whole lot better just once a week vs binge watching.


but those seasons of Supernatural are LOOOON

Right? Right?! Maybe we've gotten used to modern shows having short seasons. Cause watching a 20+ Episode season with 40 minute episodes is a bit much.

Especially if you're NOT enjoying yourself.

The first five seasons are freaking amazing. The second five are still pretty entertaining for the most part in my opinion.

But the last five seasons? Man, they're a chore to get through.

I honestly find myself enjoying the filler/case of the week episodes more than the main storyline. Cause the main plot (of the later seasons) drags the show down imo.

It's so uninteresting & repetitive. It's almost always like, "we have to find Macguffin to defeat (insert character here)". Every damn season.


I want to add, X Files is a show where the monster of the week episodes are so much fun and interesting and the lore episodes eventually makes you just feel "strung along" as you know that if the X Files secrets are revealed too soon the show is over. Kind of like you just eventually realise that "The big bad of this season" is not gonna be defeated until the seasons climax xD almost all shows suffer from this. Thats why when a show keeps you on your toes and the big bad bites it halfway through a season its refreshing


Almost all shows have melodrama when they run long enough. As their roster of characters grows you get these interpersonal dramas that inevitably develop. Im not vehemently against it but I have noticed this. Sometimes its a chore and other times its great! I warned a friend NOT to binge watch this show as itll burn you out. Because they have a lot of demon and ghost episodes. Once you know the rules you pretty much know how itll go. I stopped watching around season 9 during its first run. But then a couple passed and I found that the local library got in the new seasons. So I picked the show up again and couldnt be happier : ) I started watching season 3 (skipped the first two seasons as I watched those multiple times already) and watched up until the new seasons I hadnt seen yet! I broke my own suggestion and binged watch and was perfectly fine and happy : )

Then when the new seasons were released I watched those, and was up to date when season 13 and 14 first came out! Its one of the few shows I was a fan of during its first run. I recently began picking random episodes to watch where I forgot some of the events. Even did a short run where I watched all the episodes that Jody and Donna were in along with the girls that Jody adopts. I realized that Jodys arm gets broken a lot xD the writers didnt want her gone!!! I enjoy the show still. I liked that certain characters came back and even the arcs that progressed (Mr. Ketch eventually becoming a good guy was awesome!)

I just love and enjoy this show. I think the final episode was heartfelt as it catches you off guard but really gives finality to the brothers.

I began watching The Winchesters and got several episodes in but then stopped :/ maybe I'll change my mind on it too and tune back in ; )


I think you nailed it with this comment & your other one. When a show "overstays its welcome", it can & does get repetitive. Especially with 20+ episode seasons.

Great example with The X Files as well. After a couple of seasons in, I stopped caring about the aliens plot & Mulder finding his sister thing

I genuinely got excited for episodes with just Mulder & Scully investigating something weird.

Same with Supernatural. It went on for so long that the seasons & storylines get repetitive. That's I enjoy episodes where it's just Sam & Dean working a case.

Case of the week episodes give you something new & fresh to enjoy.


Writing on the Slasher homage episode, I recently rewatched that one and guess what? Nobody in that episode dies, not anyone! really turned slasher genre on its head : ) with that bit of a twist. Just the excitement of Dean talking to that fellow film geek in the hospital was fun and them solving the case was enough. Giant plus that the mannequin coming to life through ghost possession was much more exciting with the subject material of what the mannequin represented.

Its funny that the shows make this melodrama, but sometimes its the monster of the week episodes that keep you tuned in and not the overarching lore they are building xD

I watched all of the X-Files and still dont remember what exactly happened to his sister. But the good monsters they investigate never forgot my favorites : ) absolute classic is the worm man!

We are blessed that Supernatural has well over 300 episodes with so many monster of the week episodes : )

But I dont mind the story arch either : )

and when you wrote "my other comment about a show overstaying its welcome" are you reffering to my comment about Alice in Borderland? I was surprised to discover Netflix is making another season! I have no idea where they will go with it now. Was such a great ending, but I will tune in to see! Gotta keep the hope alive


For you X Files lovers..

The show is based around a mixture of The Invaders and Kolchak. Most are Familiar with Kohlchak being the monster of the week inspiration. The Invaders is basically where the Alien Arc storyline comes from. Roy Thinnes plays David Vincent whom is one of TVs greatest protagonists of all time. Kind of a Timothy Dalton type mixed with the serious side of Fox Mulder. The show ran for 2 seasons back in the late 60s and each episode is self contained so you dont have to binge watch. Great show and to this day one of my top favorites. Huge show in France. They use to play episodes in the movie theatres there. No comedy as its played very straight and serious. Also no filler really and the drama is kept in check. No Scully though.. that was what Chris Carter basically brought to the idea. Not sure where he got that from.. Silence of the Lambs has always been my suspicion due to the similarities between Scully and Starling in terms of personality but IDK.

You guys might know about this stuff already though. If not heres a little montage someone put together about the Invaders on youtube. Theres a couple episodes on their but I would say to start with the Pilot episode which is very good. After that the order doesnt really matter much.

Both Darren McGavin (Kolchak) and Roy Thinnes (David Vincent) did guest appearances on the X Files. Some of The Episodes and plot points of The Invaders are basically blatant ripoffs of the Invaders but it all work anyways due to the quality of the acting and Carters style. He always stayed respectful to the source material.

Some of the Kolchak crew were involved in Supernatural early on as well if Im remembering correctly. Dan Curtis maybe.. not sure. Invaders was Quinn Martin whom was a juggernaut in TV with success with The Fugitive along with many others.


Thank you for letting us know this information. I had heard of Kolchak but never watched it, and I never heard of Invaders! X-Files certainly had its own style. I even liked Beyond Belief Fact or Fiction and was surprised to see familiar names in the credits to the X-Files showrunners!

As a complete tangent, what does your username mean?


Sheesh thats a long story. Im what I guess would be called a truther anti Occultist. Basically have spent 30+ years off and on trying to warn people about the Occult and their plans to destroy humanity. As Below So Above has to do with 2025 and Externalization of the Hierarchy which is basically the "rulers" of our world stage for 2025 in this agenda. Comes from the Occult writings of Alice Bailey which is basically a Prophet for the Occult and their "god" Lucifer/Satan. The Occult is obsessed with inversion. As Above So Below is an Occult belief so I inverted it right back at them to As Below So Above. Basically its about exposing their BS and trying to get the word out to those still deceived. They only want to "externalize" enough for further control and I say fine... lets "externalize" ALL OF IT so people can know what they are dealing with.

This isnt really my normal hangout I just am a film lover and came here to discuss film and TV (although thats Occult as well). Of course I have been somewhat pulled into some of these political discussions because people are still under the impression that left vs right even matters in the overall. People not taking things well but Ive had that basically every time I have decided to get active again. Programming is extremely strong in people regardless of whether they are "Left" or "Right". Internet sure is vicious.. even on a film forum... sheesh.

Anyways yes check out Invaders. David Vincent is a better character than Fox Mulder although I like that character as well. Maybe think of it as Timothy Dalton playing Fox Mulder. Very serious and straight approach. Most people LOVE the Invaders once exposed. Kolchak is a classic but has a good bit of Comedy involved. Its more like Supernatural in tone. Both are classics and have had HUGE influences on both TV and Cinema.


Thank you for answering my question, I am a Christian and was a bit worried when I saw your username. But that is an interesting inversion. Theres definitely things going on in the world. I believe if you connect it far enough along the chain it'll end up being ties to the devil. Whether people are doing evil in ignorance or are outright followers of the devil, something is going on. I've had people block me or call me bonkers from some earlier posts I made on this site. Ive gotten to where I mainly post film analysis or join in discussion, When I get into it with trolls I end up just no longer continuing conversation because some people have to be RIGHT as they see it and no amount of arguing will change minds. So yes its good to just stick to love of film and let the other discussions go on without me xD So I do understand.

You probably understand where my username comes from but I can type it out as its much less complicated. I just agree that a scanner does not see us clearly, a scanner sees darkly. And I had recently watched A Scanner Darkly just before finding this site. Philip K Dick is a fascinating man and contributed very much to sci fi. The movie also helped me on a personal level not just the lingering thoughts Ive had and spark of ideas from it. Know how some shows or movies stick with you a long time and makes you think? Even had that happen when I've only seen a movie once!

I'll see if I can find Kolchak and Invaders as your description of both has me wanting to see them. Thanks again!


Oh it definitely connect to Satan LOL. Yes I am a follower of Jesus Christ. "Christian" has a lot of different meanings these days but I accept the label as long as its Jesus Christ and not the Occult's Lucifer Christ which is basically what they are doing.

Yes Philip Dick is an interesting guy. Not sure if he was Occult or not actually. Might want to revisit Minority Report again. Thats our future with a good dose of Bladerunner thrown in.

The Technology all exists now but its not reported on

Aladdin Super computer and Julian Software is basically A.I. or Precoggs for precrime. Thats all coming SOON.

Optogenetics/Chemogenetics is the modern tech for being "Haloed". Spielberg likes to leak a lot of their Agenda. Also the source of that Agenda which you can find in Crystal Skull which goes VERY deep into Illuminati based Occult Theology. Theres A LOT in that film thats hidden in plain sight. 13 Deities in the Throne room at the end of that film each symbolize one of the ancient bloodlines. When these guys like Lucas and Speilberg explain the plots of their films thaty often blatantly Lie. Carpenter does as well. "They Live" is about the Illuminati. Piper leaked that once before his death. Carpenter still denies but its right in the source material Carpenter took it from.

Yes Nice Talking. Maybe revisit "Body Snatchers" from around 93/94. Thats forgotten. Very underrated version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and heavy into that Chris Carter X-Files style.

Supernatural kind of a mish mash of a bunch of things. The Acting and chemistry from the main characters hold it all together. Theres some good performances in the show. Some of the rituals they do are real. Many researchers have the opinion that its purpose was to indoctrinate the youth with Satanism and the Occult similar to Star Wars or Lord of the Rings with Wicca. Its likely true. Programming minds only works when people cant detect it though. Music is the same.


I've discussed They Live with other posters here as well, such a good film. Roddy "Rowdy" Piper said once in an interview that its based on a true story. People misunderstood what he said, or maybe he was joking but said it very straight faced. Maybe thats what he was talking about? It is based on a short comic, called "Eight-o-clock in the morning". My favorite Carpenter film is The Thing. But They Live is in my top ten Im sure.

I never saw it, but many see Eyes Wide Shut as outright exposing these elites occult parties and allegiance to darkness.

When I watched Mr. Robot, the main character said he still loves chess because all your actions and opponents actions determine the game. Theres no invisible hand playing a part. I understood exactly what he meant. I sometimes see things that seem hidden or have darker meanings. The music thing is disturbing. Even a film analyzer named Rob Ager on youtube spoke about how some music concerts seem to have purposeful hidden darker subtext to them and that these graphics shown or choreography seem to convey a message not relating to the song at all. Disturbing and weird. Also some songs have hidden garbled messages within them. Made me not want to listen to many pop songs because all those mixed beats can hide things.


Theres an interview out there with Piper and Shaun Stone where he puts it right out there that its Illuminati in the film. Thats one I can think of offhand. I know all carpenters cover stories. Reaganomics etc. Thats part of it sure but Reagan was Illuminati as well. The Red and Blue used throughout the film also has meaning. Red/Blue are Rockefellers colors they use as a marker. Pepsi.. STP.. Basically America as a whole is all Rockefeller territory although there is some crossover. Rockefeller is top 3 bloodlines in the Occult along with Rothschild and Van Duyn. Rothschilds a #1 though.

Kubricks films are loaded yes. Kubrick was also part of the Occult. He made that deal before the 2001 space odyssey timeframe. Yes Illuminati runs throughout basically all of Kubrick films. Clockwork orange has a lot of programming in it.

Music is one of the three elements of spellcasting,sourcery. Sexual acts and "potions" are the other two. Sex, Drugs, and Rock n Roll has that meaning hidden in plain site which is what the Occult does. People just cant see it because they are programmed with alternative meanings. The "Peace" symbol is the easy example. Its Satanic. Upsidown cross with broken arms etc. Signifies the destruction of Jesus Christ while masking it with "Peace" which is an old Illuminati trick.. inversion.

Didnt see Mr. Robot but chess opens up a can of worms. Its an occult based game. If you see the black/white checkerboard in film its a marker of the Freemasons which are Luciferian Satanists. Ill see if I still have my breakdown of Chess somewhere and its hidden meanings.


OK Here.. Chess

King represents Satan. Queen represents ISHTAR, Queen of Heaven, Bishops represent the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, Knights are the Knights Templar, and the Rooks are the Freemasons. The Black and White checkered represents dualism and the Yin/Yang environment needed for Balance in order for goals to be achieved., nor the choice of White and Black pieces represent the Satanic "Black Hat" side. White represent the Luciferian Deceptive "White Hat" side. Both sides are Satanic. With the same goals and same agenda.

To people like me its just a game. To them it represents much more. I suspect this was why the Illuminati went so hard after Bobby Fischer the way they did. They truly hated Bobby and felt threatened by him. They dont coordinate at that level unless there is a threat. Its happened before with others in the past that exposed the Occult on that level. Bobby had a following so I believe that was what they were afraid of.


The season they introduced the Leviathans. Kinda went downhill from there for me.


Honestly, was NOT a fan that season when it originally aired but looking back, that was a way better season than the stuff we got after.

At least it was them doing something new. Instead of the usual Angels & Demons shtick.

I legit look back fondly on the leviathan season now.


Of course, because you have 8 seasons after that to frown upon. :)


I still have trouble watching S8. Particularly Sam went wired and just went off with Amelia, didn't look for Dean, which was so off the grid for him. But there were also some amazing parts, like the angels falling. I wasn't happy with Jeremy Carver after him virtually destroying Sam. All he said after backing up his theories were oh, we wanted to take Sam in a different direction, yeah right.

The Leviathan's were crap. The worst monsters of the whole series. The CGI was terrible, and Sera's attempts at being a show runner, were far from perfect.


The main thing I disliked about season 7 was how they handled the fallout of what Castiel did in season 6.

And in season 8, I hated that they not only made Sam abandon Dean but also Kevin.

At leat Dean can handle himself. Dude's a badass but Sam should've looked for Kevin.

Not a fan of Amelia either but I liked the stuff with Purgatory & Benny the Vampire


It's funny, but I've read so many fans over the years say they liked Benny. I'm not so sure.
Yes, Yes, Yes Sam should have looked for Dean, and he should have looked after Kevin which went unnoticed.
That's mainly why S8 felt so out of character for Sam. It's not the point, they have a pact to always look for one another, as many fans would say it was canon, it was written.


After season 5, the only thing that really kept the show going was the buddy dynamic between the guys and just how much it was important showed when Crowley died. I mean, it was still a fun show, but it got lost storywise.


I hated Crowley's death & how it was handled. The whole thing was anticlimactic af


