MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Most people didn't catch this in the beg...

Most people didn't catch this in the beginning but..

With all of the posts I've seen saying he couldn't get HIV it through heterosexual contact (though the stats are severely low for heteros)so he must have been bisexual and that the only drugs he used in the movie was coke.

Notice when the doctor first questioned him, the first thing he asked was did he use intravenous drugs and did he engage in homosexual activities. The only question Ron addressed was the homosexual question, he never answered the IV drugs question, add that to the flashback with the chick in the motel he was banging who had needle marks on her arm and there's your answer. Rons family even acknowledged that he did heroin. That's how he most likely got it. Through heroin use.


Interesting! What about the girl at the beginning of the film at the rodeo?


Or he got it directly from the chick he was banging, because you CAN get it through hetero contact (I remember when dental dams were first introduced). It was such a short scene and I was kind of sleepy when I was watching it, but that's what I took away from it. That since he'd been told he had it he had been wracking his brain about how he could have gotten it, and then he flashed back to banging the chick with all the needle tracks. It was almost as if a lightbulb went on for him at that point. That's the way I took it, that he contracted it by banging an IV drug user (who likely shared needles and certainly banged anything that moved). There were a lot of scenes of him snorting coke but I don't remember any scenes of him shooting up (but he could have been mainlining in real life, I guess).


I thought he got it from an IV using hooker. I almost bypassed this film but since there was nothing else on that day, I needed something in the background and figured what the heck. Excellent story and so glad I actually paid attention to it.


I thought you were going to say the bull ramming the guy in the behind. A very obvious metaphor, easy to miss.

You are making the mistake of thinking you are more important than you actually are.


Those ladies were filthy.
