MovieChat Forums > Music and Lyrics (2007) Discussion > Your favorite line/part in the movie

Your favorite line/part in the movie

My favorite line is when Sophie (Drew Barrymore) says, "That's wonderfully sensitive, Alex. Especially from a man who wears such tight pants." And Alex (Hugh Grant) replies, "It forces all the blood to my heart."

And my favorite part is Cora's Budda's Delight music video.



Favorite line that always cracks me up is in the scene when Sophie tells Rhonda she met Alex. Then she continues to talk about it while her sister is basically frozen...

.."and he invited me to come see him perform tonight..."


The scene right after: "Barbara.. from Boston.. I do remember that Barbara.." LOL!

Favorite part is when Sophie is about to leave the concert, and Alex sings his song to her. It has horrible lyrics but they Work.. "Now I need you/despite the facts that you've killed all my plants.." Cheesy, corny and incredibly sweet.


"You didn't actually like that orgasm set to the Gandhi soundtrack, did you?"


Cora had the funniest lines the best of which:
"I wanna show you the roof. It's upstairs."

Also Alex Fletcher thinking a weight loss store would be the one place in the world where he could ask a woman how much she weighs. "I fluctuate." lol

Quit exhaling! You are contributing to global warming.
