MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > Your favorite line/part in the movie

Your favorite line/part in the movie

My favorite line is when Sophie (Drew Barrymore) says, "That's wonderfully sensitive, Alex. Especially from a man who wears such tight pants." And Alex (Hugh Grant) replies, "It forces all the blood to my heart."

And my favorite part is Cora's Budda's Delight music video.



I love one of the lines just before that where Alex says, "I have amazing insight. I'd use it on myself, only I don't have any problems"
Also love one of the lines just after, where Sophie is saying that Alex was amazing, and his reply is "So were you, the few syllables you let out were absolutely devastating"


Cora: I wanna show you the roof. It's upstairs.


I love that line. XD

For months after seeing this movie, my housemates and I would walk around the house quoting this to each other.


All of the above (esp the devastating syllables) PLUS:

After she pricks her finger:
Hugh: Weird . . .
Brad: Don't give her a key.
Hugh: No.

Hailing the cab:
Hugh: Stop - she's going to have a baby!
Drew: Hey, what if that were true??

After they get together, the phone rings, he sits up and hits his head on the piano. A moment later you hear her hit her head and she lets out a groan and he says, "I have to go, I think she's up."

And many more!


Yeah, that last one is a gem. Great writing!


I liked "She thought the Dalai Lama really was a llama"


I love when they're having breakfast and Alex says "moribund".
Because at the point I said to the tv, "Moribund??"
And then Alex says, "Yes, moribund."
Ahh, that was a great moment. haha



buddha's delight music video ... or ... buddha's delight concert...
buddha's delight music video ... or ... buddha's delight concert...
buddha's delight music video ... or ... buddha's delight concert...

hard to choose just one.


When Alex responds to Sophie telling him that she's going to move to Florida to help her sister open the new Weight Now store, and "grow up." Alex says, "Nobody grows up in Florida,unless they're an orange!"


Favourite line comes from Rhonda: "when he said "im going to marry her anyway"



Sophie: [getting ready to sing] It's like my throat's closing up... like anaphylactic.
Alex: It's fine. It's just a three minute song.

Sophie: [singing really quietly]
Alex: Just a little bit louder because this song is intended for humans.

Alex: [singing] "I've been sleeping with a clown above my bed..." Clown is not right.
Sophie: That's 'CLOUD'. Why would you put a clown in your bed?
Alex: It would not be the first time.


the diner scene
'honestly i don't think a pop song is gna impress watshisname'
'oh no, of course not, cuz pop is just for morons, forgot that. brain dead, been taking too many drugs' XD love that

and also when she asks wat he wud do if smokey robinson called him a terrible song writer and he says he wouldnt then he goes
'Dylan might, Dylan would actually. In fact Dylan DID!'

*Song Byung Gu, the little Stork that could, bring home a gold for all us Protoss fans*


Alex: Just a little bit louder because this song is intended for humans.
That's my favorite! I was practically doubled over laughing after that.


There are so many hilarious lines in this movie! It seems that all of Hugh Grants' latest films are super-good because, being at the top of his game now, he's probably inundated with scripts and chooses the very best ones to do. I love his sense of humor, both on-screen and off.


'I'm giving up, my face is in the butter!'
Seriously leaves me in fits of laughter!


The spoof Pop video right at the beginning made me laugh a lot. Quite liked the song even!


I love that line! Everytime I think of it, it makes me smile.
