MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Most people didn't catch this in the beg...

Most people didn't catch this in the beginning but..

With all of the posts I've seen saying he couldn't get HIV it through heterosexual contact (though the stats are severely low for heteros)so he must have been bisexual and that the only drugs he used in the movie was coke.

Notice when the doctor first questioned him, the first thing he asked was did he use intravenous drugs and did he engage in homosexual activities. The only question Ron addressed was the homosexual question, he never answered the IV drugs question, add that to the flashback with the chick in the motel he was banging who had needle marks on her arm and there's your answer. Rons family even acknowledged that he did heroin. That's how he most likely got it. Through heroin use.



Why has no one considered the fact that with all the prostitutes he had sex with, he could quite possibly have had one with a male that had a sex change or dressed in drag (like Rayon)?


Aside from the absurdity of it, the importance of speculating how some fictitious character in a movie caught a very real virus seems to be going too far.


It's unlikely to communicate HIV via shared needles as the virus won't live outside the body that long. It must be transferred from one body to another by entering the bloodstream almost immediately. The risk factor in male homosexuality is that anal intercourse causes bleeding with greater regularity.


Why is it so hard to believe that he got it from sex with the dope addict hooker? Magic Johnson got it and he never shot drugs or had gay sex.

My Vote history:


And you know that about Magic how?

I'll bet everything I own that is exactly how Magic Johnson contracted HIV. Sex with a man or IV drug use. How do I know that? Because that's how 99.9% of all HIV cases in America are contracted, no matter what the infected person will try to tell you.

"You didn't come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya?"


I know that America is the only country in the world as the media would lead you to believe, but Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 70 percent of the World's Population living with AIDS. Almost all of the transmission related to unprotected heterosexual sex. And, we don't give a rats about the disease anymore because it isn't happening to "us" except for that pesky Ebola virus, but who cares about about a bunch of savages. Right? No, make it comfortable. It was through heroin use. As long as you know it couldn't happen to YOU as you sit on your moral high horse and go to church. Bunch of hypocrites. That should be the legacy of this country. This dying country.


I'm not American and I don't give a *beep* about savages either, as long as it happens outside of my country's borders. I can't fathom why you would think there's anything wrong with that.


he never answered the IV drugs question

Yes he did.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


We don't know how he got it.

It could have been any of the 3 ways implied in the movie.


According to the Wikipedia article, his friends said he was either gay or bisexual. Of course, the movie is a fictionalized account but the homophobic angle is entirely plausible--then as now those shouting the loudest about the hated *beep* often have something to hide.


He was sleeping with lots of questionable women --- prostitutes, intravenous drug users and sweaty - not clean groupies. And he seemed to like his sex rough as portrayed in the movie which would increase the chances of tearing and blood. That is enough right there, without homosexuality or IV drug use, for him to contract the disease.


I think many people are confusing how the CHARACTER Ron got the virus and how the REAL person Ron did. In any case, it's implied in the movie the character thinks he got it from that woman, but he couldn't have been sure at all either. As for the real life person, it seems unlikely that he got it from a woman...

I don't know why some people seemed so mad at people saying it's way less likely for a man to get it from vaginal sex with a woman. It is indeed VERY unlikely.

Anyway, this thread needs actual data.
