Still Feeling VERY CONFUSED after watching the SEASON 4 FINALE.

How about you???

Whenever the PEARL is turned into DUST is that the END of a character forever? We first saw that happen to HECTOR (Maeve's former lover who use to ROB the SAFE in the SALOON where she worked).

Then Last night we saw HALE open up her FACE, remove her own PEARL, and turn it into DUST.

But IF the CONSCIOUSNESS is stored elsewhere, can't it also be LOADED to another PEARL (like the way we saw BERN doing when he transfers the CONSCIOUSNESS of MAEVE after she'd been DEAD for 23 years and her control unit was damaged)???

And wasn't the PEARL of HOST William also turned into DUST as well last night??? How can that be the case when we also saw EMILY (William's DEAD DAUGHTER) giving him a FIDELITY TEST in the CLOSING CREDITS of a past Season???

Whatever the case may be, CHRISTINA exists from the TOWER WORLD and has now returned back to WESTWORLD again for one LAST LOOP???

And TEDDY and the ROOMMATE were simply ILLUSIONS that she made up inside of her mind??

So is WESTWORLD also going to be another ILLUSION, or will it be REAL??

And how can it be REAL if there's no HUMANS left alive to visit the place anymore???

Will it be a place that's only inhabited by HOSTS???

A place of BEAUTY like DOLORES was talking about back in S1???

If any HOSTS are still left alive to inhabit it, wouldn't they probably get BORED and cause still more CHAOS again?? At least that's what William warns us will happen (even if the HOSTS come from the SUBLIME).

And so here we are with several more months to wait before we'll get some answers to these kind of questions in SEASON 5???



WHAT season 5? You heard what she said? “Sentient life has ended on earth”. So what season 5 & what could it possibly be about? Only the hosts? Or the sublime? Bernard wanted to save us, he was one of the very few who wanted to. Ashley too, I gather. He failed, I knew that he told Maeve that there was no saving the world, but there was hope that something could survive in a small pocket somewhere & I thought that included us. Didn’t think he would’ve bothered proceeding if we were in fact doomed.

The sub story with “C” & her friend & any & all outliers was it total vain. Again listen to what Dolores said, no matter what happened they only had months, maybe a few years to live. Even if they had children it wouldn’t matter. It makes sense, after all how could they provide, how could they cope? Society has ended, agriculture, food, power, medicine, communications, clothing, transportation, the production of gas, etc. Plus all the rotting corpses in the street, buildings, etc & the diseases & plagues that would bring.

Let’s not say something stupid that they could live off the land, make, their own clothes, build fires, NO! Everything that they had was wrenched from them & it was the end, they could get by for a time but their time was up no matter what.

Once again if Bernard failed to do what he initially came back to do, why would he bother proceeding or making a alternate plan? He spent 30,000 plus years in the sublime running over ever possible simulation to try & save us. Why would he even come back & bother if it was all a wash? As far as he & his fellow hosts were concerned, no big plan needed. The hosts already had the sublime, those that were able to escape to it that is. Unless of course there was someway to send humans or their “souls” there, a sort of heaven for both species.

Dolores, even though she’s no longer homicidal didn’t give a sh!t about us perishing anyway. She certainly didn’t shed a tear us or express remorse that we all got killed. Was the Westworld at the end a projection? Another simulation? Is anyone there real or is it populated by those from the sublime? Theres no longer any of us, so what is there to see in a season 5? What’s it going to be about? Them only? That takes away the crux of what the series was all about. Doesn't make the least bit of sense to me but ok.

Ashley died, & I thought he was the coolest character so far this season. Bernard died, ditto, Maeve & she never got sent to the sublime to be with her daughter which was Bernards promise to her. Caleb dies eventually which sucks. William. Who cares about? Clementine? Was a total b!tch & I’m wondering if she was the way she was because William reprogrammed her once he killed her or did she get like that on her own? But they always made her out to be one of the worst in the other seasons too. No big loss there.

What a bummer of a ending.


Several reviews explain how the show can continue.

there is one potential route a fifth season could take.

A fifth (and almost certainly final) season of Westworld could explore the hosts’ attempts to build their own culture within the Sublime. And given the digital infrastructure’s near limitless applications and Dolores’s equally limitless imagination, it could be fun to see the show revisit old Westworld haunts as the hosts try to gain their footing.

Here's another quote:

“Sentient life on Earth has ended but some part of it might still be preserved in another world. My world,” Dolores concludes."


And since FRANKIE and her friend are still ALIVE, obviously SENTINENT LIFE still continues. And HOW could CHRISTINA KNOW this to be the case for sure when she only dealt with that one SMALL AREA of that ONE CITY???

What about the rest of the GLOBE???

Maybe there's lots of other POCKET areas where others have also survived like Frankie & her friend.

And since we also saw William's daughter EMILY giving him a FIDELITY TEST, how do we EXPLAIN that if he's DEAD???

That MAKES NO SENSE whatsoever.

So my guess would be EVERYTHING that we've seen ever since the ROBOT REBELLION and the DEATH of FORD has been a part of FORD's NEW NARRATIVE.

And just because we haven't seen a HUMAN make a SUCCESSFUL transition yet to being permanently inside of a HOST body, that doesn't mean at some point it won't happen.

If anything, Caleb shows us why it could happen (as long as one has reason enough to fight to stay alive).

Because each time that the process was renewed again, he also lasted longer and longer.

So maybe CALEB #280 could be the BREAK THROUGH that HUMANS need to SURVIVE???

And we also know there's PLENTY of HUMAN CODE that was STORED in those MEMORY BANKS they could use to TRANSFER into HOST BODIES.

And what about all of those OTHER BODIES that were STORED by SERAC???

As far as we know they were NEVER DESTROYED.


And William also didn't even know about them.

So there's at least a couple of different ways that the show can continue:

1. Enough OTHER HUMANS may still exist elsewhere throughout the GLOBE.
2. HUMANS can have their consciousness transferred into HOST BODIES.
3. ENOUGH Other HUMANS may also still exist in COLD STORAGE who can contribute to the restoration of the HUMAN RACE.

OR ...

4. "Explore the hosts’ attempts to build their own culture"


The world is dead, there was only that city. Global warming, hosts killing all humans - Williams hinted at this, whatever happened the globe is empty.

They said that the outliers will die in a matter of months or mostly years - probably lack of resources/food outside the city - I think they said something about they often went into the city to bring resources. Plus we don't know how many they are left, maybe it's just Jackie and her GF ... lesbians cannot reproduce so yeah, extinction.

Oh, and it's VERY annoying how you CAPITALIZE random words ...


I'm pretty sure that wasn't the only city. When Hale talked about shutting things down she used the plural word "cities". Also, there were still lots of people still alive. When the two hosts (man & woman) are trying to navigate and survive at the beginning of the season finale, he is hunting them and she says something to the effect that hunting all the humans would be impossible because there are millions.


I think she was referring to the real city and the virtual city.

Also the humans would not have enough resources to survive, I think the city is sustained by the "white" hosts (basic machines).

"Also speaking to Deadline, Evan Rachel Wood added, “Sentient life on Earth has ended...but some part of it might be preserved…in my world.”

If there were more cities the there would had been more towers and Hale could had run to any of those. There would had been NO reason for her to focus on NY.


Even before the Episode starts, we also hear BERN saying there's NO WAY to save this WORLD, but we CAN SAVE one TINY PART of it.

You're right atomicx about how HALE's CITY isn't the ONLY CITY. Because IF that were the case, then HOST WILLIAM wouldn't have needed to MURDER the VP with the GOLF CLUB (while CLEMENTINE kills the SECRET SERVICE DUDES), or turn the SENATOR and his WIFE into HOSTS, or kill any of the other POLITICIANS and replace them with HOST bodies so that they could approve of the opening of the GOLDEN AGE PARK. Plus the other BUSINESSMAN who owned HOOVER DAMN was also attacked with the FLIES.

If there were more cities the there would had been more towers and Hale could had run to any of those.

And each one of these scenes also indicates there are OTHER CITIES besides just the one that HALE inhabits. Because the VP was also the VICE PRESIDENT of the US which contains MANY CITIES. And IF other CITIES also had TOWERS, then there'd also be no reason to deal with these other characters (the VP, the SENATOR and his WIFE, the BUSINESSMAN who owned the DAMN, etc.) on an individual basis.

When the two hosts (man & woman) are trying to navigate and survive at the beginning of the season finale, he is hunting them and she says something to the effect that hunting all the humans would be impossible because there are millions.

Then the man (REBUS from S1) and woman have a conversation where he brags about how what's happening is AWESOME, and he says the 2 of them can "take these Fkers," to which the woman replies saying "one or two of them, sure, but there's MILLIONS of them."

So the "Millions of them" reference would most likely also be to the HUMANS who are there inside of HALE's city. And they also talk about the possibility of it being a "NEW STORYLINE," that's happening ... to which REBUS says how impressed he is ... and how she has a SENSE of HUMOR ... IF it's HALE who's responsible for what's happening.

Then after bragging about how many "FLESH BAGS" he's murdered, he's hit in the back of the head with a HATCHET, and the woman is SHOT in the back as she tries to run away.



Agreed with everything you’ve just said.

This was laughably bad in terms of writing as it completely failed as a season finale to not only resolve the story of this season in a satisfying way but it also failed to set up an exciting fifth season.

The funniest part to me was when Christine/Dolores, walking about in the blue dress (‘member the blue dress? Ooh I member!’) and she says something like ‘The stakes have never been higher’

Erm…what? Sentient life on earth has just ended, I’d say the high stakes have been and gone. What are they going to do, have robots clean up all the dead bodies whilst Dolores runs some tests in her virtual Westworld?

I couldn’t be more disappointed with this finale (especially after an excellent episode last week) and any less excited for season 5 if it even happens.


Since we saw that scene this season where another different DOLORES was having a ROBOT REBELLION (as a form of ENTERTAINMENT for the HOSTS), my guess would be EVERYTHING that we've seen happening ever since the FIRST ROBOT REBELLION with Dolores began has probably been a part of FORD's NEW NARRATIVE.

Because IF the purpose of the GOLDEN AGE PARK was to ENTERTAIN the HOSTS (by letting them TORMENT the HUMANS the way they'd tormented them), then WHY would having a REBELLION that imitates what DOLORES did be amusing to them? What if someone built an AMUSEMENT PARK that was based upon the 911 situation where people went to watch others dive off of the TWIN TOWERS??? Or what if there was a PARK where someone creates an IMITATION of what took place at the CAPITAL on JAN the 6th???

How many people would find that AMUSING enough to want to visit the place???

And didn't MOST of the HOST also get KILLED or DESTROYED during that FIRST REBELLION???

This is what makes me suspect that EVERYTHING we've seen ever since the scene on the beach where DOLORES dies in the arms of TEDDY has been a part of FORD's NEW NARRATIVE.

Which means the "LAST GAME" with DOLORES back in WESTWORLD again may also lead us right back to the RESURRECTION of FORD again (who may also have never really died)???

Because maybe he also FAKED his own death as a way to retain OWNERSHIP or CONTROL of the PARK???

So maybe all of this other stuff about WILLIAM and JAMES DELOS taking it over may also be another NARRATIVE STORY that never really took place???

Because maybe they're also only characters that FORD created??

The first time that we saw "OLD BILL" I also thought that he was supposed to be a more PRIMITIVE version of WILLIAM (like FORD also created the YOUNGER BOY version of himself).

So maybe SEASON 5 ends with the REVELATION that FORD's the LAST HUMAN BEING who was left alive???

Because maybe the PARK was really just FULL of HOSTS (who were PROGRAMMED to THINK they were HUMAN) who were actually visiting other HOSTS???

So perhaps the progression is from:

- to HOST TORMENTING HUMANS (who were also really HOSTS),
- and finally to the REVELATION that HOSTS were actually TORMENTING other HOSTS the entire time???

That would also explain how HUMANS like "PETER the STALKER" were able to have SUICIDE LOOPS.

And Remember how STUBBS also kept trying to KILL himself when he had NO PURPOSE? That's also a way to give him a PURPOSE ... is to have him think other HOSTS (like BERN) were really HUMAN.



"WHAT season 5? You heard what she said? “Sentient life has ended on earth”. So what season 5 & what could it possibly be about? Or the sublime?"

Correct, only the sublime. There's one last simulation run by Dolores in the sublime and that will decide the outcome. But not for humans. Humans are basically extinct ...

Halores and Dolores realized that the hosts are the image of their creator and so unworthy to survive. BUT they have only one chance - based on what will happen in S5 in the sublime. I hope they all fucking die :D

And btw, can the hosts be called "life"???

And I agree, since in S05 there will be ONLY in the sublime and no humans involved why would the viewer even care???

Even if Dolores recreates MIB, Jackie, Caleb in the Sublime ... what's the point???

Are there any other humans btw??? I just realized than these are the only 3 humans in Westworld that are important (and Jackie was kinda shoehorned in, she's not a great character or anything ...

The whole Westworld was about a shitload of hosts and humanity was basically represented by the most evil individual: MIB. LOL.


if Bernard failed to do what he initially came back to do, why would he bother proceeding or making a alternate plan?

Since the message that he leaves on the TABLET tells HALE to REACH to her LEFT (for the GUN that Bern must have PLANTED there for her to use), perhaps Bern did SUCCEED in doing what he had planned.

And maybe KILLING WILLIAM's HOST is the reason why he didn't FAIL??? Because once you GET RID of WILLIAM and his HOST, then maybe most of the other problems that he faced can get fixed??? Or at least become much easier one's for him to be able to manage??

And maybe getting rid of HALE was also a part of BERN's PLAN???

So with the DEATHS of WILLIAM, his HOST, and HALE and her HOST body, what's left to stand in the way of whatever it is that BERN wants to accomplish???

Here's still another review where it claims the reason why WESTWORLD was created was "to give humanity a second chance at survival:"

The end of the episode shows Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) entering The Sublime (a world created exclusively for hosts to live away from humans) and recreating the entirety of the original Westworld theme park, where she plans to give humanity a second chance at survival. Although this scene hints at the possible resurrection of every character we've seen killed off (each one being recreated as a host within The Sublime), the bleak and somewhat convoluted nature of this ending seems to have polarized many fans online.

One of the most important implications from this finale is the possibility that everything we've seen up to this point is in fact part of one big loop — that this has all happened before, and Dolores (or another host) has simulated these events over and over again in order to give humanity a chance at survival. Indeed, Dolores' last line of the episode is "Maybe this time we'll set ourselves free," which could imply that there have been other simulations in the past. Some fans were extremely receptive to this potential twist and theorized that this could be a series finale that simply sets up the start of Season 1.

Who does she mean when she talks about "SETTING themselves FREE???"

Free from FORD??? From James Delos?? William??? Humanity in General??? Someone or something else???

Does "SETTING up the start of S1" mean we're going to see the YOUNGER version of WILLIAM arrive with LOGAN again on the WHITE TRAIN??? Only this time she won't be as receptive to him if he picks up the rolling can of MILK???

And IF she's also AWARE of what she's doing this time, WHY would she even want to do the same kind of LOOPS again???

QUOTES from Another article:

what Christina says at the end of the episode: "Sentient life on Earth has ended" -- hosts and humans left on Earth are goners, she adds -- "but some part of it might still be preserved. In another world. My world. There's time for one last game, a dangerous game, with the highest of stakes. Survival or extinction. This game ends where it began, in a world like a maze, that tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become .... Maybe this time, we'll set ourselves free."

talking about humans, Teddy adds, "They're not like us. Their codes are written in their cells, they'll never change." Christina replies, "We could still see." Teddy asks how, and she says, "One final test," a dangerous game of her own making.

Could Christina/Dolores now be designing a test for humans? A maze for them to navigate?

Bernard's message: "This world holds no more hope for us, but there's still hope for the next world. A test, run by her, if she chooses to. If you choose to give her that choice. You can't miss, reach with your left hand."

Chalores, out of bullets and backed into a corner, reaches and finds a gun -- one that the future-seeing Bernard left there for her. She uses it to shoot William. "I choose to give her the chance," Chalores says. "


Thus the PLAN that BERN had appears to have been completed (to get rid of WILLIAM, his HOST, HALE, and let DOLORES/CHRISTINA proceed with her plans for creating what she calls another "MAZE-like NEW WORLD)."


"This game ends where it began, in a WORLD LIKE A MAZE, that tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become ..."


Clementine? Was a total b!tch & I’m wondering if she was the way she was because William reprogrammed her once he killed her or did she get like that on her own?

There's a VERY BRIEF scene where we see CLEM coming home to a place where it looks like she was VERY HAPPY and CONTENT (like Maeve was living in the cabin with her daughter) before William's HOST shows up and KILLS HER.

So what probably happens is she's turned into the same kind of MINDLESS ASSISTANT or PUPPET that we saw William's HOST turning the other guy into (back at the start of S1) ... when he kills the other men who worked with him before killing himself under William's orders (and after he's attacked by the FLIES). Because that guy who kills himself (after killing the other guys who worked with him) also OWNED the HOOVER DAMN and refused to sell it to William.

So YES, CLEM got to be that way because William reprogrammed her (the same way as we also saw DOLORES reprogram TEDDY when she changed his NARRATIVE into his being more of an evil WYATT type character).

But TEDDY also resisted that change that she'd made to him by KILLING HIMSELF.

So apparently there must also be a way to RESIST being the PUPPET of someone???

But BERN also didn't seem to be able to RESIST the command that FORD gave him to KILL his former LOVER THERESA.


So maybe "THE TEST" that Dolores/Christina is talking about giving others in her "MAZE-LIKE WORLD" has something to do with being able to RESIST the unreasonable commands that one is given to do something immoral???

"Sentient life on Earth has ended" ...

-- "but some part of it might still be preserved.

In another world. My world.

There's time for one last game, a dangerous game, with the highest of stakes.

Survival or extinction.

This game ends where it began, in "a WORLD like a MAZE," that "TESTS" who we are.

That reveals what we are to become ....

Maybe this time, we'll set ourselves free."

talking about humans, Teddy adds, "They're not like us. Their codes are written in their cells, they'll never change."

Christina replies, "We could still see."

Teddy asks how, and

she says, "One final test," a dangerous game



My favorite parts were all the shots of Tessa Thompson's ass. And the low cut dress on Clementine.


If she and the rest of the HOST had made the TRANSITION into wearing those NEW SUITS (where they'd be "MORE EVOLVED" as she puts it), there wouldn't have been very much left to look at.




Something tells me you wouldn't be able to PASS the TEST that DOLORES plans on giving to others next season inside of what she calls her "MAZE LIKE WORLD."

Because the reason why CALEB "Passed His TEST" was due to the way that he PROTECTED DOLORES (and the other girls that she was with) from being RAPED ... by the other soldiers that Caleb was with ... who were there inside of WESTWORLD at that time for their MILITARY TRAINING.

In other words, if DOLORES were to come to your ROUND ROOM to give you your FIDELITY TEST, and you began talking about the BODY PARTS of other FEMALES, my guess is she'd probably also HIT the BURN BUTTON once she EXITS from the ROOM.





even the obvious eludes you and you still keep spewing bullshit ...




Yeah bro. I see you are a man of culture as well.

Those were the highlights of the season 4 for me as well ;)


I see you are a man of culture as well.

On the contrary ...

DOLORES would probably see the situation quite differently ...

would immediately recognize that you had NO MANNERS at all ...

then throw you into some kind of a RECYCLE BIN ...

and would definitely never even WASTE her time coming to a ROUND ROOM to give you your FIDELITY TEST.




damn man, chill, and stop with that BULLSHIT!!



💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩


Damn, I wanted to see if anyone posted something interesting about the last episode and I was afraid I will find your bullshit posts.

I was right :(








What I believe:

Host-Hale is gone forever -- she crushed her pearl in order to end herself on her own terms

Dolores-Prime is gone forever -- she died while connected to Rehoboam, leaving Hale as her most powerful and ambitious "backup copy"

Host-Emily was testing a Host-William made from hat-brain-scans, not This-Season's-Host-William's pearl.

I think we only confuse ourselves with notions of "consciousness." In my view, a pearl is a collection of memories, nothing more. When it's jacked into something, it becomes the equivalent of "conscious" for all intents and purposes.

But I don't think the show supports the notion of "consciousness" as a "thing," transferrable from body to body. What we see as consciousness in hosts is just an emergent property of a pearl working with a CPU.

Heck, I'm no computer scientist, but I believe the same is true of the Turing Test. It doesn't DEFINE true artificial intelligence so much as set up a useful rule of thumb. I.e., if a machine passes the Turing Test, we might as well treat it as "alive and conscious," since we can never know for sure.

Bottom line: Maeve's consciousness isn't transferred or transferrable. It just results when her pearl is hooked up to a processor.

I think Dolores proved this herself. By copying herself into Hale, she "created" a new person, one whose developing love for Hale's family led her in a very different direction from Dolores Prime's master plan, and very very quickly at that.

Adds a lot to the nature vs. nurture debate, at least.



Thanks for your wonderful reply which is also appreciated very much !!!

YOU say:

Bottom line: Maeve's consciousness isn't transferred or transferrable. It just results when her pearl is hooked up to a processor.

Check out what the TRANSCRIPTS say:

FRANKIE (aka: C)- What are you doing?
BERN: - Reformatting its processor.
It can handle large amounts
of information swiftly,
which will help us speed up
Maeve's data transfer.

That's Maeve's mind.
FRANKIE/C: How long is this going to take?
BERN: Too long, I'm afraid.[/quote]

Read more:


6 "Fidelity"

"Bernard and Frankie repair Maeve's body while "TRANSFERRING her DATA" to a newer host control module."

Ok. So IF her consciousness "isn't transferred or transferrable,' then WHY has it been EXPLAINED to us by BERN telling Franke (aka: the C character) that this is precisely what's happening???

This show can sure be VERY CONFUSING sometimes. Can't it???


You also said:

Host-Hale is gone forever -- she crushed her pearl in order to end herself on her own terms

The problem here is IF DOLORES/CHRISTINA has created another COPY of WESTWORLD again, then she's also going to NEED CHARLOTTE HALE (who was also SENT there by DELOS as a way to TRANSFER OWNERSHIP of the DATA in the PARK from FORD over to DELOS.

First they sent THERESA who was KILLED by FORD controlling BERN. And then they sent CHARLOTTE HALE to replace her once the body was found and it was FALSELY assumed Therea has fallen to her death.

So if it's a SIMULATION, then WHY would another different character need to replace HALE in this other WESTWORLD???

Dolores-Prime is gone forever -- she died while connected to Rehoboam, leaving Hale as her most powerful and ambitious "backup copy"

SAME QUESTION. WHY does another different character need to replace DOLORES in this other WESTWORLD??? But also NOTE the way the character in the PALE BLUE DRESS also has the same DARKER COLORED HAIR as CHRISTINA has (instead of being a BLOND like DOLORES).


Host-Emily was testing a Host-William made from hat-brain-scans, not This-Season's-Host-William's pearl.

If the OBJECT is to turn a HUMAN into a HOST, then WHY would a HOST need to TEST another HOST??? Shouldn't that JOB also be something that a HUMAN should do??? Otherwise, HOST would also be chosen to destroy other HOST.

I think we only confuse ourselves with notions of "consciousness." In my view, a pearl is a collection of memories, nothing more. When it's jacked into something, it becomes the equivalent of "conscious" for all intents and purposes.

But isn't "a collection of MEMORIES" also what makes us CONSCIOUS???

Remember how MAEVE and DOLORES kept STARING at themselves in the MIRROR (as MAEVE also had a FLOOD of MEMORIES come RUSHING back to her)???

And what about "The REVERIES" that FORD used that also enabled this process to happen???


But I don't think the show supports the notion of "consciousness" as a "thing," transferrable from body to body. What we see as consciousness in hosts is just an emergent property of a pearl working with a CPU.

From what we've been led to believe, the MAZE was also a TOOL that was used as a way to bring the HOST to a level of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Remember how we see DOLORES sitting in a chair talking to ARNOLD or BERN, and then his IMAGE changes into HER IMAGE as a way to indicate she's become AWARE or CONSCIOUS of herself at that point???

Here's the TRANSCRIPT from that EPISODE ( s01e10) which is called

Read more:

1 (theme music playing) (piano music playing)

Dolores: I'm in a dream.
I do not know when it began or whose dream it was.
I know only that I slept a long time.
And then one day I awoke.
Your voice is the first thing I remember.
And now, I finally understand what you were trying to tell me.
The thing you've wanted since that very first day.

Arnold: Dolores? (gears whirring) Hello, Dolores.
Welcome to world.


In other words, she was "SLEEPING," and then she "AWOKE" to "BEING CONSCIOUS" of being located inside of another ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORLD than the other one that she assumed she inhabited.

If you're familiar with PLATO's CAVE, then still another way of putting it is she STOPS watching the SHADOW SHOW inside of the CAVE, and EXITS from it out into the REAL WORLD.
